Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 421 | 271 COMMENTS | 87690 VIEWS | IN 240 FOLDERS
battle_jelly says... #3
Hey, Its_Johnny_Bravo. I used to have Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker when I first started with this deck a while ago. The issue I ended up with is that I hardly have more than 7-8 creatures that I can use with him (non-legendary creature), and Kiki-Jiki would be sitting in my hand. Without running infinite combos, it makes it difficult to run Kiki-Jiki.
July 3, 2017 10:41 p.m.
No Mana Vault or Grim Monolith? I feel like all the fast mana is required to get P out as fast as possible
July 15, 2017 11:48 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #5
Hey, ragecat. I've tested both cards before in the deck, and you have a point: Bringing out Purphoros the fastest possible is important. However, I tend to play with multiple opponents which usually includes a blue player or two, and then get countered or bounced. A countered Purphoros at turn two makes for a delayed Purphoros at turn 5-6. I'm after a bit more of stability and protection to ensure that he does come out safely. I feel like these expensive cards aren't needed in a simple mono-color deck like this which is steady with mana.
July 24, 2017 8:47 a.m.
thraashman says... #6
I have a Purphoros EDH deck myself that's primarily token generation for kills. My list on Tapped Out is very out of date though. Depending on how competitive you want be, have you considered the card Heat Shimmer? It's a two card infinite creatures combo with Dualcaster Mage. I had it myself for a while until I decided my deck being too powerful made my friends kinda hate me.
July 26, 2017 11:11 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #7
Good morning, thraashman. Yeah, I used to have that combo in the deck, but took it out a while ago, because it was very rare to get both out at the same time. There's hardly any tutors in red that can ensure you to have both of them out with Purphoros out (I'm thinking Gamble and Ring of Three Wishes. I had the same amount of luck with the Kiki-Conscripts combo. I eventually left that infinite combo aside, but kept it in the descriptions, in case it worked out for other people. Glad it worked for you, some people have all the luck! ;)
July 27, 2017 8:16 a.m.
ticked-off-squirrel says... #8
would Goblin Warrens help you out? it can pop out miniblins like crazy. or what about Foundry Street Denizen? he gets bigger for each red creature that pops out. or Swiftfoot Boots/Lightning Greaves to protect Purphoros from any targetable spell. or to be really mean, use Lich's Tomb so that way if the opponent does manage to break through and kill you you wont die since you got loads of tokens to sack. Massive Raid can be a big finisher for when you happen to run out of steam (unlikely as it may be). I also suggest Insult / Injury to make it even more fun. finally I suggest Sylvok Lifestaff so you can bounce it around your creatures and gain life when you sack them.
August 14, 2017 10:52 p.m.
EventuallyClassy says... #9
Big fan of your purphoros deck. I built it, and played it last night in my play-group. I got paired up in a crazy 3-player game, with a buddy playing my Dark Alley w/ Mr. Rakdos and His Eldrazi deck (thanks for the upvote), me playing your Purphoros, God of Tokens deck, and another buddy playing Heartless Son of a Bitch (a waaaaay underrated deck, true monster......I've lost on turn zero twice to it. Check it out, you might like the build, it is soooo much fire).
Game 1: Hearless killed everyone, including himself, on turn 3
Game 2: Heartless won on turn 5, with 1 life left
Game 3: (a mere 9 minutes after game 1 started) Heartless died quick to a tag-team, ultimately Rakdos won with only 2 life left, I almost had him....1 damn creature short! Pretty epic game.
3 strait games of pure lava-throwing, fire-spitting, heat-flinging damage. Took probably 30-35 mins. Good times. Can't wait to play it more. Thanks again, sweet deck.
September 7, 2017 10:02 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #10
Hey, ticked-off-squirrel. Woah, lots of suggestions. So I did test out some of your ideas on our game day a few days ago. Let me find my notes:
Goblin Warrens- Great card, and I was lucky to had a Dragon Fodder the next turn. However, when my Goblins were killed, I ended up with Elemental and Human tokens for the rest of the game and that made this card not as useful as in the beginning.
Lich's Tomb was really nice. I have to say, it held off some big creatures for a bit. I need to figure out the synergy, because once my opponent had an infinite combo with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Triskelion, I couldn't do much. Good card though!
Massive Raid- I have tried cards like that and Mob Justice and Burn at the Stake, and it worked against non-Blue, non-White, non-Black decks. The reason why it didn't work as well against those decks is because when I played this kind of card, my opponents would have a instant-speed boardwipe that nullified this card. Sad face. Maybe I should try it again, with better results.
Sylvok Lifestaff- It was an interesting thing to be gaining life in this deck. I do like the combo with this and Ashnod's Altar. Not sure if I would use it, because I like the beatdown aspect before helping myself, but it was a nice way to stay afloat! Just a heads up, I was definitely more of a target when my opponents all had 15 life and I was still at 40 because of life gain. :D
Insult / Injury- Still testing. Love it so far.
Cards that don't work well with this deck, Foundry Street Denizen. Hmm, more for active attacking players. He doesn't have trample or anything, so he's just a big blockable beatstick. Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots, the thing is, I never make Purphoros a creature, so I wouldn't be able to attach it to him. He has enough of a protection as an indestructible enchantment.
