Prossh, the Combo Hungry [Primer]

Commander / EDH TheDracogenius

SCORE: 168 | 87 COMMENTS | 39775 VIEWS | IN 73 FOLDERS

Tristanraid says... #1

I enjoyed the look around your version. I can't convince myself to remove any cards to add one or two of yours. They both produce some great combos. These decks are more fun to play then I've had since 1994 when I started. Gave ya a plus 1. Tyvm for the comment.

January 28, 2016 12:37 a.m.

chexmixtoon says... #2

I like your build and I now need to decide if I am going to try to fit Ogre Battledriver, Smothering Abomination, and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar into my own deck.

You could replace Harmonize with one of the black draw spells i.e. Read the Bones. You draw one less card but can dig one deeper and it costs one less mana for a trade of two life.

I like Acidic Slime, Reclamation Sage, and Putrefy. I used to run the first two in my build but traded them out for Maelstrom Pulse, Abrupt Decay, and Song of the Dryads as these can target more things.

Terminate also a good card but you may want to look at Dismember, it can't kill the bigger threats but can take out an indestructible and if you're short on mana can cast it for less for the life trade.

February 6, 2016 11:15 a.m.

TheDracogenius says... #3

Thank you for your suggestions, chexmixtoon ! I already thought about including Painful Truths , and I will if I can get one. Maelstrom Pulse is another card I will add to the deck. Song of the Dryads is a card I took out in favor of Beast Within , but I might add it to the deck again. The only reason I still have Harmonize , Terminate and Putrefy in my deck is because I own the full art promo versions XD. But I will look into your recommendations and try them out.

February 6, 2016 11:40 a.m.

Some-Duck says... #4

Hello! Just a little tip on English writing, when using exclamation marks ("!") and question marks ("?") to end a sentence, you have to do it on the letter, do not put a space between the letter and exclamation mark/question mark. Example: Are you feeling well today? Not Are you feeling well today ?.

Sorry if you found this to be a little bit nit pickish but just something I thought I would help out with!

February 9, 2016 3:55 a.m.

TheDracogenius says... #5

Thank you! I actually noticed this myself, but I will cetainly fix it now !

February 9, 2016 4:01 a.m.

DasTree says... #6

Your deck is great and so are the explanations. Prossh is my favorite general ever. Card choices are great. Defiantly a +1 from me. I went the other rout with my Prossh build. A lot of the cards you run are the same ones I do. You can check it out here

February 12, 2016 1:59 p.m.

crowned says... #7

Great Thread and Deck List. The Info about your card choices and the meta you play in are very helpful. I have used your deck and comment as an Inspiration and already worked a bit on my Prossh decklist.

February 21, 2016 2:04 p.m.

Amarin1492 says... #8

You said that Joraga Treespeaker can produce 2 mana before leveling up. Joraga Treespeaker can't tap for 2 mana until she levels up at least once. In other words, she starts at level 0, and can't tap for mana until at least level 1.

February 27, 2016 2:25 a.m.

TheDracogenius says... #9

Thanks Amarin1492, I really wrote that a bit weird. I meant that you can use it on the next turn after the level up, so when you can tap her for the first time if you played her turn one. I will change that part to make it more clear.

February 27, 2016 2:36 a.m.

Tristanraid says... #10

Hi, I updated my Prossh deck since the last time we chatted. I ran into enchantment problems where I couldn't attack. I think keeping Goblin Sharpshooter in is a good idea. Incase it doesn't work though use Beastmaster Ascension + Stalking Vengeance. For more ideas just check out my deck. Please give it a +1 if you find it helpful. Thanks.

March 1, 2016 12:52 a.m.

AffinityJesus says... #11

Birthing Pod Prossh, get Avenger of Zendikar. Play Prossh, Pod the Avenger, get Craterhoof Behemoth and kill everyone. Also, Pod a 4 drop, Zealous Conscripts to untap the Pod, to sac another 4 drop (or Murderous Redcap twice) into Kiki for the win. Defense of the Heart is another easy way to cheat out your Kiki / Conscripts combo, especially used in conjunction with Forbidden Orchard. Also, Sarkhan Vol has to be the funnest/nastiest way to randomly feed a tough creature to Prossh (or Pod preferably) after exploiting it. He also allows you to randomly win by beefing/speeding your infinite kobolds. Lastly, Armed / Dangerous is a nice silver bullet to kill someone by forcing blockers on a Kobold before sac'ing it to Prossh for a kill. Just a few nasty tricks I've learned. Nice build though! +1

March 6, 2016 2:37 a.m.

