
Creature (2)

Sorcery (3)

The idea behind this deck was my childhood memories of playing VI-th edition MTG against a friend who had mono-blue deck and pissed me off with constant counter spells and creature bouncing. On the other hand, I wanted this version of mono-blue to be nasty and deal small 1-2 damage pricks here and there almost as if it was some U/R delver deck. It's not a deck that will win any FNM but it's honest work. And fun. Sadistic, cruel, fun...

How it wins?

  • You control the board. Counter what you can, bounce back the rest.
  • Optimally you want to have an opening hand with Delver of Secrets  , transform it turn 2 and start swinging.
  • Finishers come in form of big creatures with a low cost: Tolarian Terror & Haughty Djinn as well as sneaky Thing in the Ice  


  • Cheap cantrips and scry spells (Consider, Opt, Peek and Preordain) are there for you to dig for counterspells, probe the opponent and to feed your win cons.
  • You have playset of Counterspell and Remand as primary counters, don't waste them on creatures unless you have to.
  • For creature spells we have playsets of Psychic Barrier and Vapor Snag - see the little pricks of damage I mentioned? ;)
  • Finally we have swiss army knife of Archmage's Charm and Halimar Depths to know what's ahead of us.

Psionic Blast!

Psionic Blast is a weird card. As old as MTG itself (dating back to Alpha) it is one of my favorite oldschool cards. Just look at it - it doesn't even feel like blue card of today. This sort of thing should be red... but it gave me idea for this deck along with Psychic Barrier and Vapor Snag. Best wins I had with this deck were the ones where I was out of creatures, opponent had 3 life left and plenty creatures up. And then I just hit them for 4, in the face. That always comes out of the left field and leaves them puzzled and checking if that thing is even modern-legal. Thanks to Timeshift, it is. Bliss.



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Date added 5 years
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 9 Rares

4 - 2 Uncommons

24 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.93
Folders Mono Modern
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