Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]

Commander / EDH battle_jelly

SCORE: 421 | 271 COMMENTS | 87698 VIEWS | IN 240 FOLDERS

Hey, I like the idea of this list; but have a lot of problems with how it runs and it being considered cEDH., and the primer as a whole. First of all, your opening spoiler is inaccurate. The average cEDH mana curve does not sit at 2.8-3.5. That is completely ridiculous. On average, a cEDH deck sits around 1.7-2.3, and 2.3 is even a bit high. Second of all, you don't run infinite mana combos, which make your X spells like Firecat Blitz shine. Third, your board interaction and stax pieces are too few and far between. Stranglehold and your land destruction/hate pieces are nice, but Cursed Totem , Grafdigger's Cage , Chalice of the Void , Ricochet Trap , Shattering Spree , Thunderclap , and Mogg Salvage would further improve the stax and interaction of the deck greatly. The three large downsides of mono-red are lack of access to tutors, interaction, and sufficient ramp. That's why you should look to amp both of those up as much as possible, and once you've reached the proverbial ceiling, acknowledge red can only do much on its own, and hunker down into stax. You most likely won't end up being the fastest deck at the table with these changes, but you will be able to slow down others' decks with T1, 2, and 3 stax pieces to the point where you're a contender.

April 20, 2019 11:12 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #2

Good evening, Ragnar0k. Always glad to have good conversations with magic players. So I'd like to first hear you continue your thoughts about the cEDH and its mana curve. I just looked at the top 5 cEDH decks here on Tappedout. Respectively, their mana curves are: 2.48, 3.03, 3.84, 2.18, and 2.51. Continually down the list, there are about 1 in 5 that do come below 2.3, but they most come closer to 3.0. I would like to see a cEDH deck that has a 1.7 mana curve, cause that would be hella fun to look at.

Infinite mana is cool, but it's not fun if you don't have a lot of cards to play, which as you've mentioned, is a weakness in . I think this deck excels in fast mana, rather than infinite mana. You have to hit quick and hard here. I don't personally believe that this deck needs to run infinite mana, just for a card or two, because frankly, Purphoros, God of the Forge + Panharmonicon + and ETB card like Siege-Gang Commander = 32 damage per each opponent.

I do agree that I need more stax pieces, as I've tried Cursed Totem in my Azusa deck. I think more stax would be fun. Also, are there any red tutors that I've missed out? I've seen artifact tutors, but they are expensive (looking at Planar Portal ). I'd rather draw into them with Wheel of Fortune . What do you think needs to be pulled out the deck for possible changes?

April 20, 2019 11:58 p.m.

AJe11y, basing the mana curves off of TappedOut top 5 cEDH decks is unfortunately not the best way to gather data. If you check r/CompetetiveEDH, you'll find a phenomenal and widely agreed upon cEDH repository. 1.7 isn't very far-fetched. Here's a very popular and powerful list that does so: Breakfast Hulk. My personal project runs just under 1.8 (here it is -> Sydri, Aetherflux Genius [[Primer]]). Even higher average CMC control lists such as Tasigur Seasons Past / Season Pastigur sit closer to 2.

I understand your point about infinite mana, and can agree to it to enough of an extent to accept it. You haven't missed any tutors in red, as Gamble is about all you've got, but because of this is why i recommended the stax pieces ( Grafdigger's Cage and the like) to give you options to slow down the game in hopes to draw/tutor what you need. Graveyards are huge in the current meta (i.e. Hulk, Storm, and Pod), so any ways in which you may be able to stop them are beneficial. If you don't have a problem with ramp, Trinisphere and Thorn of Amethyst may work for you as well.

Ensnaring Bridge may be a nice card to cut because of the fact that most midrange cEDH swing with Tymna the Weaver , Najeela, the Blade-Blossom , and friends. Along with that Lightning Bolt can be a relevant sideboard card for you. Also, a sideboarded Boil over Nevinyrral's Disk can crumble mono-blue decks. Other cards that could help you filter through your deck more are Memory Jar and Forgotten Cave . Otherwise, the deck is solid and is very similar to how I would build it. The lines of play are also well explained and this is overall a very nice primer.

April 21, 2019 12:32 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #4

Good afternoon, Ragnar0k. So I checked out your reddit site, and I have to say, it's interesting to see the various types of cEDH decks. However, I still see a huge range of mana curves in the decks there. It's cool to see a few decks that have less than 30 lands and still be decent, but I will still stick to facts that most cEDH decks just don't proficiently run that low, especially commanders that costs 4 mana and more. But if it works for them, that's pretty cool. I may have to think about pulling out a land for a stax piece. I can see using Grafdigger's Cage to slow down the graveyard fun. Will try to make room for it.