Now that you mention it AffinityJesus, Pod seems really sweet for this deck, especially in the scenarios you mentioned. I had it on my original list and took it out for being to slow, but I never figured out that my combo pieces are technically also part of the Pod Chain. I will definatly try it out, thanks!

March 6, 2016 2:45 a.m.

AffinityJesus says... #13

No problem! It's a pretty satisfying feeling seeing my opponents reaction when I sac my commander for the first time to set off this chain.

March 6, 2016 3:02 a.m.

Tristanraid says... #14

I added Birthing Pod to mine after I saw that suggestion. Works great thanks AffinityJesus. Also because there's so much enchantment hate out there I added Black Market if you're low on mana and opponents remove Food Chain it comes in quite handy. That way when you sack ur tokens you have that much more mana every turn.

March 8, 2016 1:57 p.m.

Duffzord says... #15

first of all, +1 from me. I really like the deck idea!

My suggestions are obviously Kher Keep just for the sake of the lore and the token generation for Prossh and Hissing Quagmire as it may also serve as a sac outlet and deathtouch is always cool as well

March 11, 2016 8:20 p.m.

Thanks Duffzord!

I tried to reduced the amount of lands that enter the battlefield tapped, so I do not currently run the manland cycle. But since these are good lands I will test them in the deck when I get all three. Kher Keep was a part of the deck when I first built it, but I have never used it in a game. Since my deck has cards with pretty rough color requirements like Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Necropotence I am in favor of having lands that produce colored mana over minor utility. Flavor might be the strongest argument for this card.

March 12, 2016 6:20 a.m.

DasTree says... #17

I like the land base. the only way to upgrade would be to go to Taiga, Badlands, Bayou But that would be a pretty solid financial commitment. I am looking for them currently. Trying to trade so I don't have to buy out-right. I really like the deck and keep referring back to it.

March 12, 2016 2:52 p.m.

Great deckTheDracogenius and a awesome primer too. +1 from me.

If you want to make the deck even more deadly, I would suggest Berserk, Phyresis and Glistening Oil.

March 28, 2016 3:14 a.m.

Thank you Perfect_Phyrexia for your feedback!

How ironic that you suggest infect granting cards, I will definatly keep those in mind. Even though the cards you suggest are enchantments, I still think that Tainted Strike is the best one of them because you can use it on opponents creatures or as a combat trick, but only one time. I will certainly try these cards out though. As for Berserk, it would be in here, but I do not think that it is that much better than the others, so I saved a little money there. If I can ever trade for one, I will put it into my deck.

Phyresis will probably make it into the deck, the Glistening Oil most likely not because it slowly kills whatever I enchant it on, which is way worse than sending Prossh outright back to the command zone. I cannot believe I never thought of these cards!

March 28, 2016 4:13 a.m.

Phyresis is good for Prossh since it won't hurt him but also make him into a monster. I like Glistening Oil for it's Rancor like effect but I understand why you wouldn't want to use it when you also have Tainted Strike. Berserk is way too expensive for what it does in my opinion but its an oldie. Caustic Caterpillar could be cool too.

What are your thoughts on the new Mina and Denn, Wildborn? I've been brainstorming with how to build an edh deck for them for awhile and I think building a Mass Land Destruction deck with them seems pretty fun. You could blink lands you want to keep and always bring the others back with Life from the Loam or Crucible of Worlds. I think they could work here since they could give things trample in a pinch like Kessig Wolf Run or Skarrg, the Rage Pits.

Do you usually play with 4 player or more? If so I would definitely suggest cards like Burgeoning, Innocent Blood, Goblin Welder, Impending Disaster, Overwhelming Instinct, City of Solitude, Dosan the Falling Leaf, Merciless Executioner, Attrition, Chandra's Spitfire,Rupture, Wheel of Fortune, Blood Moon, Stranglehold, Ruination, Greater Good, Calming Verse, Creeping Corrosion, Damnation, and Living Death

March 28, 2016 2:16 p.m.

Thank you for these suggestions, Perfect_Phyrexia.

It really depends. I play as much 1 vs. 1 games as games in a group of four or three players, and my Metagame is as diverse as it gets. I will never face the same strategy twice as most players at my LGS are constantly building and trying out new decks. That's why I shy away from these types of cards, because they are usually only good against one type of deck. I have to face everything from Mizzix of the Izmagnus to Xenagos, God of Revels, so I chose a removal package that could awnser everything, rather than one type of card. I also tried to choose cards that work well in 1 vs. 1 and Multiplayer, because I play both and do not want to keep a sideboard ready. I think additional removal or hate is not what the deck needs, because it disrupts my own gameplan. If I really have to, I can awnser everything. With all the tutors, that's all I really need.

