Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]

Commander / EDH battle_jelly

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battle_jelly says... #1

master274. Ah, If you want us to compare decks, that was an unusual way of asking.

Where Krenko decks tend to be speedy and death by goblin tokens in some fashion, Purphoros is consistent and uses all kinds of tokens.

In terms of threats, Krenko and Purphoros are both big threats. Difference is that Krenko is easily killed, Purphoros as an indestructible enchantment, not so easy to kill.

Krenko decks have an anthem theme to them (spawn tribal tokens, make them huge!) which makes them stuck from things like Ghostly Prison or Dueling Grounds. Purphoros decks focuses on Purphoros' ETB ability which makes decks have a weakness against Torpor Orb.

In terms of durability and versatility, I would still stay with a Purphoros deck. A 4 pod game I played last Sunday included many board wipes and destruction. Nevinyrral's Disk was even used twice. I had to kill my Krenko with the rest of the board. It was a long game (turn 13), versus Odric, Wanderer Maelstrom, and Oloro decks, yet Purphoros endured until the end and won. Oh, and it was fun!

Anyways, yeah, those are my thoughts when comparing Krenko to Purphoros. Not necessarily our decks, but a general comparison.

March 21, 2017 8:04 a.m. Edited.

sabba5600 says... #2

I built a very similar list a month or so back and here is some of my favorite cards for the deck.

Mana Echoes <-- absolutely stupid amounts of mana can come off of this card
Skirk Prospector more mana, Moggcatcher goblin tutor, Myr Battlesphere 10 damage please, Flameshadow Conjuring copy any of your token producing creatures for one red.........

March 26, 2017 1:33 a.m.

sabba5600 says... #3

oh yea forgot to mention that Flameshadow Conjuring lets Grinning Ignus go infinite

March 26, 2017 1:37 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #4

Hey sabba5600. I've seen Mana Echoes a lot lately. It definitely could be fun, seeing as there's a lot of mana to be gain.

I don't run enough goblins for Skirk Prospector to work his magic with. Same with Moggcatcher, I ended up replacing him for Gamble.

Myr Battlesphere was a great card, but a fellow commenter got me to thinking to change him with Knollspine Dragon for more draw power. Since the deck already has about 25% cards making tokens, it wouldn't hurt to think about the problem which is draw power. It's still a great card, though.

Hmm, I'm not too interested in infinite combos in this deck, but I might have to put that in the "infinite combo section". Thanks for the ideas!

March 28, 2017 7:24 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #5

Trying to add in another board wipe... And I've been stuck all day. Starstorm or Fault Line? Both start at the same CMC, INSTANT speed, and are pretty awesome all around! Cycling or added insult to injury (damage to Players/one of their planeswalkers)? Thoughts?

March 29, 2017 7:47 p.m.

Hybrow says... #6

I would play Fault Line out of those 2, I love direct player damage. Could also try Chain Reaction. Ends up working a lot like Blasphemous Act if you are in 3 or 4 player game.

March 29, 2017 9:12 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #7

Hey Hybrow. That's true. I think it could also be super deadly fun with Quest for Pure Flame. I won't mind a little damage if everyone else gets it worse.

March 30, 2017 6:31 p.m.

budlaorf says... #8

Hey, I really like this deck! Have you thought about adding in Molten Birth, Increasing Vengeance, Young Pyromancer, or Goblin Dark-Dwellers?

Molten Birth would give you a chance to keep casting it over and over.

The Goblin Dark-Dwellers could almost be another Siege-Gang Commander, that allows you to recast Krenko's Command, Dragon Fodder, Hordeling Outburst, Molten Birth along with the added bonus of letting you recast your other useful spells such as Chaos Warp, Reverberate, Fork, Reverberate, Shattering Spree, and Wheel of Fortune.

Increasing Vengeance would give you another copy effect with flashback.

April 2, 2017 2:17 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #9

Hey, budlaorf. Woah, a lot of those cards sound super familiar. Let me remember what my thoughts are for them:

Young Pyromancer is too slow. I have to cast a sorcery for him to be usable, just the same with Guttersnipe who does damage without Purphoros. I don't like him to sit and wait for me to play another card to work off his effects. You might not even get a token from him every turn.

Increasing Vengeance I took out because it only targets MY spells. Just a few hours ago, I was able to Fork a Temporal Mastery! You want to be able to target your opponents, as they have access to other spells you normally won't.

Molten Birth was in the deck temporarily, but pulled out. I wasn't able to keep it in hand, as I kept going tails. Also, for a sorcery spell, 2 creatures for 3 mana... I figured to replace it for Hordeling Outburst, 3 tokens for 3.

Goblin Dark-Dwellers could be good, but it's too similar to Increasing Vengeance. 3 or less sorcery/instant in my graveyard. I won't be able to use Fork or similar cards, because there would be nothing in the stack to copy. I just checked maybe 10 cards total it would reuse, but it's all situational.

Good thoughts, thank you for getting me to remember some good cards. :D

April 2, 2017 7:16 p.m.

