

Tymna Thrasios flash hulk, slowly transiting in final form (full competitive) as the budget grows.

Suggestions are welcome!

Deck philosophy

This deck is made to be as competitive as practically possible. It is not yet at it theoretical piek because of budget reasons. If you are interested in how it would look like on its budgetless piek take a look at the list of LabManiac_Sigi. This deck was inspired by his art work.

The deck tries to win by putting out a game breaking combo as early as it can (with god hand turn 1). The combo types that where chosen for this purpose are creature and graveyard based, because these give acces to some of the fastest and most powerful combo's available in EDH ( Flash + Protean Hulk combo's, Hermit Druid lines). But there is also the Isochron Scepter combo remaining as a more late game plan.

I began my deck quest with Rashmi, Eternities Crafter as my commander with infinite mana combo's using tons of artifact rock and mana dorks. This transited into Thrasios, Triton Hero + Silas Renn, Seeker Adept after the release of the commander 2016 set. Then I quickly realised Tymna the Weaver gives acces to a lot stronger shenanigans:

Why Thrasios?

Why Tymna?

  • Black gives acces to the most powerful tutors ( Vampiric Tutor , Demonic Tutor , ... ), card draw (here only Ad Nauseam ) and reanimation tools for combo decks (here only Dread Return ).
  • White gives powerful protection ( Silence , Grand Abolisher , ... ) that give rise to non intractable combo's.
  • Tymna her self is an amazing card draw engine to keep your hand filled, that way you keep a ton of interaction while digging for combo pieces.

She is also way cheaper (in cmc that is) then the other white black partner option.

Thrasy and the Wombo Combo's

As this deck is mainly focused on putting out combo's as fast as possible, it might be useful to explain the main combo's. Here I will explain our combo plans step by step.
Flashy Hulk.

Requirements: Protean Hulk / Summoner's Pact + Flash +


  1. Cast Flash putting Protean Hulk in to play, don't pay the cost to keep hulk.
  2. Hulk dies, search for Grand Abolisher , Cephalid Illusionist , Nomads en-Kor and Hapless Researcher
  3. Target the Illusionist with the ability of the Nomads until our deck is empty. Narcomoeba says hello.
  4. Sac the Illusionist, the Nomads and Narcomoeba to flashback Dread Return .
  5. We now have a few options, I will here elaborate the Laboratory Maniac line, the others are listed in the next section.
  6. Target Laboratory Maniac with the Dread Return and put him on the field.
  7. Sac Hapless Researcher , win.

Max Speed:

Turn 1 with god hand: Untapped blue source + Chrome Mox +random spell/ Mana Crypt + Flash + Protean Hulk / Summoner's Pact


  • Very Fast
  • Safe: no interaction beyond the die trigger of Hulk, except for Faerie Macabre
  • Very mana light


Hermit the druid.

Requirements: Hermit Druid +


  1. Cast Hermit Druid .
  2. Pass turn (hate this part).
  3. Cast Thrasios, Triton Hero (just for Dread Return food, replace with dork if in hand).
  4. On your next turn activate Kermit, I mean Hermit. This mills the deck. Narcomoeba says hello.
  5. Sac Hermit, Narcomoeba and Thrasios/dork to Dread Return putting Angel of Glory's Rise on the field.
  6. Again we have a few options here we'll use again the Laboratory Maniac .
  7. All humans in the yard come to the field. Most important ones are: Laboratory Maniac , Hapless Researcher and probably Grand Abolisher .
  8. Sac Hapless Researcher to win.

Max Speed:

Turn 1 impossible hand + draw: Untapped black/green source + Lotus Petal + Mana Crypt + Cabal Therapy + Hermit Druid + Postmortem Lunge + Lion's Eye Diamond + dork


  • Fast
  • Very mana light
  • Only one combo piece


  • Not very subtle (you pass the turn with Hermit on field)
  • Much easier stopped then Plan A.(counter dread return, creature removal)
  • Weak to grave hate
  • Your opponent might get salty (but who cares)
Devoted remedies.

Requirements: Devoted Druid + Vizier of Remedies +


  1. Cast Devoted Druid .
  2. Pass turn (hate this part).
  3. On your next turn cast Vizier of Remedies . Congrats you now have infinite of the green stuff.
  4. Cast Thrasios, Triton Hero and draw deck.
  5. Once more you can go for a different wincon from here but I'll put the one with Laboratory Maniac here.
  6. Cast a rock for some blue stuff (e.g. Chrome Mox or Lotus Petal ).
  7. Cast Laboratory Maniac and do a final activation of our Hero.

