Protection Action

Commander / EDH ifym


Fungo says... #1

You can probably remove the "prevent damage from a white source" cards, because they're a bit too color-specific to be too effective in EDH. I'm also not sure you have enough Enchantments to want to run Idyllic Tutor .

You have a lot of Artifact/Enchantment hate as well. I don't know if this is just a function of you designing a deck to counter what you commonly see in your playgroup or what, but you can probably cut back on that a bit.

Also, if you can get your hands on a Batterskull , do so.

May 24, 2013 3:14 p.m.

Fungo says... #2

Oh, also, Mirran Crusader + Sword of War and Peace is hilarious. Hope your opponent has some blue creatures handy!

May 24, 2013 3:16 p.m.

ifym says... #3

@Fungo: Rune of Protection: White and Circle of Protection: White help me to survive against fast aggro decks. As far as i know my gerneral makes permanents white. so i turn their creatures white and activate the ability from one of those prevent things and prevent all the damage.

But i think i could cut one of those, because one should be enough.

About the Idyllic Tutor , it helps me to find an Oblivion Ring or a Nevermore when i need one, but i could test my Deck without the card.

Well they hadn't until last week. Now one plays an Sen Triplets Esper Control Flicker sort of deck, the other one an Melek, Izzet Paragon Storm - i burn you to death - Control Deck and the last one now plays a The Mimeoplasm Reanimator Deck.

I will look out for a Batterskull and i heard an Umezawa's Jitte is good too?

May 24, 2013 4:25 p.m.

Fungo says... #4

Ah, I didn't catch the interaction with your commander, my bad. If you use that combination a lot, then keep both of those cards in there. It's a good move.

And yes, Umezawa's Jitte is stupid amounts of good.

May 24, 2013 4:55 p.m.

sylvanica says... #5

Nice to see another Ninetales player! :) Looks like a fun build.

Have a look at mine: The Virtuous Kitsune -- though I'm going much more in the direction of pillowfort and it looks like you're going aggro.

What I'd add:

What I'd cut:

  • Iona. She's good, but she is so unfun to play against. There's also the prospect of someone cloning her. There's one guy at my LGS who plays Kaalia+Iona and everyone hates him. :P
  • Fiend Hunter

There's probably a few more suggestions I can make when I'm more awake! :)

May 27, 2013 3:44 a.m.

sylvanica says... #6

Also, Condemn !

May 27, 2013 4:41 a.m.

Zharmiso says... #7

I would trash skullclamp. You aren't running enough weenies to justify it. You could go heavier on the artifacts and run Ethersworn Canonist . Pearl Medallion is also a good bet. If you like the crusader you can run a whole assortment of artifacts and enchantments that give double strike in white.

May 31, 2013 2:33 a.m.

ifym says... #8

@sylvanica: Thank you for your suggestions, i will definitly cut Iona, Shield of Emeria because i got an Avacyn, Angel of Hope , but i am not sure about the Fiend Hunter . And Condemn is just a really good removal against the Kaalia of the Vast -Guy in my Playgroup

@Zharmiso: I don't need weenies to draw Cards. I Can equip it on any creature i dont need atm or a creature which finds its way back to the battlefield with Emeria, The Sky Ruin and sac this creature with Trading Post or High Market . What i try to say is, that i cant cut the Carddraw in a Color which hasn't got any Carddraw.

June 5, 2013 5:11 a.m.

Kasimac says... #9

Rather than Circle of Protection: White how about either Story Circle or Righteous Aura .

Check out my mono white deck. Marshmallow complexion Even with Iona on the battlefield under an opponents control, I was able to win by a landslide. It was amazing.The cards I linked to you were the cards that saved my butt.Might I also recommend Karmic Justice

I know the general isn't allowed in tournaments since it's a non-legendary flip, but my group allows him.

June 14, 2013 4:11 p.m.

fayren says... #10

Try Aven Mindcensor . He's super helpful, especially if someone casts Bribery .

June 29, 2013 11:58 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #11

Burnished Hart and Solemn Simulacrum are great ramp options.

Eternal Dragon is a great utility card. Early game, it tutors for a Plains and ensures a land drop. Late game, it's a self-reanimating fat flier that can hold Equipment if it needs to.

Leonin Abunas protects you Equipment from spot removal.

Stoneforge Mystic is one of the best Equipment tutors ever printed.

Argentum Armor offers a gigantic P/T boost and a Vindicate attack trigger. The best Equipment to tutor off of Stonehewer Giant

Champion's Helm is one of the best Equipment for Voltron. Gives your Commander two things it always wants: hexproof and P/T pump. Tossing around +2/+2 for equip isn't bad either.

Darksteel Plate offers indestructible.

