
Near pure sliver deck. It's all 5 colors (except black, other than Hivelord), but it only has forests for land and bunch of dual lands. Pulled this back out after the Magic 2015 to see if I could make some awesome for 2 months. Definitely need some feedback. Trying to keep it primarily slivers, but I'm thinking there's room for a few more tricks.

Here's my card overview:


Belligerent Sliver - not sure how useful this is going to be, but I like the idea of more tokens getting through

Blur Sliver - underrated... good for surprising the enemy

Bonescythe Sliver - AWESOME, but it keeps getting killed... see instants

Constricting Sliver - I wasn't originally going to include this guy since he's so expensive, but if I get him out and still have cards in my hand, it's a game changer.

Galerider Sliver - cheap, and if they're not prepared for it, very dangerous

Manaweft Sliver - primary mana fixing component

Megantic Sliver - Great if it comes out, but I'm going for numbers, not bombs primarily

Predatory Sliver - Lots of cheap +1 makes me happy...

Sentinel Sliver - Great for still allowing to tap for mana after attacking!

Sliver Hivelord - self explanatory... although it's going to have "Exile Me" written all over it... see instants

Striking Sliver - meh... might drop this in favor of more Bonescythe

Thorncaster Sliver - nice for blocker removal, and AWESOME combined with Venom Sliver

Venom Sliver - primarily for combo with Thorncaster

Instants <--- need help here, gotta protect these guys

Azorius Charm - primarily for removal of scary attackers, although the draw and life gain options are nice

Mizzium Skin - protection for my slivers... and cheap overload cost for multi-target spells


Divination - not sure if I need this, but card draw is always nice

Hive Stirrings - MOAR SLIVERS!

Return to the Ranks - useful for bringing back my cheap key slivers in case of wipe/removal (Galerider Sliver, Manaweft Sliver, Sentinel Sliver) - convoke is nice too


Chromatic Lantern - secondary mana fixing help

Door of Destinies - great if I can get it out, but I'm beginning to think I don't want to slow down to put this out


Garruk, Caller of Beasts - MOAR SLIVERS!

The land is pretty self explanatory... but I'm open to any feedback!


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Ok, after some additional play testing on cockatrice and casually, I'm finally footing the bill for a pair of Chord of Calling. Yisan, the Wanderer Bard was awesome but he is just too slow. I'll keep him in my sideboard just in case I change my mind. Chord is expensive but the convoke and instant speed is just too good to pass up in a Sliver deck.

Added Leeching Sliver and Diffusion Sliver after some convincing from a friend and they do come in handy.

Also traded out some of the charms to protect better and match colors. But I'm in need of some proper removal beyond the normal before I'm ready to play my first FNM. To get completely destroyed.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 3 Mythic Rares

32 - 2 Rares

13 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Sliver 1/1 C
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