Played some strong, well known archetypes and did really well. 4 Rounds.
Round 1: Jund Monsters. (2-0)
Was pretty easy. Though I admit I never saw a Courser of Kruphix on his side. He did see consecutive Mogis's Marauders in game one and a turn four Marauder in game two.
Round 2: Esper Control. (0-2)
Game one was a stabilize and win by him and game two I made the wrong call and kept my extra removal in my sideboard. Double Nyx-Fleece Ram on his side guaranteed him his victory.
Round 3: Mono U/w. (2-0)
This guy won his BotG game day with his deck. He seemed frustrated by his draws and mine. He kept telling me how lucky I was. I don't let people like that bother me. And while the game has some luck associated with it, he was having to rely on Cyclonic RiftGC as his removal. Which was annoying, but I was never really under any substantial pressure. Even with a double Master of Waves
game one and a desperation Master in game 2. He said he never saw his Detention Spheres. I had my board diversified anyway so it would have just slowed me down. Who knows. He obviously knows what he wants from his deck with his experience, but you can't win them all.
Round 4: Naya Hexproof (2-1)
Coming into the final round this was the only undefeated player. This would determine winner since they don't have single elimination after Swiss on non-FNM nights. Game one he had the god-draw. Gladecover Scout. And an arsenal of battleship weapons. It was over pretty quick. My side board sucks against Hexproof. I figured I would have to out-race him. I took out all my removal and my Herald of Torment for every creature I could muster. It turns out "deathtouch" is a real problem for him and he had to mulligan to 5 game 2 and 6 game 3. Which is normal for that deck with its awkward starting hands.
So MVP of the night. Goes to Mogis's Marauder! Congrats little fella. You are truly one of the most powerful cards I have ever played with in standard. The things this guy does with an all black creature package are just unfair. Once is enough with this guy giving all your guys an aggressive curve and providing you with two off color abilities in Haste (red) and Evasion (blue). On turn three, with this supporting cast you are looking at 6-8 damage, turn four 8-12. Pretty powerful stuff.
Stay tuned.