Fireshrieker offers double strike.

Loxodon Warhammer & Sword of Vengeance are great Equipment to have on hand.

Trading Post is a handy card for artifact-based decks.

Remember the Fallen is a fantastic 2-for-1 recursion spell. Returns an Equipment and someone to hold it.

Terminus tucks away any stubborn, non-Commander creature.

Oblation is White's catch-all removal spell.

Mikokoro, Center of the Sea is a fantastic card draw engine. White is the worst colour at card draw. This helps.

Thespian's Stage is a great land clone. At worst, it's a basic land, which isn't bad. At best, its a second copy of a utility land, copying an opponent's utility land, or copying your utility land that's getting hit with removal so that you still "have it".

All Is Dust- Awesome sweeper for Voltron. Purges the board, but spares your Equipment. 8.5 can also turn lands and artifacts White so that they are hit by it.

Angelic Field Marshal - Meh. If you want mass vigilance, Heliod, God of the Sun is a better choice for the same cost.

Citadel Siege - An alright card.

Debt of Loyalty - According to the Oracle text, you only get the creature if it regenerates from Debt of Loyalty's effect. And most of White's better removal is either exile-based or high-priced sweepers. Not worth it.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Accumulating enough devotion is tricky when a large chunk of your deck is comprised of artifacts. The majority of your creatures, enchantments, and Planeswalkers containing at least 2 coloured mana symbols in their costs help.

Safe Haven - Isn't safe when there's a Strip Mine or one of it's friends on the board. Having to wait until your next upkeep you get your creatures back is annoying.

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - He does things. Mainly All Is Dust #2 that throws colourless Lightning Bolts at everyone afterwards. Absolutely mean with 8.5 by turning land white and then using his -X ability.

May 23, 2015 9:24 p.m.

urlaub says... #12


you have alot of interaction in your deck but your are playing Arashin Foremost is that correct?

I just see one Warrior in your deck and thats is himslef and his ability can't be used on himself.

Leonin Shikari would maybe fit better into your deck. You could protect your bodies with an Sword equip or just equip Lightning Greaves. In combination with Puresteel Paladin it would be great. You could attack with a couple of creatures and equip your stuff onto the unblocked creatures, after blocker declare.

August 6, 2015 9:06 a.m.

ifym says... #13

@NensouHiebara - Please read the Decklist first, maybe playtest this deck and then try to suggest stuff. Just throwing out random Equipment Cards like Sword of Vengeance or Fireshrieker is just a waste of time for both of us. I wrote something to the other cards you suggested in my Update comments.

That said, i think i am sold on the idea of playtesting Remember the Fallen. Thank you very much for that (actually good) suggestion. Now i just need to decide what i am going to cut for that.

@urlaub - People suggest Leonin Shikari all the time. Sadly, without Puresteel Paladin and Metalcraft active it's just way too expensive to shuffle the Equipment cards around. In addition to that without the Paladin that cat is just a 2/2.

I don't play Arashin Foremost because of it's ability. I play it because it is a cheap 2/2 with double strike. The interaction here is not Arashin Foremost + some other creature, but Arashin Foremost + any equipment, giving me additional triggers on Sword of Fire and Ice and the likes.

There are only 17 double strike creatures you can play in mono white. Only 10 have "unconditional" double strike. Only 6 have "unconditional" double strike and are 2/2. And only 3 have "unconditional" double strike, are 2/2 and only cost a reasonable amount (3) of mana.

August 7, 2015 11:31 a.m.

Swelling says... #14

It feels weird to see a sword deck without Stonehewer Giant.

You're running a lot of recursion and counters, but in a mono-white deck with no draw power, I think you're better off looking for cards with some flexibility, rather than efficiency. Sigil of the New Dawn, Dawn Charm, Debt of Loyalty if it fits into your meta. In almost every case, I prefer having Fated Retribution or Rout in my hand rather than Wrath.

Reconnaissance will give your creatures vigilance.

I genuinely think you're over-valuing double-strike creatures, like, way too much. Run some tutors and something like True Conviction, instead of having voltron'd garbage.

August 8, 2015 9:35 a.m.

urlaub says... #15

You could play Maze of Ith instead of Mystifying Maze. Defense Grid would give you more space against blue control decks.

I see alot of control cards in there, whats with Linvala, Keeper of Silence, you don't have alot of flying dudes in your deck and also she disables alot of creatures.

And did you suggest Humility? It would fit nicely becouse your creatures will be equiped, and you don't have to mess with the creatures from your opponent.

August 13, 2015 4:31 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #16

I did read your decklist and I suggested cards that I find extremely useful that you didn't have. I don't suggest random cards. Playtesting someone else's deck is a waste of time, as I don't know what their meta is like and goldfishing a deck doesn't offer much information to go by.

