Prosshie Poo #koboldlivesdontmatter Primer
Commander / EDH
Can we swap playgroups / local metagames? Mine has formed the conclusion that if it's mine and it doesn't produce mana it needs to die. And anything that produces more than one mana
March 8, 2017 7:43 p.m.
Entrei the only reason I'm not at that point is because I choose to concentrate on a couple decks for both types, the rest are mostly fun and casual. Like Kazoo's Barrel-o'-Shreks and a couple others I have yet to post. My two best commanders are this one and a Yahenni deck I have yet to post, those aren't meant to be fun for opponents. I recommend lowering power, and see how they react.
March 8, 2017 7:54 p.m.
They are at the same general power lvl. Unfortunately seeing as the rest of them are using pretty much copy pasted T1 versions of their deck the only real edge I have is the fact that my deck is extremely unpredictable and difficult to combat
March 8, 2017 7:57 p.m.
Entrei unpredictability is a very good tool, but you do need synergy. My deck is scattered in power, but it's even. I can work with any hand, really. Do you have your decks posted?
March 8, 2017 8:05 p.m.
Yeah, the deck I'm talking about is
Politics Schmolitics
Commander / EDH*
And by unpredictable, I don't mean inconsistent, I mean literally nobody but me can tell when I'm about to go off
March 8, 2017 8:12 p.m.
Entrei I apply constant pressure with variable bursts. Spice it up bb
March 8, 2017 8:25 p.m.
Entrei I love the deck btw, I love how creative Nekrusar's kills are.
March 9, 2017 5:21 p.m.
Yeah Pleeber my friend once described my deck like this: you need a place to crash so (my name) says u can crash at their house. You didn't like the sleeping quarters, so you decide to sleep on the floor. When you wake up, you are in a bathtub in a different part of the city and there is a scar near where the kidneys are
March 9, 2017 5:30 p.m.
I also love how you gave Sudden Spoiling it's own category. That card is freaking hilarious. Aaaand there went my combo
March 9, 2017 5:33 p.m.
Entrei I gave Sudden Spoiling and Charmbreaker Devils their own category, because I find them to be severely underrated. Have you considered Necropotence for your deck? I know it sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out here. You have a lot of draw, and could end up milling yourself out on draw step. That'll stop that. You control what you're drawing.
March 9, 2017 5:43 p.m.
That's what Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre is for. And honestly, I ran it for a while... And found that while it is a great card, it's exiling whatever I discard somewhat mitigates the value of Time Spiral and completely ruins Mizzix's Mastery. Oh and like 99% of the time I deck myself it's because I played Mind Over Matter and Otherworld Atlas
March 9, 2017 6:21 p.m.
Entrei I cannot for the life of me find prossh merchandise (altered arts, deck boxes, sleeves) do you have the same problem?
March 9, 2017 6:29 p.m.
Hmm... On etsy many things can be found, such as alt arts. Deck boxes are another thing, and the best I have been able to do is get a deck box with symbols of the three colors im running on it. Unfortunately seeing as they most sleeves and deck boxes are made using a process involving a thermal printer, which most ppl don't have access to.
March 9, 2017 6:43 p.m.
Also have you tried Panharmonicon to get double the prossh etb so you can get even more dudes? Come to think of it... Melira, Sylvok Outcast plus stuff with persist (especially Murderous Redcap, Woodfall Primus, and Puppeteer Clique) could work pretty well.
March 9, 2017 6:56 p.m.
Entrei I don't like combos, and I have gone away from doubling effects because they're a waste of time with Prossh. I'd rather have more effects that are threatening than double threats already there. I have had them in there before.
March 9, 2017 8:08 p.m.
:-: aww... Fyi that attitude will limit you severely in cEDH
March 9, 2017 8:11 p.m.
Entrei oh, contraire, I have been far more successful without them. Trust me, I tested it out. Nekrusar, doubling is insanely powerful. With prossh, it's aight... But there's better things. Remember, my deck doesn't even need Prossh, it works just fine if he gets countered each time.
March 9, 2017 8:21 p.m.
Entrei I play with various groups to test his limits. He even gets past Zur pretty easy. I found out that he just buckles to derevi... Holy shit that's brutal.
March 9, 2017 10 p.m.
Entrei I'd enjoy seeing your necrusar pitted with my prossh. Your amount of control is impressive and the strategy seems very smooth
March 10, 2017 12:05 p.m.
starts adding more control
That actually sounds like a fun matchup. Battle of the precons rebuilt
Pleeber says... #1
Entrei what do you mean by both of those statements? I might know, but I want to be sure.
March 8, 2017 7:05 p.m.