Fire from Olympus: Purphoros - EDH
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 255 | 102 COMMENTS | 19989 VIEWS | IN 67 FOLDERS
Matrixxx999 says... #3
+1, comrade!
And let the vodka and the blood of Your enemies flow like a river!
June 30, 2017 8:25 a.m.
DRmagic2017 says... #4
Reminds me old good "Red Alert": "Kirov reporting!" +1 for the idea
June 30, 2017 2:04 p.m.
dude check out my stax deck. great minds think alike!
Stalin, King Eternal
Commander / EDH*
June 30, 2017 6:29 p.m.
TheRedGoat says... #7
So have you ever given thought to cards with dash like Lightning Berserker or Flamerush Rider?
Also have you considered infinite combo effects any or are you trying to avoid them? I can understand if you prefer to not play any infinite combo effects, as it can warp the rest of the deck around them, But I think there are some that you could use the pieces of and still retain your build the way it is.
July 3, 2017 1:33 p.m.
AlmightyTentacle says... #8
Thx for comments and upvotes comrades!
Wurmlover - I will gladly chek it out mate.
TheRedGoat - Lightning Berserker and Glitterfang was in the old version of deck. But I finde them not as good as they looks like from the first sight.
Flamerush Rider 90% of deck creatures dont need to attack so there is almoust no targets for Rider.
I try to avoid using infinite combos building my decks.
July 3, 2017 6:38 p.m. Edited.
TheRedGoat says... #9
That's a fair point about the dash cards. I hadn't known you'd already tried a few.
As for infinite combos, the one I had been thinking of was with Dualcaster Mage and either Twinflame or Heat Shimmer. I can understand not using the sorceries, since you do say you're not attacking, but what would you think of using the wizard?
On a different note, have you tested out and creature stealing effects like Mob Rule or Insurrection in combination with Goblin Bombardment? I'm not sure where'd you cut for those, but I do feel like Goblinslide can replace one of your small time token generators like Dragon Fodder or Hordeling Outburst as another oddball suggestion.
July 4, 2017 1:54 a.m.
Matrixxx999 says... #10
I see that you have Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx in maybeboard. I recommend You to test Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, it is very good ramp card for mono-color.
July 4, 2017 2:28 a.m.
Love it, +1 from me! Check out Grinning Ignus and Aftershock btw. The latter is a great utility spell while Ignus combos with Purphoros and turns on Storm engines with Empty the Warrens and Volcanic Awakening.
July 4, 2017 5:30 p.m.
AlmightyTentacle says... #13
Thx for all suggestions you done so far comrade!
Dualcaster Mage combo - as I say early - "I try to avoid using infinite combos building my decks." Especially when your deck is mono-color (Black is an exception imho) its quite hard to tutor combo pieces.
Mob Rule & Insurrection - dont quite fit the deck theme and too mana heavy.
Thx for upvote comrade!
Grinning Ignus - goes to maybeboard.
Aftershock & Volcanic Awakening - too much land destruction effects, for now I am happy with Shivan Harvest.
Thx for upvote comrade!
- Mana Echoes - great card, but not here. There is simply not enough goblins ;-)
July 4, 2017 7:47 p.m. Edited.
Prophet_of_Xenagos says... #14
This is absolutely glorious. Insurrection seems flavorful.
July 4, 2017 10:59 p.m.
freakingShane says... #16
If you are looking into other/different haste enablers, I'd recommend Hall of the Bandit Lord and Fervor.
I'd recommend one replace Generator Servant since he has to be out a whole turn before you can use that ability (summoning sickness). Also, because he's a one time use.
Lastly, Mass Hysteria might be too much of a gamble. At least for me and my play group, I had to take it out because giving my opponents' creatures haste was too much of a disadvantage for me. Just wanted to stop by and throw that out there! Love the deck, friend!
July 4, 2017 11:25 p.m.
AlmightyTentacle says... #17
Thx for comment & suggestions freakingShane
Hall of the Bandit Lord is already in maybeboard. So I think about adding it in and give it a try someday.
Generator Servant got your point, I think about replacement.
Mass Hysteria - in Russia we say "Who doesn't risk, doesn't drink champagne", so I dont wana throw it out cuz its make multiplayer games little more "spicy" especially with War's Toll ;-P
July 4, 2017 11:41 p.m. Edited.
freakingShane says... #18
I just now noticed that you have a Red Button category, and it's Apocalypse....this is hilarious and so thematic!
To make things better, Apocalypse is actually a very good board wipe!
July 5, 2017 7:18 p.m.
AlmightyTentacle says... #19
This is ultimate and last answer to enemies of soviet regime - Tsar Bomba! ;-P
July 5, 2017 7:36 p.m. Edited.
Flytrigreen says... #20
You don't have the Russian anthem playing when this opens, which is honestly a problem as it is a great anthem. It looks like a pretty cool list though.
July 8, 2017 10:25 a.m.
I would strongly recommend as many copy spells as you can fit in the deck. Copy spells are very useful for a variety of reasons.
My favorite use of copy spells is targeting counterspells, choosing the counterspells as the target, ensuring your spells resolve.They're great against green decks or many other decks as well. Keeping, say, Reverberate in your opening hand lets you copy early Cultivates and Demonic Tutors that you wouldn't normally have access to. Late game copy Tooth and Nail(meaning yours resolves first and typically does so much damage that you kill them before their own Tooth and Nail) or Praetor's Counsel.