Thank you for your thoughts, bro. I definitely appreciate it and will continue to consider some of them!
September 8, 2017 10:11 a.m.
battle_jelly says... #11
Good morning, EventuallyClassy. Woah, thank you for the props! This is definitely why I uploaded my deck. Simple, fast, fun. I'm going to check out the decks you mentioned again, and see where to go from there. I hope you continue to update us here on your games with the Purphoros, God of Tokens (Multiplayer EDH Primer) deck and see if we can figure out a better win/lose/fun game ratio. :D
September 8, 2017 10:17 a.m.
nakaosensei says... #12
Great deck bro!I have a Narset tokens deck with the exactly same idea of your deck! Summon tokens and deal direct damage, or kill everybody by attacking with an army of buffed tokens, i will let the link here:http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/narset-and-the-tokens-army-real-life-deck/
Also, i use two cards that might be useful to you, Outpost Siege(you can use as a draw or direct damage card) and Vicious Shadows
September 23, 2017 8:46 a.m.
battle_jelly says... #13
Good morning, nakaosensei. Thanks for the props. I do like Narset decks, especially the colors you get to access. Being mono-red really can limit you or make you shine. Thanks for the recommends, I already have Outpost Siege and it works great for me. Vicious Shadows is a bit more expensive, but it looks pretty fun too.
September 23, 2017 11:10 a.m.
Workman4137 says... #14
Since you're going to be casting spells and have lots of enter the battlefield triggers, I feel like Empty the Warrens would be a great addition if you cast a lot of spells this turn. Especially if you need more etb triggers.
Of course, since it has storm, you can cast cheep etb effects and get more tokens for free!! 83
October 10, 2017 1:04 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #15
Hey, Workman4137. That is a in interesting thought. I tend to play 1 or 2 spells during my turns, would that be enough for this card with the STORM ability? Also, what would you swap this with?
October 10, 2017 1:22 p.m.
Workman4137 says... #16
Still, if you have a storm count of two including empty the warrens, that's 6 tokens which if purpheros on the battlefield is 12 damage not including the panharmonicon, impact tremors, pandemonium, warstorm surge, etc effects adding more damage.
As for what to take out, I would say a ruby medallion or something not as impactful or very useful.
Speaking of mana, a Gauntlet of Might would help you out with mana and gives an anthem effect if you have the money for it.
Of course, it's just some food for thought. I haven't built something like this very often.
October 11, 2017 11:05 a.m.
Workman4137 says... #17
Sorry, my math is wrong but the point still stands. At worst it's another Krenko's Command
October 11, 2017 11:06 a.m.
battle_jelly says... #18
Thanks, Workman4137. I'm definitely not a math person myself when I try to count up all the damage added with Purphoros and the like. I'll go and consider it, especially something to mull over with combos like Grinning Ignus.
October 11, 2017 11:31 a.m.
I'm going to make my comment for the sake of fairness, as KeroroLulu doesn't have the experience.
Vance's Blasting Cannons Flip - You run enough cheap cards that this isn't hard to get to flip, once flipped, it can hasten the game even more
Sunbird's Invocation - Expensive, but can be very profitable
Makeshift Munitions - Another Goblin Bombardment
Rummaging Goblin - Pitch what you don't need, and draw
Pyromancer's Goggles - Copying stuff for lots of damage
October 11, 2017 5:24 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #20
Thanks, Byuante, I appreciate you helping us both out. I'll be looking forward to seeing if I can test some of those suggestions out in a future game!
October 11, 2017 5:32 p.m.
Hi, your deck looks like it's a lot of fun playing! I enjoy the power of Purphoros, God of the Forge in my own naya tokens deck.
You do not mention Goblin Rabblemaster, Hanweir Garrison and Young Pyromancer in your Budget section or alongside the cards that didn't make the cut, so I just want to suggest them because I like them.
Also Mercadia's Downfall is a nice alternative wincon against most decks, but maybe it's just not necessary in yours.
October 14, 2017 3:43 p.m.
Some more cards that I considered for my naya tokens deck back in the day:
Kyren Negotiations extracts additional damage out of your tokens.
Furystoke Giant is similar but lets you ping creatures as well.
Spawning Pit lets you recycle your tokens. Also good in response to sweepers.
Mana Echoes would generate a ton of colorless mana in your deck, even though you use different creature types. Hordeling Outburst for example would generate at least 9 mana in total.
October 14, 2017 4:04 p.m.
Aaand Stranglehold is great when you're playing tokens, because a lot of the opponents will try to search their library for their one-off anti-token-tool
October 14, 2017 4:07 p.m.
I'm sorry, but this really is the last comment. Stranglehold is also good in this deck, because it hinders the opponent from searching for Return to Dust or All Is Dust to remove your Purphoros, God of the Forge.
October 14, 2017 4:10 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #25
Good morning, Bxbx. You are right, I need to update the Budget list by starting with your recommendations.
The other thing I need to add is Stranglehold is not exactly a budget card (above $5), however, I will add it as a side-board. You are correct, as other colors have tutors and searches galore, we need to protect ourselves better. I'll switch it in with War's Toll if I find myself against many or Captain Sisay-like tutor players.
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #1
You desperately need Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
July 2, 2017 9:55 p.m.