
Modern* Selemancer


Hyren123 says... #1

You always need Ornithopter in this kind of deck. It is evasive, and free. There is always going to be room for it.
Since you have no walking mana you should probably drop Myr Superion down to 2. You are also probably able to cut back on your lands since your most expensive cards are Mindslaver and then two 4cmc cards. So, you only really need to ramp into 4-5 mana then just hold.
Mox Opal could work well in this kind of deck, especially if you cycled in some artifact land. That would make it theoretically possible to first turn Steel Overseer , Memnite and Ornithopter . Second turn be playing your Voltaic Key and using it to be swinging for 5. That's a turn 2 possible play.
It also means that with just that, you'd be dropping one of your 2 copier's on turn 3. And that's something nobody wants to be staring down.
I like the Expedition Map , I would personally swap 2 in for 2x Ichor Wellspring .
You've got a solid deck here.
+1 from me. I do love artificing.

May 9, 2013 5:20 a.m.

Selemancer says... #2

Hey thanks a lot, I just came out with it last night when I couldnt sleep so I'm definitely gonna take all your suggestions

May 9, 2013 1:16 p.m.

codyjamesfs says... #3

I would say drop Myr Superion altogether. Since you can only cast it if you have mana produced by creatures (which you don't) so may I suggest Myr Enforcer , which you can play for free after awhile.

May 16, 2013 10:35 p.m.

Selemancer says... #4

Well actually the idea is to imprint Myr Superion so I never cast it, I just make copies of him over and over, which would be expensive with Myr Enforcer , but now that you mentioned it I like it, maybe for a sideboard.

May 16, 2013 10:50 p.m.

codyjamesfs says... #5

I guess that works, not too bad either. Also, add a Myr Turbine , just cuz it's fun!

May 17, 2013 12:28 a.m.

Selemancer says... #6

Haha you're right, is fun, I might need to test it.

May 18, 2013 3:29 p.m.

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