I can't see myself removing Ensnaring Bridge , because it works on 's great weakness: a low hand size. There are numerous games where I find myself facing a field of dragons, merfolks, or The Locust God 's field of little guys, and this artifact holds them off (with one or two cards in my hand) till I get to my wincon. Boil is a cool card, however, I run into many EDH decks that don't really run many basic lands, or even Islands, which is why Price of Progress and Ruination hurts like hell to them.

Overall, I enjoy the thoughts you bring to the table. I agree that I can benefit from more stax pieces, and possibly a bit less land. I have been thinking about it for a while after my success with Azusa, Lost But Seeking Fun (EDH Primer) and just watching people squirm when they can't play their pieces. Thank you, I will work on it.

April 21, 2019 3:28 p.m.

SP3CTR3_chelts says... #5

Hi have you considered Burnout I find it quite useful (not as useful as red elemental blast or pyroblast). It is usually only used on cards like cyclonic rift, reset/ extra turn cards, I have found it o be a game saver is some cases

July 4, 2019 6:15 a.m.

budlaorf says... #6

New Scampering Scorcher or Chandra, Acolyte of Flame may be great for your deck.

July 4, 2019 12:08 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #7

Good morning, guys. Sorry, I'm deployed again (active duty army gets ya good), so my responses are very delayed. I'll work on keeping up with you.

SP3CTR3_chelts, I'll have to look into that card. It's a bit more specific as it only targets blue instant spells, so I'd have to test it if drawing is enough to keep this card. Or maybe as a sideboard.

budlaorf I agree about Scampering Scorcher , I think as an etb creature card, it would benefit the deck. I'm just not sure what to pull out for it atm. Chandra is a bit tougher to keep, cause planeswalkers don't keep as well. I was debating a while to add Tibalt, Rakish Instigator , because it stops a strong opponent strategy, and makes tokens...

July 23, 2019 7:43 p.m.

Hybrow says... #8

I debated Chandra, Acolyte of Flame as well for my purphy deck.

The difference between her and Tibalt (I would say) is that she automatically gets 2 ETBs for 3 mana, which is about as good as Beetleback Chief with 3ETB for 4 mana. And if she actually lives a turn, which i admit is unlikely, its 4ETB for 3 mana.

I bought one and am testing it out, for me she is replacing Mogg Alarm .

Love seeing Purphy decks, by far my favorite deck to play.

July 25, 2019 10:50 a.m.

SP3CTR3_chelts says... #9

hey out of curiosity why did you ditch Ruby Medallion ?

July 29, 2019 5:48 a.m.

Wolfspane00 says... #10

Have you considered Chandra's Regulator for additional card draw/filtering? It also combos with Chandra, Acolyte of Flame but it's not as relevant except for niche situations.

August 16, 2019 6:49 a.m.

atomic_moose says... #11

October 26, 2019 10:37 p.m.

ToolisMaynard says... #12

I play this deck with all of the cheeky combos and I also added Combat Celebrant kiki as a scoop win con when purphrose isn’t out

October 30, 2019 11:27 p.m.

Mortarpod says... #13

Reading through the comments here, and I've gotta say that Ragnarok guy sounds like he needs to step off his high horse. You've got a great list here, and the only major recommendation I can make is Idol of Oblivion . Since you'll be making tokens fairly consistently anyway, it's technically cheaper card draw than Endless Atlas . Plus, if you see an opening to directly attack someone, the 10/10 it becomes is pretty nifty.

If you care to have a look at my Norin build (The War Room: A Proper Norin Primer), you might see some other cards you like. I based the entire deck around exploiting ETB triggers, so there's a lot of token support. If you're okay with upping your mana curve slightly, there ARE two artifacts that allow you to tutor up what you need. But they're both 5 CMC to cast. Ring of Three Wishes and Citanul Flute .

Once again, I really dig what you've got going on here. +1 for sure!

November 7, 2019 12:51 a.m. Edited.

oooh thanks Mortarpod Idol of Oblivion will go directly into my phosphorous deck!

November 7, 2019 3:56 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #15

Hey, Hybrow, always glad to see you coming back. I wonder of having any planeswalkers in the deck. Chandra, Acolyte of Flame and Chandra, Torch of Defiance are both great choices, but would having a planeswalker and making Purphoros a creature (more vulnerable) be worth the short-lived push? How goes the testing with her?

