Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]
Commander / EDH
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DCM / Heat Shimmer combo doesn't work exactly like you described Explanation
May 8, 2018 11:35 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #3
FireRogue Oh yeah, good call! Sorry, I never did fix that. So have a creature out first. Then have Heat Shimmer target creature. While Heat Shimmer is on the stack, have Dualcaster Mage target Heat Shimmer. Heat Shimmer targets Dualcaster Mage for the infinite loop. Thanks for catching that, I knew I forgot something! :D
May 9, 2018 7:06 p.m.
I know your not running Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker but with Helm of the Host it is another infinite combo.
Even without Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker you could run it if you can get your devotion high enough to keep pumping out Purphoros, God of the Forge. Even just one more could be devastating.
May 18, 2018 5:17 p.m.
ay.lobo: I appreciate that's it's a older discussion, however Twinflame is generally the goto over Heat Shimmer as it reduces the cost of the combo by one. It also has the benefit (especially in an ETB heavy deck) of copying multiple targets to get more value.
Reading your primer, I'm trying to figure out why you're not running any infinite combos. You just say they're not used, but don't elude to why. Since you're already running Dualcaster Mage and since Twinflame would do work in your deck by itself, it seems like an auto include. However if you're not running combos (you mentioned that you weren't) it would be good to know the reasoning why.
May 21, 2018 7:37 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #6
Good evening, Pervavita. Hmm, Helm of the Host is a great card to put on a legendary creature, true. The big reason why I would not use it in this particular deck is because this deck does NOT want Purphoros to become a creature. He would be way more vulnerable as an indestructible creature than as an indestructible enchantment.
May 31, 2018 5:06 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #7
Good evening, enpc, Hmm, I do like the idea of Twinflame, I'll try to make room for it in the deck. As far as infinite combos go, I don't necessarily have a problem with it. I used to have the Kiki-Conscript Combo in the deck. However, I would be playing games in which I would wait and wait for the next piece of the combo, and Kiki would be out in the field by himself to die waiting for the other 5-drop to show up. Red has an embarrassing weakness of waiting to draw into things, and those expensive value cards made it difficult for me to say yes. However, I would be willing to have an infinite combo with the Twinflame card, as it has a low cost, but high playing value in it. Thanks for recommending it!
May 31, 2018 5:12 p.m.
If you're playing Valakut, might as well run the full package. You'll want to add Vesuva and Thespian's Stage. If you're running Thespian's Stage, may as well run Dark Depths to complete the combo.
June 13, 2018 1:32 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #9
Saljen, Good evening. I'm trying to understand. How is Vesuva and Thespian's Stage (and eventually Dark Depths) important to Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle?
June 14, 2018 2:32 p.m. Edited.
Vesuva and Thespian's Stage can copy Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, giving you additional Bolt triggers. You play one Mountain and each copy of Valakut triggers a Bolt, so you get 2-3 Bolts instead of just 1. Thespian's Stage works with Dark Depths in that if DD is in play with counters, you make Thespian's Stage a copy of it and since it's already in play, it doesn't gain counters, as that happens as it would enter the battlefield. Now there are 2 legendary DDs in play, due to the legendary rule you get to chose one to sacrifice. Sacrifice the one with counters, then the copy sees that it has no counters and is sacrificed for a 20/20 indestructable flier. The DD isn't super necessary, and it's better if you have a way to search out lands. It's an amazing bit of synergy though that can give you an additional win-con and the copies turn Valakut from an annoyance to a real threat.
June 14, 2018 3:48 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #11
Saljen, good afternoon. I forgot about how Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle is a non-legendary land. I'm going to see how I can add in Vesuva. Worse case, I get a tapped mountain. Best case, second bolt. Thespian's Stage would be a maybe. Thanks for the input! :D
June 15, 2018 8:49 a.m.
Art-n-Lutherie says... #12
I love this. It's exactly what I want my deck, Another Goblin Bites the Dust, to be. In fact, I'm decently convinced to swap commanders in favor of Purphoros. Have you ever ran Empty the Warrens? I've found it to be a pretty solid token generator. Also, Goblin Recruiter for additional krenko tutoring shenanigans?
July 25, 2018 4:22 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #13
Evening, Art-n-Lutherie. Thank you it's fast and fun, and new EDH players love the simplistic strategy of this deck. I have ran Empty the Warrens when I first made the deck. Great card, and when used with Grinning Ignus and Ruby Medallion combo, it is an amazing card. The problem with that card in this deck is that I would play one or two spells. To maximize Empty the Warrens, you'd want to play at least 1 spell prior to this to make 4 goblins for 4 mana. Goblin Recruiter is a good card, but I want a card that can put things in my hand rather than stagnant the top of my deck with creatures when I need land. It has been pulled for Dark-Dweller Oracle, who helps draw cards, which is needed in mono-red decks.
July 26, 2018 10 a.m.
