Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 421 | 271 COMMENTS | 87689 VIEWS | IN 240 FOLDERS
xJonahSlayerx lol, doesn't changing commanders fundamentally alter the entire point of the deck?
November 11, 2017 5:33 p.m.
xJonahSlayerx says... #3
I know, just a thought. No one else responds to me lol
November 11, 2017 10:12 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #4
Hey, xJonahSlayerx. JRaynor is correct. If I swapped the commander for Krenko, I'd have to change a lot of the aspect of the deck. With Krenko, you'd want to spawn/attack with a lot of goblins. You'll be on the offensive a lot, and you would be very vulnerable to a creature boardwipe. Cards that make tokens other than goblins would have to go, because they wouldn't sync with Krenko. I prefer Purphoros, as he's more resilient and works with a lot of different strategies.
November 11, 2017 11:11 p.m.
xJonahSlayerx says... #5
I like Krenko, but I do have Purphoros already. I might just stick with his strategy because I have been testing him and he is harder to deal with than other red commanders. Thanks for the feedback and deck build.
November 13, 2017 6:29 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #6
Absolutely, xJonahSlayerx. I always have a blast with him. Just update us with your matches so we can see how good/bad Purphoros plays in your tables and if there's any improvements/combos to note.
November 14, 2017 1:49 p.m.
ericchen2003 says... #7
Most of the times when I play my Purphoros, I am always the target of my opponents since you can't ally with anyone (Purphoros ability targets everyone)
January 28, 2018 10 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #8
ericchen2003, exactly. There's not really a good diplomacy with this deck because you're hitting everyone equally. Usually, you'll get underestimated at first because you're a pure red deck... What's the worst a mono-red deck going to do? ;)
January 28, 2018 10:59 p.m.
You should change Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs for Goblin Marshal.
January 31, 2018 8:17 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #10
Evening,Gotreck. Why do you think the Marshal should replace Kazuul? I used to have Marshal, but he seemed too slow. And I would have Kazuul out to deter people from attacking me, since good Purphoros players tends to be the biggest threat in games.
February 2, 2018 6:21 p.m.
I made a budget version for this deck that is just as competitive and costs under $150
February 11, 2018 12:44 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #13
I do want to add, D_boss, that making budget decks are an awesome challenging thing on their own. You can pride yourself when you win against expensive decks and all! Just want to mention, this deck has maybe 5 cards that are more than $15. Also, if you replace them and the snow-covered lands with regular mountains, you would find yourself with a pretty budget deck. I do have some budget cards as ideas in my description, if you'd like to look into there for budget reasons.
February 11, 2018 1:37 p.m. Edited.
ay.lobo i would change it because:
first: You get rid of the +2 devotion making purphoros more difficult to remove.
second: You can sacrifice it the moment it hits the battlefield dealing 10 damage in one turn, 15 if Impact Tremors is in the field or 20 with Panharmonicon.
third: You also get the sacrifice outlet value without getting punished. For example, 1 point of damage with Goblin Bombardment or 2 colorless mana from Ashnod's Altar. In my deck i also include Skirk Prospector which it gives you an insane amount of value, since you can also sacrifce the tokens that Goblin Marshal produce giving you 5 red mana to cast more stuff.
fourth: More goblin sinergy.
Fifth: With Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs people can still pay 3 mana to hit you or they can simply hit you because its not like Propaganda. To me it seems kinda slow since you have to wait for them to attack you to get value out of him because lets be real with an aggro deck like purphoros you deal damage a lot faster than your opponents so you dont really care about them attacking you.
Sorry for the long comment.
February 13, 2018 1:46 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #15
Evening, Gotreck. Haha! Well, okay... You've convinced me. I've tested it a bit, and I think I do want to put Goblin Marshal back in. You are right. I'm guaranteed those 4 tokens, and it works well with Panharmonicon and Krenko, Mob Boss. I'm quite honored that you took the time to write why I should change cards. Thank you.