Hi, SP3CTR3_chelts, so Ruby Medallion is a great card, but it was best used for storm decks. I have noticed 3 things with this deck: I play 2 spells a turn at the most, I have more than enough mana to play my hand (and have zero cards at the end of my turn, damn), and half my deck is colorless which makes this card less useful overall.

Hey, Wolfspane00, I haven't considered Chandra's Regulator . As you say, it's situational, but I have seen better draw power without need for another planeswalker. If I don't really run Chandras, then it would mostly be a artifact for drawing. Mortarpod brought up a good point with Idol of Oblivion .

atomic_moose, yes! Mmm, one the one hand, Purp's devotion would make him as an Indestructible Creature. But on the other hand... it basically doubles all damage from Purp! Debating on swapping out another 4-5 drop for it ( Siege-Gang Commander probably?). Will test it out.

Hey, ToolisMaynard, good reminder! I added that combo to the "Infinite Combo Section". To add further, do you know if Combat Celebrant makes an infinite combo with Splinter Twin ?

Thanks, Mortarpod. I am always glad to see a new bro here. I definitely will look into Idol of Oblivion , as both myself and SP3CTR3_chelts like it. It also seems like a great simple combo with cards like Loyal Apprentice . As far as tutoring goes, I would rather draw than tutor, if that makes sense. I enjoy the chaos that mono- decks bring that brings you a full hand rather than search for that one answer, since 40 damage is 40 damage. ;)

Guys, I am as always grateful for the time you put to help me update our Purp decks to keep him competitive. Let's play some EDH with our Purps and see what changes we'll add further!

November 8, 2019 8:40 a.m.

"Hey, ToolisMaynard, good reminder! I added that combo to the "Infinite Combo Section". To add further, do you know if Combat Celebrant makes an infinite combo with Splinter Twin ?"

Yes it does :)

November 8, 2019 10:24 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #17

Thanks, SP3CTR3_chelts. Will add that as well. Always glad to put up these combos for our Bros; you never know how these guys want to make their Purp decks.

November 9, 2019 12:27 a.m.

Hybrow says... #18

Acolyte isn't terrible. Have only got her out once since added her, and she died in two turns... So 3 Mana for 4 etb... not terrible.. I only play purphy at the end of the night, so dont get a ton of testing

November 9, 2019 7:05 p.m.

Profet93 says... #19


Arcane Signet > Coldsteel heart

I would run Mind Stone > lotus petal. Petal's one time use is nice in a deck that can refill the hand, but I feel like you can just ramp up purphorous with it, it gets removed and you lost your commander and your ramp source. Mind stone adds the continous ramp with the needed card draw in red. I noticed you didn't include it purposefully (or purphorously....), so maybe a Ruby Medallion instead?

November 14, 2019 11:35 p.m.

heavyuser says... #20

Why did you take out all the inifinte combos?

December 1, 2019 8:30 a.m.

What are your thoughts on Dockside Extortionist as a budget inclusion, since Mana Crypt and Mox Diamond cost so much?

December 6, 2019 5:33 p.m.

enpc says... #22

What're your thoughts on Chandra, Acolyte of Flame ? She makes 2 tokens a turn and can recur most of your spells at least once for 3 mana.

December 8, 2019 11:51 p.m.

wolfboy193 says... #23

I was wondering why Myriad Landscape ? it seems to me it would be too slow of a land to justify it in the deck.

December 12, 2019 3:14 p.m.

wolfboy193 says... #24

I was also wonder why you left out the infinite combos in the deck. Wouldn't it make it stronger? I'm not a Cedh player and am trying to tune my Purphoros to the max it can.

January 1, 2020 2:02 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #25

Good morning, guys. Sorry for the delayed response, between being back from deployment and Commandfest at DC, it's been a good busy holiday season. I'm currently training in Arizona, so I'll be playing EDH on the West side again.

Profet93, I can attest that Arcane Signet would be better than Coldsteel Heart , mostly for the fact that it comes out untapped. I was using the Coldsteel one because it was a snow artifact, and it was better than it's other two-drop artifact counterparts. I use Lotus Petal to put out my Commander quick, because it costs to come out. Maybe I can find a way to keep both in... I can't justify Ruby Medallion , because half the deck is colorless, which makes it somewhat pointless if I can't use it to play larger cards or abilities.

theindigoeffect, I really like the Dockside Extortionist . The EDH scene has a lot artifact and enchantments in play, and if you play in pods like I do, you'll be way ahead!

Hey, enpc, nice to see you again. I think she's a great planeswalker. I am cautious with how she adds to devotion, but I think her reusable spell ability is useful to bring out wheels again. What would you recommend to be a possible replacement for her?

January 10, 2020 8:22 a.m.

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