Max Speed:

Turn 1 impossible hand + draw: Untapped black/white source + Lotus Petal + Mana Crypt + Cabal Therapy + Vizier of Remedies + Devoted Druid + Postmortem Lunge + Lion's Eye Diamond


  • Fast
  • Mana light
  • Can dodge grave hate
  • If you get stopped you are less screwed then in Plan A and B


  • Not very subtle (you pass the turn with Devoted on field)
  • Easier stopped then Plan A (counter, creature removal)
Diamond salvagers (aka bomberman).

Requirements: Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond +


  1. Cast Auriok Salvagers .
  2. Cast Lion's Eye Diamond (LED).
  3. Sac Lion's Eye Diamond for 3 white mana.
  4. Activate Auriok Salvagers to get back out LED.
  5. Repeat 2-4 to have infinite mana, do step 4-6 from plan C.

Max Speed:

Turn 1 insane hand: Untapped white source + Sol Ring + Mana Crypt + Lion's Eye Diamond + Auriok Salvagers


  • If you get stopped you are less screwed then in Plan A and B
  • You create inf mana of each color opening options for all the patches (see below)


  • Usually not very fast (higher mana cost)
  • You dump your hand
Cephalid Breakfast. Without its flashy entrance and body guard.

Requirements: Cephalid Illusionist + Nomads en-Kor +


  1. Cast Cephalid Illusionist .
  2. Cast Nomads en-Kor . We are now on plan A without Grand Abolisher as protection.
  3. Target the Illusionist with the ability of the Nomads until our deck is empty. Narcomoeba says hello.
  4. Sac the Illusionist, the Nomads and Narcomoeba to flashback Dread Return .
  5. We now have a few options, I will here elaborate a Laboratory Maniac line, others are listed in the next section.
  6. Target Angel of Glory's Rise with the Dread Return and put her on the field.
  7. All humans come back including Laboratory Maniac and Hapless Researcher .
  8. Sac Hapless Researcher , win.

Max Speed:

Turn 1 crazy hand: Untapped white/blue source + Mana Crypt + Chrome Mox +random blue/white spell + Cephalid Illusionist + Nomads en-Kor


  • Fast
  • Avoids summoning sickness


  • Relatively easy to interact with
  • If you get stopped your deck is most likely gone
Ad Nauseam.

Requirements: Ad Nauseam + Angel's Grace +


  1. Cast Angel's Grace .
  2. Draw deck with Ad Nauseam .
  3. Play Mana Crypt and tap for 2 mana.
  4. Play Sol Ring and go to 3 mana.
  5. Play Chrome Mox pitching a white spell and tap for 1 mana.
  6. Now you can step in to plan D.

Max Speed:

Turn 3 insane hand + draw: 3 Untapped land + 3 rocks/dorks of 1 cmc + Ad Nauseam + Angel's Grace


  • Adaptable to dodge creature and grave hate


  • Usually very slow
  • Two black and one white is sometimes hard to produce

Different Dread Lines

When we have dumped our deck in the grave and flashback Dread Return there are other win conditions then the Laboratory Maniac , I will list some of them here.

We cast the Dread Return targeting Angel of Glory's Rise . And step into plan D, the Bomberman combo. The angel gets back Auriok Salvagers and Eternal Witness to set it up:


  1. Bring back Angel of Glory's Rise with Dread Return .
  2. All humans come back.
  3. When Eternal Witness hits, use the trigger to target Lion's Eye Diamond .
  4. Use the tactics in Plan D to produce infinite mana.
  5. Flashback Krosan Reclamation to get back Memory's Journey .
  6. Draw the journey using Thrasios, Triton Hero .
  7. Now you can step in to Patch A (see below).
With Dread Return on Angel of Glory's Rise we also have another combo option although we need one more blue mana:

Extra requirements:


  1. Bring back Angel of Glory's Rise with Dread Return .
  2. All humans come back.
  3. When Eternal Witness hits, use the trigger to target Mana Crypt .
  4. When Snapcaster Mage hits, use the trigger to target Postmortem Lunge .
  5. Using the Mana Crypt mana flashback Postmortem Lunge on Devoted Druid .
  6. We can now produce infinite green mana with Vizier of Remedies and a hasty Devoted Druid .
  7. Use the extra blue mana to cast Thrasios, Triton Hero .
  8. Flashback Memory's Journey to get back Krosan Reclamation and Lotus Petal in your library.
  9. Draw them with our hero.
  10. Cast and use Lotus Petal to add something else then green mana.
  11. Cast Krosan Reclamation targeting Lotus Petal and Noxious Revival .
  12. Draw them and cast Noxious Revival on Krosan Reclamation .
  13. Repeat these steps to add infinite mana of any color.
  14. Now you can step into patch B (see below).


