Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]

Commander / EDH battle_jelly

SCORE: 421 | 271 COMMENTS | 87777 VIEWS | IN 239 FOLDERS

Holtzman says... #1

Went a different route with mine, goal is to get Krenko out by turn 3 or with haste on turn 4: or on turn 2 if you manage to open with Sol Ring Red Goblins Win

Play in pods for packs at my LGS so my goal is to kill at least 1 person before I get shut down.

April 28, 2016 12:31 a.m.

Holtzman says... #2

You should look into Impact Tremors low CMC and duplicates your Commanders Win-Con.

April 28, 2016 12:34 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #3

Hey, holtzman.Thanks for the advice, I decided to add it to the deck!

Other news.. Playing the deck, I have to give props to Goblin Matron. A few times I'd have nothing on the field but purphoros and some enchantments, then she'd go on the field and pop out a krenkos!

May 3, 2016 8:24 p.m.

FLATSO99 says... #4

nice deck ay.lobo, have an deck that runs both krenko and purphoros as alternate commanders, it uses dragons like Utvara Hellkite to pump out damage dealing tokens. it's not on tapped out yet but i'm working on it. i love the forge god as a commander cause like you said he deals all-around death damage consistantly!

+1 from me!

May 14, 2016 10:36 a.m.

Sconeth says... #5

I run a Norin the Wary EDH deck, running both Purphuros and Krenko, focused on triggering Impact Tremors, Pandemonium ect. Norin might fit in well with your deck, all of his phasing in and out keeps triggering Purphuros.

May 15, 2016 9:04 p.m.

Sconeth says... #9

I would take out Goblin Wardriver for Norin the Wary. My opinion though.

May 24, 2016 6:08 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #10

Ah, I thank you all, especially robo12385. You guys got me to change up some cards that I found stagnant in my games! Today I changed out Eldrazi Monument, Goblin Warrens, Chancellor of the Forge, Goblin Wardriver, and Vandalblast for Grinning Ignus, Norin the Wary, Goblin Tinkerer, Beetleback Chief, and Druidic Satchel! Lots of changes mostly to adding on to Purphoros, God of the Forge's ability and some draw power. I'm no longer considering Sensei's Divining Top at the moment, mostly due to price, but I may change my mind later. What do you guys think of the changes?

May 24, 2016 10:41 p.m.

Jsmith94 says... #11

Empty the warrens?

May 27, 2016 10:46 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #12

Hi, Jsmith94, I don't like to depend on storm cards, especially because it's not always a guarantee that you'll have lots of spells going on in a battle. With a mono-red deck, I learned quick that you can easily get stuck in a hand-less situation. If I had a red-blue deck, then Empty the Warrens would be beautiful. :D

May 29, 2016 11:44 a.m.

papahiggs says... #13

you might consider Outpost Siege as extra card draw or another ping when your creatures die.

June 24, 2016 2:09 p.m.

Sconeth says... #14

You can easily get a sensei's top for under $20 now due to the reprint. Just saying.

June 26, 2016 4:47 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #15

Hey, robo12385. Yes, indeed. I finally got a Sensei's Divining Top from the Eternal Master's set! I'm debating heavily about the Outpost Siege card, because of a good advantage to either draw or extra power, thanks papahiggs. Hmm, not sure what to pull out. I'm still working on what cards don't work well enough.

July 3, 2016 9:33 p.m.

geekmp3 says... #16

Thornbite Staff has some hilarious interactions with Krenko and a sacrifice outlet...

July 11, 2016 2:55 p.m.

Mogg Infestation I can't help but think this is a win-condition as well as solid removal if an opponents board state gets scary. Gamble it grabs anything you need.

July 22, 2016 6:48 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #18

Hello, geekmp3. I initially had Thornbite Staff in the beginning to make the most of Krenko. However, playing more with this deck made me realize that Krenko, Mob Boss is always the number one target as soon as it gets on the field. It dies too quickly for me to attach something to it, much more a 4-drop equipment (even though it is awesome). The route I go with instead is to find ways to use Krenko for more turns, even if he is in the graveyard by ways of Feldon of the Third Path or Mimic Vat. Even if they kill the token, Krenko will always come back to play... :D

July 25, 2016 12:53 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #19

SufferFromEDHD, I am considering putting Mogg Infestation in my deck again, because there are always boardwipes that kill off my little tokens and not the bigger creatures. Definitely good win-con, just trying to figure out what card to change out. The problem with Gamble is the nature of this deck. Red decks don't consistently keep hands for very long. Tutoring is much needed, however if Gamble is the only card in my hand, then... I'm pretty much screwed. My friend plays a wicked Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind deck. He uses this card often, but either his luck sucks, or he has bad timing, and he tends to discard the card he tutored for.

July 25, 2016 12:59 p.m.

Trashmaster says... #20

I feel like Damage Doubling effects work really well in this deck. I have built one very similar to this but I added Furnace of Rath and Gratuitous Violence, as they help end the game so much quicker. Also, if you don't have a quite so explosive start but you have one of these, they work even better. I playtested a game where I didn't get anything out until turn 4, but after that I won in 5 turns. They are very helpful cards that you may be able to utilize.

August 9, 2016 2:27 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #21

Hey, Trashmaster, I'm debating about adding Furnace of Rath to the deck, because I'm not too sure that it would benefit me more than the opponents... but you do make a good, good point about long games... So for now, I'm side-decking Furnace of Rath with Quest for Pure Flame, and Curse of Bloodletting for 1v1 games. I don't want to add in Gratuitous Violence, because my commander is hardly a creature in this token deck. I'm still figuring out what to switch out, but thank you for another outlook!

August 9, 2016 11:10 p.m.

Lanzo493 says... #22

How about Descent of the Dragons? It can kill troublesome creatures while replacing all of your small creatures with bigger, flying ones that trigger Purphoros.

August 10, 2016 5:51 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #23

Hey, Lanzo493. I have thought about adding Descent of the Dragons, but the thing is that I already have Mogg Infestation. In my opinion, it is a better card, as 8 creatures and you've won the game. Too many of these kinds of cards in the deck, and you can get stuck without enough token generators or protection from your opponents. Thank you for a good suggestion, though!

August 11, 2016 4:54 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #24

Hmm, Lanzo493, I take that back. After a long night of playing many EDH games, I've decided to put in Descent of the Dragons in exchange for Insurrection. I've been watching my opponent with his reanimator deck ramp much quicker than the rest of us, and I had Insurrection in my hand with 6 mana for a few turns... I think that having another card like Mogg Infestation is not a bad idea, like you said, and it does trigger Purphoros. Thank you.

August 13, 2016 2:09 p.m.

Ocelot44 says... #25

If you feel like you're having card draw problems, try Wheel of Fate and Reforge the Soul

September 2, 2016 12:37 p.m.

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