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Psychosis Crawler Blue Artifact Combo Deck

Casual Artifact Combo Mono-Blue Multiplayer



When I first got Psychosis Crawler I instantly fell in love with it. Ever since then I've wanted to build a deck based around him. After much research this is what I came up with!! Here's the break down:


Psychosis Crawler - One bad-ass mother f***er!! Life loss whenever you draw a card makes your opponents go "O_o". May not seem like much at first but it only gets worse for your opponents from here. He is the Big Baddie of the deck :3

Etherium Sculptor - Every deck needs weenies to help it move along and this guy does it nicely. Suddenly your able to play MANY artifacts in a turn thanks to him! And to that, we salute him!

Consecrated Sphinx - Just doesn't seem quite like a blue deck without a Spinx in there does it? FEAR NOT!! This guy is uber handy to have as he increases your hand size, enabling you to get the cards you need faster :3 AND he synergizes ridiculously well with our good buddy Psychosis Crawler. Have them both on the field at the same time and and watch your opponent's life dwindle away.

Runed Servitor - remember what I said about weenies? Well I'm saying it again! This guy helps speed things along and adds cards to your hand. Also combos nicely with Consecrated Sphinx.


Font of Mythos + Temple Bell + Howling Mine + Thirst for Knowledge + Brainstorm - These little numbers are what make Psychosis Crawler so devastating. More card draw to fuel your hand and Psychosis Crawler's rage!!


Remand + Vapor Snag - Every blue deck needs control and here's mine. Remand will send your opponents cards back to your hand to stall for a bit more time to set up your stuff; not to mention the card draw that comes with it is awesome and kind of what this deck does. Vapor Snag does much the same thing, only exclusively to creatures. But hey, heavy aggro decks are this decks bane so its appreciated. Its cheap to use and the life lose isn't bad either.


Reliquary Tower + Venser's Journal - C'mon now. You must have seen this one coming in a deck thats based around massive draw power. Of course you'll want to keep all the cards you drew :3 and Venser's Journals's life gain gets RIDICULOUS.

Elixir of Immortality - A cheap little artifact thats nice for a bit of life and for re-fueling your deck for more CARD DRAW!!

Semblance Anvil + Everflowing Chalice - Lets face it. The core of the deck is artifacts. It'd be silly not to add Semblance Anvil. And Everflowing Chalice is perfect for fixing a potential mana problem.

Artful Dodge - Hokay! So! You can imagine just how much power Psychosis Crawler will have with all this draw power yes? Well for one blue mana you can make that shit unblockable! Swing for lethal damage at an opponent who's not expecting it. Just another Win-Con :3

Tezzeret the Seeker - Here comes the Artificer himself. He offers you the ability to untap useful artifacts like Everflowing Chalice, Temple Bell, and your Artifact Creatures should you choose to attack with them. Heck, he even untaps your Seat of the Synod!! And thats just his first ability! His second lets you search for your game finishing artifacts; including, but not limited to, Psychosis Crawler!! And his final ability, though may not be used very often, is a game finisher in itself. Suddenly your opponent is starring down a field of 5/5 artifact creatures. Let the games begin!

Time Reversal - We finally come to my favorite part of the deck. THE ULTIMATE COMBO!!! Picture if you will the idea of having both Consecrated Sphinx and Psychosis Crawler on the field; all your opponents are still alive and kicking. And then you drop Time Reversal on them. When each player reshuffles his hand and graveyard into their decks and "draws" 7 cards, Consecrated Spinx will allow you to draw 2 cards for every card they do. Thats 14 cards for every opponent plus the 7 cards you drew yourself. And then Psychosis Crawler siphons the life out of each of them for every card you draw!! :D Thats a massive amount of life loss. Congratulations! You just killed everyone at the same time!!

I had a lot of fun making this deck and I hope everyone else likes it to. If you do, like and +1 plz :) enjoy everyone!!


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 2.62
Folders Multiplayer, other's decks, Decks I want, Cool ideas, inspiration, To be built, Decks que Gostei, Mazos 2019, Inspiration
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