They hate you, cant handel the combo's. So your obvious wincons got removed. A typical field example would be: opponent Extract s our Laboratory Maniac . Plans A and B are then unavailable, and we need to switch to plan C or D if this one would be closer for some reason. But what if you already used your Walking Ballista , or they also removed that wincon? Panic no longer, here are some options.

Swan Journey (aka Memory's Journey Loops).

Requirements: x + x + x + Memory's Journey or Noxious Revival


  1. Have Thrasios, Triton Hero on the field to draw stuff.
  2. Cast Memory's Journey returning Swan Song , Noxious Revival and a random spell to your empty deck.
  3. Draw them with Thrasios, Triton Hero .
  4. Cast Noxious Revival targeting Memory's Journey .
  5. Draw it with our Hero.
  6. Cast the random spell and counter it with Swan Song .
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 infinite times giving you infinite 2/2 flying birds.
  8. Repeat steps 2-6 replacing Swan Song with Assassin's Trophy . This wipes their board.
  9. Repeat steps 2-6 replacing Swan Song with Cabal Therapy . This discards their hands.
  10. Pass turn (like this part)
  11. On your next turn, swing for infinite flying bird damage.

Make sure you don't die on your next drawstep and put something back on top before passing the turn.

Reclamation of the Swan (aka Krosan Reclamation Loops). Works the similar as the Memory's Journey Loops with a few more steps.

Requirements: x + x + x + Krosan Reclamation or Noxious Revival


  1. Have Thrasios, Triton Hero on the field to draw stuff.
  2. Cast Krosan Reclamation returning Swan Song and Noxious Revival .
  3. Draw them with Thrasios, Triton Hero .
  4. Cast Noxious Revival targeting Krosan Reclamation .
  5. Draw it with our Hero.
  6. Cast Krosan Reclamation returning a random spell and Noxious Revival .
  7. Draw them with a certain Merfolk Wizard.
  8. Cast Noxious Revival targeting Krosan Reclamation .
  9. Cast the random spell and counter it with Swan Song .
  10. Repeat steps 2-9 infinite times giving you infinite 2/2 flying birds.
  11. Repeat steps 2-9 replacing Swan Song with Assassin's Trophy . This wipes their board.
  12. Repeat steps 2-9 replacing Swan Song with Cabal Therapy . This discards their hands.
  13. Pass turn (like this part)
  14. On your next turn, swing for infinite flying bird damage.

Obviously in step 11 and 12 you no longer need to go through the trouble of returning a random spell each loop. And again make sure you don't die on your next drawstep and put something back on top before passing the turn.

Deathrite Shaman Loops.

Requirements: x + x + x + Memory's Journey or Noxious Revival


  1. Have Thrasios, Triton Hero on the field to draw stuff.
  2. Cast Memory's Journey returning Abrupt Decay , Postmortem Lunge and Noxious Revival to your empty deck.
  3. Draw them with Thrasios, Triton Hero .
  4. Cast Noxious Revival targeting Memory's Journey .
  5. Draw it with our Hero.
  6. Cast Postmortem Lunge on Deathrite Shaman .
  7. Activate Deathrite Shaman exiling a instant or sorcery, draining the opponents for 2.
  8. Cast Abrupt Decay on Deathrite Shaman .
  9. Repeat steps 2-8 until they are death.

Memory's Journey is replaceable with Krosan Reclamation if you add a few extra steps per loop. If one of your opponents has a lot of life watch out that there are enough instants and sorceries to kill them. Of course Postmortem Lunge can not be in exile for this loop.

Pseudo Combo's

Here are some lines that almost feel like combo lines but are slightly to high in mana or are simple setups for the combo's listed above.
Survival of the Fittest deserves some attention here, it tutors into all our creature combo's:

It is particularly good with Postmortem Lunge , as with it any creature leads to a hasty Hermit Druid or a hasty Devoted Druid .