Metachemist says... #14
One nit-pick? I would remove the cheap bullet point from your current description. With a current TCG price in excess of $800, this is hardly cheap, much less viable from a newbie prospective.
However, one shouldn't complain without offering a suggested fix. Would you be okay with uploading a budget version of this deck? It looks fantastic, just not cheap :)
August 24, 2018 12:03 a.m.
battle_jelly says... #15
Good evening Metachemist. Oh yeah, haha! That is a good point. I have long ago dropped away from the cheap bullet point for this deck. When I started, this deck was $300... Now because of a few choice cards and the snow-covered mountains, it's definitely not cheap. Hmm, I may be able to make a budget version of the deck, but it would not be as competitive. We'll see, but at least I can make some changes for you, and maybe keep on expanding the budget cards section. Thanks again! ^_^
August 24, 2018 4:42 p.m.
Metachemist says... #16
Good evening, ay.lobo no worries! I'm working on a budget league Commander event for my local community. Your deck idea is one the top 3-4 I'm considering using for it. Just gotta whack away at it until it fits under a $100 ceiling. I think I'll make a copy and tag you in it once I've got it down under the budget.
August 24, 2018 6:13 p.m.
I recently added Thopter Assembly to my deck, it's working like gang busters. Turn after it arrives I get a bunch of chump blockers and a ton of damage to everyone
August 24, 2018 7:12 p.m.
Metachemist says... #18
Very cool, Hybrow I'm using Retrofitter Foundry for much the same purpose.
August 24, 2018 7:18 p.m.
I just like that the Thopter Assembly is sort of a set it and forget it option :).. For my bouncing creatures in and out i use either Grinning Ignus or Thopter Squadron. And of course, Norin the Wary. Such a hero
It's been a while since I looked at your deck, mine and yours have alot of different cards. Might suggest Devastating Summons. You can cast it for 1, not sac any lands and get 2 0/0 creatures.. they still hit the board and trigger Purphy's ability before the die..
I like Tilonalli's Summoner, I may have to find a place in my deck. It's like a reusable Tempt with Vengeance. Have you found it lives past it's first attack?. I also really like Ingot Chewer, 2 damage to everyone and i get to destroy an artifact.. all for 1 mana.
If you are looking for card draw, could always play Temple Bell or Howling Mine. I hesitated adding them for a while, but I find with the low casting cost of all the cards in these decks, I can do far more damage with an extra card than my opponents can. And my friends have learned to attack me first whenever I play my mono-red, so have had to find really fast options for killing. Of the 2, I prefer the bell, only because i can decide when everyone gets the card (usually just at end of final opponent's turn)
August 24, 2018 8:46 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #20
Good morning, Hybrow. It's been a while since we've chatted here. I've made some serious changes since then, mostly to make this deck faster and more anti-control/blue. I saw Thopter Assembly at one point, but I kept it out of the deck, because 1. no synergy with Panharmonicon or Feldon of the Third Path or even Mimic Vat and 2. high mana cost without being a wincon.
Devastating Summons was briefly in this deck, but for similar reasons as the first card pushed it out quickly. You would only be able to use it once, and one mana for 4 damamge with no synergy wasn't good.
Interesting about Tilonalli's Summoner, is that he dies quickly, but other cards are able to bring him back. I don't attack with him unless I am more set up in the middle of the game.
I was happy when I looked into the evoke cards, they have helped me out greatly in some tough games, oddly enough. Spitebellows got rid of some troublesome commanders. Ingot Chewer is just great. I recommend both whole-heartedly.
Hmm, always looking into better draw cards. I have seen the new commander deck and am planning to add Loyal Apprentice and Endless Atlas. Will consider looking into Temple Bell. Thanks for the great feast for thoughts! :D
August 25, 2018 11:11 a.m.
battle_jelly says... #22
Good evening, pinecone2k3. Skred is a cool card, but it seems very single-minded cause it's dependant on snow permanents and only targets creatures. If it targets players/Planeswalker, it would be a possibility, but targeting only one creature is not as good.
August 25, 2018 10:27 p.m.
Very nice list. Some suggestions: -Moggcatcher -Mind's Eye -Blasphemous Act -Genesis Chamber
I like that you're going the non-attack tokens route.
September 13, 2018 6:45 p.m.
Moxxyprime says... #24
No longer a planeswalker killer. You should remove that from the description because his damage can no longer be directed to planeswalkers.
October 5, 2018 1:49 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #25
Good evening. Sorry for the late response. Been travelling a lot lately. Anyways, thanks for the props SFCD. I will re-look into those cards. I've been pushing some cards around for a while. Moxxyprime, thank you for that update. I learned in my FNM last month about it. It was first upsetting, but now it just means that Purp can focus on straight player damage. Faster games, I guess.
battle_jelly says... #1
TheSneakyOnion. Ah, nope just 100. The custom categories are more to talk about percentage of cards that does something specific (draw, ramp), but I promise there's only 100 cards in this deck.
May 4, 2018 12:49 p.m.