Since you're playing a spell deck, Reverberate and the like also allows you to copy your burn spells, pushing them that much farther and typically ending the game that much earlier.
I would personally include Reverberate and Fork as essentials, but keep an eye on Wild Ricochet and Reiterate as well.
July 8, 2017 9:32 p.m.
AlmightyTentacle says... #22
Flytrigreen Idea with anthem is cool! But I'm afraid I don't quite know how to put sound track on the deck page :-( Maybe later I read some info on TO forum about it.
IQuarent Thx you for suggestions!
Reverberate & Fork - I got your point IQuarent and in theory copiers can actually be nice for counter counterspells and use of strong sides of other colors spells. But in my practice (or maybe I just had bad luck with those two spells in my past experience) most of the time I want to have something else in my hand other than copier, cuz there was simply no target for it. Currently there is less than ten cards in deck which could be used with these two spells, I think this card number is very low and occupy two card slots for Reverberate and Fork not effective.
Still if I choose to put them in, any ideas what to cut?
July 9, 2017 11:05 p.m. Edited.
Cards that stood out to me:
Scab-Clan Berserker. Without the Renown, it's completely useless.
Eidolon of the Great Revel. I've never understood the use of this card in decks with a curve this low; you'll be dealing so much damage to yourself that it doesn't seem worth it. Then again, I've almost never seen this card in practice, so I could easily be wrong.
Burning Earth. Redundant and over-costed. It's also a nombo with your Magus of the Moon/Blood Moon. I think almost anything would be better than this.
Devastating Summons. I assume the point is to make two 1/1s for 1? That's decent, but if that's not why it's here, personally I would cut it. Aiming for big elementals with this card rarely pays off.
Shivan Harvest. Does this card really belong in a deck with two Blood Moon effects and Price of Progress? That's up to you.
When you have those copy spells, don't be afraid to be aggressive with them. If you have the mana to copy a Dragon Fodder, you absolutely can. Copy spells are a lot better with cards with X in their cost, speaking of which... Sudden Demise. This card should be in every mono-red EDH deck. It's incredibly useful.
Also, where is Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle? It wins games by itself, and it certainly pushed the damage farther.
Skullcrack is really good. Not much more to say than that, just be careful if you're relying on an Glacial Chasm because it becomes nullified once Skullcrack Resolves.
July 10, 2017 3:49 a.m.
Also, Sizzle and Fanatic of Mogis could both find a place here. Especially the latter considering how many enchantments are in the deck.
Chandra, Flamecaller is in my mono-red deck and I love her. Here, her plus nets 10 damage instead of 6, and I don't think I have to explain how handy that 0 is, especially with Scroll Rack.
Random other cards: Mind's Eye, Gauntlet of Power
July 10, 2017 3:57 a.m.
Matrixxx999 says... #25
Scab-Clan Berserker is probably worse then Eidolon of the Great Revel and Harsh Mentor and his Renown ability is the drawback it is true, but still he can stop (or hurt prety much) an any fast combo deck (especialy storm decks). In early game, this creature can become renown very easy, especialy considering that it has haste. In late game... well, as this decks builder said: "Burn them fast or die bright!" :P. I think this card is just corresponds to the general philosophy of the deck. But I have to admit that some time ago I cut this guy out of my Grenzo deck after some testing. But if AlmightyTentacle will decide to cut this card, then I would suggest to swap it for Viashino Heretic, Kari Zev, Skyship Raider or Mindsparker.
Eidolon of the Great Revel is a very good card (especialy in burn strategy and especialy in multiplayer), the goal of using such (sometime suicidal) damage dealers is to create the conditions under which You are losing life, but Your opponents losing MUCH MORE! Its like playing with Pestilence. Actualy for this reason I would like to suggest cards like Rolling Earthquake or Earthquake.
Can't say confidently about Burning Earth, cuz I never played with this card, but from what I see I can tell that this card can punish decks that realy greedy for mana, for example it can shut down or slow down some infinite mana combos (Peregrine Drake, Palinchron and infinite High Tide combos say hellow!). But for me it seems like it is to slow spell, but I may be wrong.
Never seen befor this card - Devastating Summons, pretty interesting. For sure I would create two 0/0 tokens and punch for 4 in each opponents face. Actualy this card could create triggers not just fo ETB but for LTB too: (6/15/2010: You may sacrifice zero lands as you cast Devastating Summons. If you do, youll put two 0/0 creature tokens onto the battlefield as the spell resolves. Unless some effect (such as the one from Glorious Anthem) is boosting their toughness, theyll be put into the graveyard as a state-based action. Abilities that trigger when a creature enters the battlefield will trigger, as will those that trigger when a creature leaves the battlefield.). And all this for 1 red mana, pretty juicy.
I have to agree with AlmightyTentacle about copy spells. Unfortunately You can't be aggresive with copy spells in Your hand when there is nothing to copy. In the deck like this one copy spells will be dead draw very often. And You will have to rely on the opponents spells, which is pretty situational I think.
Also, Sudden Demise is a graet spell, don't understand why I didn't see it befor! Need to test it in my Grenzo deck. :)
TheRealWubs says... #1
This alter is beautiful, comrade.
June 30, 2017 1:49 a.m.