Survival can also setup a win on it's own as long as you have a creature in hand and a decent amount of mana:


  1. Cast Survival of the Fittest .
  2. Activate it to get Hermit Druid .
  3. Activate it again to get Spellseeker .
  4. Cast Spellseeker to seek Postmortem Lunge
  5. Cast Postmortem Lunge targeting Hermit Druid .
  6. Step into plan B.

You don't need to cast an extra creature for Dread Return food because Spellseeker was on the field, so probably this is spread out over 2 turn's unless you have 10 mana available.

Survival also makes a Dread Return in hand usable. It is still far from optimal, but you are now able to craft yourself a Angel of Glory's Rise setup.

It might be a bit overkill to devote an entire panel to this but I enjoyed the interaction so deal with it. Remember when Hermit Druid was a bit obvious since you need to pass turn with it on the field? Well if you have a Diabolic Intent and 4 extra mana you can sac Hermit Druid to the Diabolic Intent , get Postmortem Lunge and go off with it anyway.

Winning under stax

Here are some lines that almost feel like combo lines but are slightly to high in mana or are simple setups for the combo's listed above.

Under grave hate a lot of the faster combo lines are excluded. The bomberman combo and the breakfast line ( Cephalid Illusionist and Nomads en-Kor ) for example. The patches with Memory's Journey or Krosan Reclamation loops are probably also inaccessible. We do however have the Laboratory Maniac but he cannot come out of the grave ofc. Here are some setups:

  1. On the end of the last opponents turn cast Flash .
  2. Let Protean Hulk die.
  3. With the trigger you fetch Laboratory Maniac , Hermit Druid and a dork if you need some more mana. Take Hapless Researcher instead if you do not want to wait for your next draw step to win.
  4. Go to your upkeep and activate the Hermit Druid .
  5. Win in your drawstep.
  1. Assemble Devoted Druid and Vizier of Remedies .
  2. Cast Thrasios, Triton Hero and draw your deck.
  3. Play Laboratory Maniac .
  4. Play one of the draw spells (probably Gitaxian Probe ).

Cursed Totem really is a big problem. Most of our combo's involve a creature ability somewhere. Most likely you will draw into an answer before you find the one combo I found that still works under the totem but here is it the line without removal:

  1. Cast Ad Nauseam .
  2. On the stack cast Angel's Grace .
  3. Draw the deck.
  4. Play enough rock's to assemble .
  5. Play Laboratory Maniac .
  6. Cast Gitaxian Probe .

Turn one win.

I was wondering what the chances where of drawing a turn 1 win whit this deck so I did some calculations. Turns out that the chance of pulling of a turn one win with this deck is a little over 1/172343. So still very unlikely. How I get to this number is explained below, calculations separated for each combo line. The turn 1 (T1) win chance is dominated by the flash hulk line as you will see below (if you dare to look).

For T1 plan A we need: an untapped blue land (18), Chrome Mox / Lotus Petal / Mana Crypt , Protean Hulk / Summoner's Pact and Flash . Depending on the number of mulligan's is the chance calculation thus as follows:

7 card hand + draw

7 cards plus first draw are 8 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. We have two different cases:

  • No Chrome Mox : 4 of the 8 cards are fixed so 4 can be whatever they want except the 2 hulk targets (so 98-2 for the first card, 97-2 for the second and so on). There are 18 untapped blue lands, 2 options for mana accelerants ( Lotus Petal / Mana Crypt ), 2 options for hulk ( Protean Hulk / Summoner's Pact ) and 1 for flash this gives a chance of 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 * 91 = 72 / 79584232 ~= 9.047 * 10^(-7)
  • Chrome Mox : Chrome Mox complicates things, it needs a coloured spell. Ofc we also can not exile one of our combo pieces this gives 28+21+4+11-3-1=60 options. Resulting in 96 * 95 * 94 * 60 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 * 91 = 2160 / 7401333576 ~= 2.918 * 10^(-7)

Leading to a combined chance of approximately 1.196 * 10^(-6)

6 card hand + draw

6 cards plus first draw are 7 cards in total to do something with on turn 1.

