Prowess monks of Tarkir

Standard mafokoko


icehit6 says... #1

Over Favored Hoplite, I recommend Abbot of Keral Keep. Low cost 2/1 prowess that lets you play the top card of your library for the turn. It's really good.

You as well don't need Battle Mastery. You've got Temur Battle Rage for double strike, and it's a one cost for the turn. It's all you really need! Triggers prowess, and gives you a good combat trick. Battle Mastery is maybe just a little bit too high costing. If you were to take it out, I'd put the last two cards in Call of the Full Moon.

Other than that, great deck. Really fast.

July 23, 2015 7:53 p.m.

icehit6 says... #2

Sorry, I meant two cost on Temur Battle Rage.

July 23, 2015 7:56 p.m.

mafokoko says... #3

After rotation I will definitely put in Abbot of Keral Keep but I don't have money for it yet cause I'm building a MDN deck... I'm keeping super budget. As for the Battle Mastery I just have it there cause it is the perfect turn 3. If you play it turn 3 then you basically auto-win on turn 4 if they don't kill your creature... Also I'm finding that Call of the Full Moon is just a terrible card in some matchups making it too inconsistent to be a four of. Thanks for the comment though it's much appreciated.

July 23, 2015 11:15 p.m.

Brierre says... #4

Have you considered swapping the bully for Abbot of Keral Keep?

August 17, 2015 8:19 a.m.

mafokoko says... #5

Yes. That is my plan. But I'm a cheapo and can not afford Abbot of Keral Keep at the moment although yes it is my plan to get him :)

August 17, 2015 8:29 a.m.

checkmaster says... #6

I was also going to suggest Abbot of Keral Keep. Another option is Monastery Mentor. Abbot can fetch you a spell to play if you play it on turn 3+, and Mentor might simply flood the opponent if they don't act fast. Also Fiery Impulse may be good, perhaps in place of Magma Jet - it's cheaper to play and is stronger after spell mastery kicks in.

August 17, 2015 8:29 a.m.

mafokoko says... #7

Fiery Impulse could work really well, I'll playtest around with it a bit and see how it works. The main reason though that I don't like Fiery Impulse quite as much is because it only kills creatures. And the second reason for burn to be in this deck, is to finish off my opponent once I've run out of steam, Fiery Impulse cannot do this. I will also consider it as a sideboard card and see how it works.

As for Abbot of Keral Keep and Monastery Mentor they are both super good cards that I would like to have, but are not budget.

August 17, 2015 8:38 a.m.

alephezmgt says... #8

Hi, im using your deck and i like a lot, i dont have it complete, but im working on it, maybe we can add [], maybe to replace magma jet, im new in magic, so if im in wrong way just tellme haha PS:sorry if my english is not good.

August 21, 2015 1:08 p.m.

mafokoko says... #9

So no your not wrong. Twin Bolt is not bad at all. It is actually really good, but the reason that I use Magma Jet instead is because of the fact that it improves my next draws. The second reason that I don't use Twin Bolt is because usually, they will not have 2, 1 toughness creatures so you will only be 1 for oneing them... Which is the same as magma jet except without the scry. The last and final reason is that I am also running Arc Lightning is the sideboard which accomplishes the same as twinbolt except more for more mana.

August 23, 2015 11:30 p.m.

checkmaster says... #10

I think Twin Bolt would actually outperform Arc Lightning here: Twin Bolt is an instant, so it can also be used as a combat trick. Your Prowess creatures all get +1/+1 from it, and Favored Hoplite can get a +1/+1 counter from it by targeting him (he won't even take the damage thanks to his ability). Arc Lightning may give an extra damage for an extra mana, but cannot be used during combat. For example, Twin Bolt two 3-toughness creatures AFTER they each block a Monastery Swiftspear, and deal 1 damage to each blocker. Now both enemy creatures will fall, and if they are strong enough to kill your 2/3's, then they cost far more than the 1 mana you spent for your creatures.

August 31, 2015 8:14 a.m.

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