February 13, 2018 9:47 p.m.
ay.lobo Im glad to help. I've been working on my purphoros deck for a while now, maybe you could take a look and tell me what you think Fire in the hole.
Also i strongly recommend you to include Harsh Mentor and Neheb, the Eternal in your deck they are both insane cards.
February 14, 2018 4:39 p.m.
Why do you not use Panharmonicon ?It can double Purphoros's ability damage (trigger twice), and it also can creat double token if the creature like Beetleback Chief enter the battlefield
April 24, 2018 3:04 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #19
Good evening, WestHo. Panharmonicon has been in the deck since it came out. It's under the SpeedsWinCon section.
April 24, 2018 3:15 p.m.
How about add Myr IncubatorYou have 18 artifacts in your deck, it means the deck usually have at least 10 artifacts in the deck each game, this card can dealt more than 20 damages!!
April 24, 2018 3:56 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #21
Hey, WestHo. Hmm, it is a decent WinCon, but it's ultimately a more expensive Snake Basket. As 6 drops go, the only one I have is Descent of the Dragons which replaces heavy threats and my possible 1/1 tokens for 4/4 flyers, and it's difficult to add more expensive cards, because the way this deck plays, fast and fast. What card would you replace to put in for Myr Incubator?
April 24, 2018 6:27 p.m.
Hmm, I think I will reduce some Destruction cards or copy spell.There two card I think it can add to deckChandra's Spitfire In 4 people game, one creature ETB can increase it 9 power, and it can fly!!If I cast Pia and Kiran Nalaar, the Chandra's Spitfire can increase itspower 27, it means you can dealt many damages to one opponents.Neheb, the EternalIn 4 people game, one creature ETB can increase 8 red mana to your mana pool at main phase 2.It let you can cast bigger X spell to knock down the opponents.
April 25, 2018 1:32 a.m.
Hmm, I think I will reduce some Destruction cards or copy spell.
There two card I think it can add to deck
In 4 people game, one creature ETB can increase it 9 power, and it can fly!!
If I cast Pia and Kiran Nalaar, the Chandra's Spitfire can increase itspower 27, it means you can dealt many damages to one opponents.
In 4 people game, one creature ETB can increase 8 red mana to your mana pool at main phase 2.
It let you can cast bigger X spell to knock down the opponents.
I can cast small mana spell like Beetleback Chief at main phase 1, and I can gain 332 mana at main phase 2, than cast Tempt with Vengeance with X = 17!!
April 25, 2018 1:37 a.m.
battle_jelly says... #24
WestHo I'll put that to consideration (testing phases). There's always a downside to creatures, especially vulnerabilities to many boardwipes. I can't tell you how many times I lose Krenko, Mob Boss when I play him. I also can't assume that I'll be playing in 4 player games. (Sometimes, it's all about the 1 vs 1.)
As Purphoros plays, you get ganged up upon pretty easily. Players can block for other players. I've tested Chandra's Spitfire before, and I kept getting blocked by 1/1 thopters. Attacking is not necessarily the forte in this deck, especially if Ensnaring Bridge or Glacial Chasm is in play.
Neheb, the Eternal is a good maybe. I consider him late mana, and so far, he's a toss up with Emrakul's Hatcher in terms of mana cost. I like the latter, because of the synergy with Panharmonicon, but still willing to test Neheb out.
Destruction cards are a necessary evil in keeping up with some truly explosive decks/infinite combo decks. Copy cards are also important to copy counters/super powerful spells normally not accessed in red. Copying a Beacon of Tomorrows, having your extra turn to play Stranglehold was definitely a highlight of one of my games!
xJonahSlayerx says... #1
I think you should use Krenko, Mob Boss as commander. What do you think? I am thinking about making my own commander deck like this myself. I would just add in Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves.
November 11, 2017 5:05 p.m.