date: 6/24/14
this is the current version of the deck i have been running on monday and friday night events for the last month. I managed to 4-0 (1st) my first event with it, then had three events in a row finishing 2-2, and using this exact configuration i just finished 3-1 (2nd).
comments and suggestions are much appreciated =]
original deck link:
Best matchups:
*b/w midrange - ( faced this matchup a total of 5 times and didnt lose one match
*mono black devotion
*ramp/monster decks
*naya aura's
*red devotion
*bant control
*u/w control
*u/w/X trading post decks
*pretty much any midrange deck or a deck that has a lot of spot removal and a small number of threats
ok or terrible matchups:
*boros burn (w/ cheap burn, eidolon, and phoenix) (almost impossible to win unless they mana flood...)
*black/white aggro with god's willing and ajani's presence)
*monoblue ( not a terrible matchup, but can be difficult if they have 2 or more mutavaults in play )
*white weenie ( this deck forces me to have all my answers perfectly on curve, and many of my lands enter the field tapped)
*r/b aggro (mad cap skills can be a blowout without an answer on time)
deck notes-
here are some of the changes i have made from the original version over time to streamline the deck and hedge against my bad matchups
main board-1 elixir of immortality ( more interested in slamming a threat after locking them out for awhile as opposed to sphinx's revelationing and recycling my library over and over. although the 5 life is missed, its still a card that doesnt actually do anything to stabilize the game for me)
-1 thoughtseize ( too many shocklands, life total is a precious resource )
-1 syncopate (my lands enter tapped alot early, which extremely limits this cards potential) also added +1doom blade in its place
+1 dissolve ( pulled another in a pack)
-0 render silent ( i dont own a 4th dissolve at the moment, but this is a spicy one of that can shut down a big turn late game and nobody plays it. definite keeper)
-1 divination ( added +1 devour flesh )
+2 duress ( at one point had 2 thoughtseize in sideboard and 2 main, but i need to save life total against burn decks)
-1 gainsay (not relevant enough in the meta game)
-1 notion thief (wasted space and only was great in .005% of matches)
-1 ashiok nightmare weaver ( might move it back in one day but i need answers not questions)
-1 essence scatter (DOOM BLADE!)
-1 revoke existence ( would rather have deicide)
+1 negate ( nice catchall and helps against burn )
-1 sin collector (unfortunately, but had to make room for fiendslayer)
+1 fiendslayer paladin ( good against burn but garbage against boss sligh style decks)
+1 devour flesh ( lots of blood barons and an early interaction to slow the pace of the game )
+1 pithing needle ( mostly for mutavault )
+1 ultimate price (good against many creatures)
changes im considering:
-lowering my curve by maybe cutting 1 or 2 of the detention spheres and hero's downfalls and adding cheaper removal
-adding archangel of thune to sidboard
-running a set of nightveil specters sideboard
-adding more blood barons to the mainboard
-adjusting my mana, according to tappedout im slow on blue mana. i could -1 swamp and -2 godless shrine to add +3 island
-cutting divination and adding a jace, kill spell, or cheap counterspell
Please leave any comments or feedback below, it would be greatly appreciated!!!