Ever considered running any of the following?:

Goblin Sharpshooter / Rage Thrower / Stalking Vengeance to make opponents wiping the board hurt a little more

Hellrider to make attacking with your swarms lethal as a last resort

Also there's Empty the Warrens when you want to go for broke making your tokens and Battle Hymn to give you the mana to go the distance

Definitely a cool take on the deck!

April 6, 2017 10:50 p.m.

Hybrow says... #11

Did you see the new Insult/Injury card from Amonkhet spoilers? 2 and a Red for Sorcery - "Damage can't be prevented this turn. If a source you control would deal damage this turn, it deals double that damage instead."

And then it has a sort of useless cast from grave ability, but I think it may make find a place in my Purphoros deck.

April 7, 2017 1:40 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #12

acht_deck_manager, hey. I used to have Goblin Sharpshooter in the deck, but without a guarantee kill for him (like with Basilisk Collar) there wasn't a good point to have him out. He would just sit and look cool.

Hellrider is a cool card. But I would rather have him in a deck that attacks often to make the most of him, like a Krenko, Mob Boss attack deck, then a spawn token deck like this. I think it's mostly cause my pods tend to have a lot, a lot of boardwipes.

I did also have Empty the Warrens here in my deck at one point, but with the cost of the spell, trying to storm without going broke, is pretty tough. It's an amazing card with Grinning Ignus, that's for sure!

Lots of good cards, it's tough to think of what to switch out for possible change. Good thoughts.

April 7, 2017 10:13 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #13

Hey, Hybrow. True. I may want to test out that card when it comes out. Sounds like a game ender type deal too. The injury part is a bit weak, but I can see it useful for pinging off a cheap creature or redirecting damage to a planeswalker.

April 7, 2017 10:15 p.m.

Ghawn says... #14

Not using this for advice. Just saying you have a typo in the first sentence of your description.

April 8, 2017 10:31 a.m.

Nice to see another Purphoros list!

Especially someone who also remembers Snake Basket ;0)

Would like to suggest Descent of the Dragons because of how well it works with Purphoros, God of the Forge's trigger.

Mine own build might give you a few extra ideas too.

April 8, 2017 10:53 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #16

Haha! EnividWodahs, thanks. What a hell of an oversight! It's changed.

April 12, 2017 7:44 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #17

Abres_Tenelles, hey. Thanks, Snake Basket is definitely an advantage over goblin tribal Purphoros decks. It's funny you mentioned Descent of the Dragons, as I took it out probably a day before. Love the card. Amazing factor. But... Hmm, it wasn't the game ender I wanted it to be. If I had it in hand, I had to wait for a couple of tokens, and stuff tends to get blown up or die around me. Even giving my opponents a dragon was not fun, lost a few games like that. I ended up swapping it for a boardwipe, Starstorm, which not not made the deck a bit cheaper, but also gave me more of an edge to control the field a bit more. I'll have to check you deck out. Thanks!

April 12, 2017 7:50 a.m.

GuardGamer says... #18

I play a krenko deck myself and love it! Hate that Worldfire is banned haha but there are so many win cons here it's rediculous. I noticed you don't have a Voracious Dragon, which is honestly a great dragon to play in these infinite goblin decks. Burn at the Stake has saved me more than a few times late game as well. Thousand-Year Elixir is great so you aren't waiting that extra turn to use Krenko and running a Goblin King pairs well with Blood Moon

May 16, 2017 7:49 a.m.

Hybrow says... #19

my playgroup is looking at the spoilers for the new Ixilan set.. and sent over this one...

Angrath's Marauders 3RR Creature - Human Pirate (R) If a source you control would deal damage to a permanent or player, it deals double that damage to that permanent or player instead. 4/4

might be worth looking at when the set is officially spoiled... casting cost may be a bit high for my Purphy deck.. but its worth considering. for me, I am probably going to drop Curse of Bloodletting for it.

June 16, 2017 12:29 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #20

Hybrow, hey. That's a good idea. I'm thinking of possibly replacing Reforge the Soul for it.

June 16, 2017 3:13 p.m.

Archomental says... #21

Hey ay.lobo! I came to Tappedout tonight looking for Neheb concepts and found this instead! Brilliant deck construction, but I was having a thought - why not include Braid of Fire in this? Seems an obvious and simple way to get boatloads of free mana each turn.

June 25, 2017 1:58 a.m.

Archomental says... #22

Oh, sorry, to clarify I'd perhaps remove Generator Servant or Coldsteel Heart for the Braid of Fire

June 25, 2017 2:01 a.m.

battle_jelly says... #23

Hey Archomental! I considered Braid of Fire a while ago, because it seemed like a good way to get so many spells out with it late game. The problem with this card is that the mana disappears by the end of upkeep. This card would be amazing for instant spells and abilities that can be done at instant speed, but otherwise it won't help out cards like Snake Basket. Which would be super awesome if it did!

June 25, 2017 12:45 p.m.

Archomental says... #24

Makes sense! With only 7 instants as well, not too much use. Fair enough.

June 25, 2017 1:14 p.m.

battle_jelly says... #25

It would definitely be awesome in a neheb-burn deck, though. Thinking about free Lightning Bolt or Pulse of the Forge or even Comet Storm in that deck would be cool.

June 25, 2017 2:19 p.m. Edited.

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