Perhaps you should take a better look at my suggestions instead of viewing them at face value or shrugging them off as if they're useless.

Eternal Dragon - Eternal Dragon is your deck's best friend and you don't even realize it:

He's a land tutor. Eternal Dragon acts like a spare land slot with his plainscycling ability, guaranteeing a land drop.

He's a shuffle effect. Top of your deck from getting stale from using Scroll Rack? Sensei's Divining Top revealing a land pocket? Eternal Dragon solves that.

He's a creature. A 5/5 flier is a great base frame to hold Equipment. He's also large enough to deter potential attackers when your playing defensively.

He's self-recurring. Eternal Dragon is ready and willing in the graveyard IF you ever need him. Not planning on doing much that turn? 5 mana to have him available in your hand for later isn't bad. Sword of Feast and Famine or a mana doubler out? That 12 mana to recur and cast doesn't seem so steep anymore. This ability also allows his aforementioned abilities to be repeatable and makes removal against him that isn't exile or tuck essentially wasted. If you don't prefer spending mana to recur him, he's a great target for Sword of Light and Shadow's trigger.

Eternal Dragon is never a dead card. He doesn't force mulligans, nor is he a "lost turn" when drawn. He has relevancy at any stage of the game, brimming with options. He's not an all-star, but he's one hell of a team player.


Leonin Abunas - 8.5 can only protect if you have mana available. 8.5 is useless early-game and sometimes mana screw happens. 8.5 also can't save your Equipment from Green players using Krosan Grip. Having your Equipment completely safe from spot removal without any additional mana investments is indispensable. Don't over-rely on your Commander to protect your Equipment.


Argentum Armor - Argentum Armor's high mana and equip costs are incredibly easy to circumvent in an Equipment deck. Wasn't Stonehewer Giant in your deck before? He, along with Nahiri, the Lithomancer, laugh at its costs. It's also one of the better late-game Stoneforge Mystic targets, where paying 8 mana to cheat it into play and equip isn't out of the realm of possibility. There's no reason to turn away from an Equipment that allows any creature to instantly become a major threat with the little effort it takes to diminish the costs of playing it.


Champion's Helm - Pure Voltron deck or not, Champion's Helm is still useful as another source of hexproof for 8.5. Your deck has other legendary creatures in it. Champion's Helm benefits them, too. On non-legendary creatures, a +2/+2 pump isn't that bad when it only costs to equip.


Darksteel Plate - 5 mana to make 8.5, or any other creature, indestructible is a good deal. Keeping your Equipment holder alive is extremely important and Darksteel Plate completely negates most creature removal.


Fireshrieker - Don't ignore a tutorable source of double strike. It's one of the best things to have for this kind of deck. There's no real benefit of wasting spots in your deck with relatively weak double strikers. It's better to give a 8.5 or a massive threat double strike to increase its clock against your opponents.


Loxodon Warhammer & Sword of Vengeance - Being 'budget cards' doesn't stop them from being amongst the most solid options available. Loxodon Warhammer allows you to stabilize your life total while plowing through blockers. Sword of Vengeance offers four extremely relevant keywords on top of the +2/+0 pump. Don't discredit Equipment just because they're not at the same power level as Batterskull or the Mirran Swords.


Terminus - Messing up your own board is sometimes necessary in order to keep your opponents from gaining too much of an advantage over you. A sweeper that answers any creature is something you should have access to in your deck.


Oblation - An opponent getting two unknown cards in exchange for their most threatening or problematic nonland permanent is a price worth paying. It can also be used on one of your expendable or stolen permanents to act as an instant-speed Divination. There's no other removal spell mono-White has available to it that's as efficient and as flexible.


Mikokoro, Center of the Sea - White's greatest weakness is its lack of card draw. A cheap card draw engine that only takes up a land slot is phenomenal. Mikokoro's purpose is to keep your hand from being empty. There's no need to use it if you already have a good grip of cards. You also have full control of when to activate it. Using it at the end step before your turn ensures you get the full advantage over the extra card first.


Thespian's Stage - Having a card that can copy one of your opponents' best utility lands is very handy. If there's nothing worth copying, it can still copy a Basic land to tap for coloured mana and dodge nonbasic land hate while it waits for a worthy target.


All Is Dust - Blowing up colourless permanents with it and 8.5 a bonus, not its main function. And 7 mana can't be THAT expensive, since you use Ugin in your deck.

August 17, 2015 9:47 p.m.

Canuck25 says... #17

Is Godsend colour identity white, and will it fall off when you give pro white from Eight-and-a-Half-Tails?

August 25, 2015 10:21 a.m.

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