  • No Chrome Mox : One card less gives 96 * 95 * 94 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 = 72 / 81333336 ~= 8.852 * 10^(-7)
  • Chrome Mox : One card less gives 96 * 95 * 60 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 = 2160 / 7645333584 ~= 2.825 * 10^(-7)

Leading to a combined chance of approximately 1.168 * 10^(-6)

5 card hand + draw

5 cards plus first draw are 6 cards in total to do something with on turn 1.

  • No Chrome Mox : One card less gives 96 * 95 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 = 72 / 83101452 ~= 8.664 * 10^(-7)
  • Chrome Mox : One card less gives 96 * 60 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 = 2160 / 7894637940 ~= 2.736 * 10^(-7)

Leading to a combined chance of approximately 1.140 * 10^(-6)

4 card hand + draw

4 cards plus first draw are 5 cards in total to do something with on turn 1.

  • No Chrome Mox : One card less gives 96 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 = 72 / 85791650 ~= 8.392 * 10^(-7)
  • Chrome Mox : One card less gives 60 * 18 * 2 * 2 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 = 2160 / 8235998400 ~= 2.622 * 10^(-7)

Leading to a combined chance of approximately 1.102 * 10^(-6)

Total chance

So assuming a free muligan an the crazy assumption you are willing to drop to 4 cards in had, the chance of having a T1 flash hulk combo is approximately 5.802 * 10^(-6) to 1 or 5.802 * 10^(-4)% or 1 in 172343 games.

For T1 plan D we need: an untapped white land or Lotus Petal (17+1), Sol Ring , Mana Crypt , Lion's Eye Diamond and Auriok Salvagers . Depending on the number of mulligan's is the chance calculation thus as follows:

7 card hand + draw

7 cards plus first draw are 8 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. 5 of the 8 cards are fixed so 3 can be whatever they want (so 98 possibilities for the first card, 97 for the second and so on). There are 18 untapped white sources, 1 Sol Ring , 1 Mana Crypt , 1 Lion's Eye Diamond and 1 Auriok Salvagers leading to: 98 * 97 * 96 * 18 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 * 91 = 18 / 6952862280 ~= 2.589 * 10^(-9)

6 card hand + draw

6 cards plus first draw are 7 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. One card less gives 98 * 97 * 18 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 = 18 / 7334887680 ~= 2.454 * 10^(-9)

5 card hand + draw

5 cards plus first draw are 6 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. One card less gives 98 * 18 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 = 18 / 7733522880 ~= 2.328 * 10^(-9)

4 card hand + draw

4 cards plus first draw are 5 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. One card less gives 18 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 = 18 / 8149303680 ~= 2.209 * 10^(-9)

Total chance

So assuming a free muligan an the crazy assumption you are willing to drop to 4 cards in had, the chance of having a T1 bomberman combo is approximately 9.579 * 10^(-9) to 1 or 5.802 * 10^(-7)% or 1 in 104392910 games. This is about 600 times less often then the flash combo.

For T1 plan E we need: an untapped white/blue land (22), Mana Crypt , Lotus Petal / Chrome Mox , Cephalid Illusionist and Nomads en-Kor . The presence of Chrome Mox will again complicate things but I will make some shortcuts. Depending on the number of mulligan's is the chance calculation thus as follows:

7 card hand + draw

7 cards plus first draw are 8 cards in total to do something with on turn 1.

  • No Chrome Mox : the calculation is the same as in the plan D case, except 22 lands in stead of 18 22 / 6952862280 ~= 3.164 * 10^(-9)

  • Chrome Mox : there are 28 white and/or blue spells available to pitch. I actually should make two different cases, one in which you have a white land and a blue spell and one in which you have a blue land and a white spell. But I will approximate the sum of those by counting all white and blue spells (30). Then we observe that the chance is the same as the one without Chrome Mox multiplied by 30 / 96 22 / 6952862280 * 30 / 96 ~= 9.888 * 10^(-10)

Combined it gives a chance of 4.153 * 10^(-9)

6 card hand + draw

6 cards plus first draw are 7 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. One card less gives

  • No Chrome Mox : 22 / 7334887680 ~= 2.999 * 10^(-9)

  • Chrome Mox : the chance is the same as the one without Chrome Mox multiplied by 30 / 97 22 / 7334887680 * 30 / 97 ~= 9.276 * 10^(-10)

Combined it gives a chance of 3.927 * 10^(-9)

