Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]

Commander / EDH battle_jelly

SCORE: 421 | 271 COMMENTS | 87689 VIEWS | IN 240 FOLDERS

battle_jelly says... #1

Alright, now the chat for the infinite combos. I did not forget you, heavyuser and wolfboy193.

I was thinking about why I didn't have the infinite combos in my deck in the first place, mostly for the fact that they aren't tutorable or could die easily. I also remember having a player who had infinite combos, and hated him for it. But I think you guys are right.

It's about time to bring it on. Other cEDH players have infinite combos of some sort, why should mono-red be any less wild? Alright. Expect me to make some changes this weekend to the deck. I'll be playing at the local game shop tonight and see how it goes. Let's do it!

January 10, 2020 9:04 a.m.

heavyuser says... #2

This is what I want to read!

Looking forward to the updates. CEDH brings the hate, don't run from it.... embrace it :)

January 10, 2020 9:27 a.m.

enpc says... #3

With Chandra, Acolyte of Flame in the list's current state I would personally cut Scampering Scorcher for her. I mean the token haste is nice, but Chandra's tokens get haste too. And being able to recycle wheels/tutors seems strong enough that you don't hcare about the extra 2 damage. Plus most of your other elemental token producers make tokens with haste anyway.

January 10, 2020 9:40 a.m. Edited.

Hybrow says... #4

Saw the new set and immediately thought this guy was going to find a spot in my deck.. Anax, Hardened in the Forge

January 10, 2020 noon

Profet93 says... #5


I noticed your mention the ruby medallion point before, fair enough. The way I understand your deck, and correct me if I'm wrong, its a race. But what happens when they've countered your T2-T3 purphorous and you're waiting extra turns to recast him given you used a lotus petal or a ritual to cast him the first time. Or just saving their removal for him since he is the centerpiece of your deck (as I noticed you have cavern + boseju but you don't always have them out).

Adding more card draw might help mitigate this. Humble Defector , Light Up the Stage and Ignite the Future .

January 11, 2020 12:17 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #6

Dang, theindigoeffect. The Dockside Extortionist definitely jumped in price. I think for a multiplayer game, he's an auto-include. But dang, $18. :D

January 14, 2020 10:26 p.m.

Michigone says... #7

I saw Fiery Emancipation and wondered if it would fit in this deck? It's rather costly at 6 cmc, so I could understand why it wouldn't work, but was wondering what your thoughts on it were.

June 11, 2020 1:22 a.m.

FuriousRamsay says... #8

Not sure if you've already considered this seeing as you already have Krenko.

Equipping him with Thornbite Staff and sacrificing a token to Altar of Dementia to untap him and repeat infinite mill your opponents.

July 25, 2020 8:46 p.m.

NobleMansRose says... #9

I am building this deck for my own playgroup, but with 2 changes. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell has very high devotion, so I replaced him with Skullclamp for extra card draw. I also put in Deflecting Swat over Price of Progress because my playgroup rarely has more than a couple lands out and they are normally all Islands. I preferred the extra defensive spell in this instamce.

August 19, 2020 2:34 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #10

FuriousRamsay oh shoot, I forgot to add Krenko's infinite combos. I will definitely update the list, thanks!

NobleMansRose I forgot that I took out Torbran, I liked him in testing, but his devotion does make Purp and us a huge target. Price of Progress is definitely a Meta call. I have played with many bros that have expensive decks with expensive non-basic lands, so it's more of a funny zinger to win from them basically hitting themselves. I wholeheartedly agree on adding Deflecting Swat. Such a fun card. I am glad Wizards decided to help out this time.

August 20, 2020 4:45 p.m.

WarSpaniel says... #11

Could you please possibly walk me through the ETB Nim’s Deathmantle+ Ashnod’s Altar combo? Also the Grinning Ignus + Ruby Medallion one. Thank you (P.S. sorry for the noob question).

August 31, 2020 8:51 p.m.

Hybrow says... #12

The ashnod one is pretty simple. He only has two creatures it would work with. Let's use Goblin Instigator. He enters with a friend, you sac then both for 4 Mana and then pay deathmantle to bring him back. Comes with a buddy, then rinse and repeat

The grinning ingnus one isn't infinite, but still nice....