Burgeoning is very sweet, but since I usually keep hands with relatively low land counts it will set me ahead only one or two turns at most if I play it turn one, and in 1 vs. 1 it is not that great.

Attrition has the problem that it only works on nonblack creatures, which is a considerable downside, so I rather run cards like Grave Pact in its place.

Dosan the Falling Leaf is a great card, but again: In the wrong matchup it is just a dead card.

Innocent Blood and Merciless Executioner are great, but only against voltron strategies, which are not really that common at my LGS.

Damnation is really sweet, I am waiting for a reprint though before buying it ( Eternal Masters? ).

I really do not like to hate on lands, so cards like Ruination are out for me.

Wheel of Fortune is worth considering, but I really do not want to give my opponents the ability to disrupt me even more than usual with their new cards in hand.

Greater Good is powerful, but the only real targets for it in my deck are Prossh and Atarka, because most of my creatures are mana elves.

I really want to keep the deck very straight. I am the aggressor. I am the threat, not the reactor.

But I really appreciate your suggestions, a list of powerful hate cards is never bad if there should ever rise a threat in the playgroup.

As for Mina and Denn, Wildborn as commanders, I really think that the new The Gitrog Monster or Omnath, Locus of Rage would do a better job overall, but Mina and Denn are not to be underestimated. Their effect is very powerful and if you use it in the right way, like returning lands and then blowing everything up, they might be very powerful indeed.

March 28, 2016 3:25 p.m.

I wanted to try out the new toad monster too! he seems really fun but I would most likely just copy a bunch of cards from my glissa deck so it wouldn't be anything new. I understand what you mean by being the aggressor and by having utility in your removal to handle different kinds of threats. I play really reaction based and fight a ton of control so sometimes I forget that aggro decks like this want to go in. Grave Pact is my favorite card in the game so I've always had a soft spot for Innocent Blood effects. I've sometimes had 10+ people games so I value cards like Exsanguinate, Smallpox, Pox, and Death Cloud very highly, things that can cripple multiple players at once. I want to play the devil's advocate here and ask you what you believe the weakness of this deck is? If your group lets you sideboard then I have plenty of suggestions that could help compensate or counter these weaknesses. Your color trio has insane hate cards for almost every strategy in EDH so there are plenty of options.

I'm so excited for eternal masters, the innistrad cards weren't powerful enough for me.

I hope you didn't mind me sending a list, I just have a bunch of card knowledge so I like telling people about my favorites.

March 28, 2016 4:21 p.m.

I believe that it's greatest weakness lies not in the gameplay, but rather the political aspect. The deck is obviously strong, but not strong enought to fully play archenemy without the scheme cards. Prossh especially is known to be a one shot monster, so people are naturally afraid and will target me more often than other players.

I would also say that this deck has a problem with is the huge amount of creatures. Any deck that runs a decent amount of early boardwipes can essentially set me back several turns and shut my mana production down. I really like the synergy of all the utility guys with my sacrafice outlets, but if you know some cards that could do a better job than some of the creatures in my deck I would be happy to swith to the more resiliant version. Especially the mana elves fall into that category, but for fast ramp on turn one they are probably a necessary evil.

March 28, 2016 4:38 p.m.

Well first off this deck is terrifying and I'd probably get shredded by it without something like a Cursed Totem or Torpor Orb.

To deal with getting ganged up on I'd run something like Glacial Chasm. Stay safe till you are ready then sac it and go in. Black can also just overpower everyone with ridiculous drain spells like Bloodchief Ascension, Exsanguinate, Batterskull, Wurmcoil Engine, and Kokusho, the Evening Star. Punishing cards like the Mindslicer are always fun too.

Consistent and durable reanimation is one way to beat wipes. Phyrexian Reclamation, Oversold Cemetery, Oath of Ghouls, Mimic Vat, Whip of Erebos, Diabolic Servitude, Strands of Night, and Genesis. Living End, Yawgmoth's Will, Living Death, and Twilight's Call can all work too.

Another way is just protect your creatures with Darksteel Plate, Eldrazi Monument or Asceticism

March 28, 2016 5:17 p.m.

Anti Board wipes are mostly a blue and white thing and unfortunately, they are most likely the one casting Wrath of God.

March 28, 2016 5:20 p.m.

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