5 card hand + draw

5 cards plus first draw are 6 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. One card less gives

  • No Chrome Mox : 22 / 7733522880 ~= 2.845 * 10^(-9)

  • Chrome Mox : the chance is the same as the one without Chrome Mox multiplied by 30 / 98 22 / 7334887680 * 30 / 98 ~= 9.182 * 10^(-10)

Combined it gives a chance of 3.918 * 10^(-9)

4 card hand + draw

4 cards plus first draw are 5 cards in total to do something with on turn 1. One card less gives

Total chance

So assuming a free muligan an the crazy assumption you are willing to drop to 4 cards in had, the chance of having a T1 Cephalid breakfast is approximately 1.885 * 10^(-8) to 1 or 1.885 * 10^(-6)% or 1 in 53050150 games. This is about 300 times less often then the flash combo but about 1.5 times more often then the bomberman combo.

For T1 plan B the stars must align, the milky way needs us to stop spinning and the universe needs to whisper "go nutz". We need: Untapped black/green source (24) + Lotus Petal + Mana Crypt + Cabal Therapy + Hermit Druid + Postmortem Lunge + Lion's Eye Diamond + a creature one drop (7). This are 8 cards so with a free muligan only 2 shots to get there.

7 card hand + draw

24 * 7 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 * 91 = 168 / 6.3450152 * 10^(15) ~= 2.647 * 10^(-14)

With a free muligan this adds up to about 5.295 * 10^(-14) to 1 or 5.295 * 10^(-12)% or 1 in 18884050000000 games.

Determined win plan 2 mulligans

Here I calculated the odd's of starting a game with a determined wincon in hand. With a determined wincon I mean either all pieces of a combo are in hand, or we have the tutors in hand to find all of them. For this Plan A,B,C,D and E are considered leaving out plan F there it is not really the plan we usually want to work to.

As it turns out if you are willing to do 2 mulligans (of which one free) the chance of ending up with a determined combo plan in hand is about 52.95%. Not bad. O.f.c. Hermit Druid only requires one card and will give the biggest contribution to this chance. Plan A only takes 4th place as Flash is relatively difficult to find compared to creatures.

Resulting in

  • 7 cards chance: 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 9 * 11 / 98 * 97 * 96 * 95 * 94 * 93 * 92 = 99 / 8556 ~= 1.157 %

  • 6 cards chance: 9 * 11 / 94 * 93 = 99 / 8742 ~= 1.132 %

  • Sum: 2 * 99 / 8556 + 99 / 8742 ~= 3.447 %

Resulting in

  • 7 cards chance: 12 / 92 ~= 13.043 %

  • 6 cards chance: 12 / 93 ~= 12.903 %

  • Sum: 2 * 12 / 92 + 12 / 93 ~= 38.99 %

Resulting in

  • 7 cards chance: 12 * 11 / 93 * 92 = 132 / 8556 ~= 1.543 %

  • 6 cards chance: 9 * 11 / 94 * 93 = 132 / 8742 ~= 1.51 %

  • Sum: 2 * 132 / 8556 + 132 / 8742 ~= 4.628 %

Resulting in

  • 7 cards chance: 10 * 6 / 93 * 92 = 60 / 8556 ~= 0.701 %

  • 6 cards chance: 10 * 6 / 94 * 93 = 60 / 8742 ~= 0.686 %

  • Sum: 2 * 60 / 8556 + 60 / 8742 ~= 2.103 %

Resulting in

  • 7 cards chance: 11 * 10 / 93 * 92 = 110 / 8556 ~= 1.286 %

  • 6 cards chance: 11 * 10 / 94 * 93 = 110 / 8742 ~= 1.258 %

  • Sum: 2 * 110 / 8556 + 110 / 8742 ~= 3.857 %

Determined win plan 1st draw

From our previous calculations we can recycle the chance of drawing a hand with a determined path to a wincon for a given handsize:

  • 7 cards: 99 / 8556 + 12 / 92 + 132 / 8556 + 60 / 8556 + 110 / 8556 = 1517 / 8556 ~= 17.73 %

  • 6 cards: 99 / 8742 + 12 / 93 + 132 / 8742 + 60 / 8742 + 110 / 8742 = 1505 / 8742 ~= 17.49 %



Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 1 Mythic Rares

57 - 3 Rares

19 - 2 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.75
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 C
Folders EDH
Ignored suggestions
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