September 2, 2020 3:22 a.m.

Hybrow says... #13

FYI, the Grinning Ignus would be infinite with a Runaway Steam-Kin. As long as you can bounce ignus 2 times (so will have cast 3 red spells), then use the 3 counters from Steam-Kin to do it 3 more times... And again

September 2, 2020 3:26 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #14

Hiya, WarSpaniel, Hybrow is right about the Deathmantle+Ashnod combo. You want a creature with an ETB that brings out a buddy. Sac both, and Purp acknowledges all with 2 DMG to each opponent for every creature you put on the battlefield.

As far as Grinning Ignus goes, he is best as part of a storm count combo. He's great with Ruby Medallion because it reduces a count for yourself. If you have plenty of mana, then you can do some ETB with him. Unless you have a card that can turn that extra mana into , it is not an infinite combo, just a really effective combo especially with Purphy here.

September 2, 2020 10:47 p.m.

Profet93 says... #15


I tagged the wrong jelly several comments/months ago. Curious what you think. of the comment. I'll paste it here:

I noticed your mention the ruby medallion point before, fair enough. The way I understand your deck, and correct me if I'm wrong, its a race. But what happens when they've countered your T2-T3 purphorous and you're waiting extra turns to recast him given you used a lotus petal or a ritual to cast him the first time. Or just saving their removal for him since he is the centerpiece of your deck (as I noticed you have cavern + boseju but you don't always have them out). Adding more card draw might help mitigate this. Humble Defector , Light Up the Stage and Ignite the Future.

Also, there is another infinite combo in your deck not listed in the description... Rings + Basalt = Infinite Mana + Top = Draw your entire deck.

September 30, 2020 12:52 a.m.

Hybrow says... #16

So... new set (Commander Legends) is looking exciting. I found one I am going to need to find a spot for in my deck.

Jeska's Will - Sorcery

Choose one: If you control a Commander as you cast this spell, you may choose both.

  • Add for each card in target opponent's hand.

  • Exile the top three cards of your library. You may play them this turn.

October 29, 2020 10:09 a.m.

Nice EDH sideboard there ;)

In all seriousness, I quite like the design of the deck. How do you feel about add the new Jeweled Lotus? As you say in the primer, the earlier Purphoros comes down, the better. This card will increase the percentage of time where you hit that mythical turn-1 commander. Unfortunately, it can't accelerate other gameplans, and is generally a dead-draw lategame... but God does it speed out the God ;D

November 3, 2020 12:11 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #18

Hey everyone, sorry, I've been neglecting the comments here for a bit. Just been playing on Twitch, making new decks, and testing this deck through video. (Not as fun as in person, but oh well.) Profet93, I will definitely add that infinite combo to the description. People must know. :D The draw power from Light Up the Stage is good, but the conditions are a bit much. Unless you are actively damaging your opponents, it's just a very expensive draw card (same about of mana for Wheel of Fortune). Humble Defector is good, but I hesitate to give my opponents card advantage. If they see you running Purp, and you are in a game of 3-4 folks, you'll never see this creature back on your side of the field. On the other hand, Humble Defector is great if you can sac him in response to the activated ability. Draw, then sac. Ignite the Future is a possible change to Outpost Siege if you are running it, and its flashback is sweet.

January 14, 2021 11:04 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #19

Hybrow Yes! Testing Jeska's Will has been very fun. I agree with that recommendation. That and Deflecting Swat have been very good. I have added that and Jeweled Lotus in the deck, as Omniscience_is_life has been good to remind me about this sweet needed card. Trust me, it's really good. Someone was able to exile my commander, and I was not sweating because of my brand new Jeweled Lotus sitting in my hand. Worth it!! Always a good target for Goblin Welder, if you run it and your Commander needs a little push back from their zone. Just trying to remember for the life of me what I removed...

January 14, 2021 11:06 a.m. Edited.

Hybrow says... #20

I haven't played since adding Jeska's Will, because.. well, 2020...

What do you think of Tibalt's Trickery in the new set as a counterspell? Thinking of replacing Reverberate in my deck... Unsure at this point though, hoping to get more play in 2021

January 14, 2021 3:40 p.m.

Spoosky says... #21

February 24, 2023 2:43 p.m.

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