
Amazing that Izzet can be the best 'Spellslinger' colour combination there is, yet they printed an Izzet Legend that is the best Artifact General in Magic.

This deck needs to get Jhoira out quick, then protect her and that precious triggered ability. Everything hinges on massive card draw. As you cruise through your deck, you will eventually find one of your wincons, so I have not wasted slots by including the obvious tutors.

You really want to be able to produce both colours of land in your opening hand, or else have one of the artifacts that can fetch you a land: Wayfarer's Bauble, Wanderer's Twig, Traveler's Amulet, or Expedition Map. Don't be afraid to mulligan to five to get your colours.

When playing Mirror of the Forebears , you will likely name Artificer as the create type, there are four important ones in the deck:
Etherium Sculptor , Riddlesmith , Quicksmith Genius , and especially Reckless Fireweaver . But you might also name Bird if you don't have any of these, for either scrying, with Artificer's Assistant, or artifact cost reduction, with Jhoira's Familiar .
Otherwise, naming Wizard with Vedalken Archmage on the board will also do the job nicely.
Not only will The Mirror double an important effect, but it will prevent targeted removal from destroying your move when you go off.

Voyager Staff should be used to provide one-time protection to a vital creature, likely Jhoira, but I have had targeted removal come after my Reckless Fireweaver .

There are three cards that allow you to tap permanents to help with mana production: Clock of Omens , Inspiring Statuary & Chief Engineer. Most artifacts we play don't have tap abilities, so they are a dream with Clock of Omens. KEEP IN MIND: The mechanics Convoke and Inspire can be used with summoning-sick creatures. You can also immediately use the clock to untap artifacts that explicitly enter tapped, namely Fire Diamond, Star Compass, Terrarion or Sky Diamond

Make sure that you are very careful of your mana, especially coloured mana. Drawing into one of your coloured Wincons without an Island is not pleasant.

Voltaic Key can be used to untap Iron Myr, Silver Myr, Sky Diamond, or Star Compass to get that precious coloured mana.

The whole premise of this decks is playing small artifacts for free. The cards that reduce their costs are critical to your strategy, you need to have at least one, hopefully two of them in play to go off:
Etherium Sculptor and/or Foundry Inspector and/or Herald of Kozilek and/or Jhoira's Familiar and/or Semblance Anvil and/or Helm of Awakening.

In a perfect world you will Exile one of the lesser Artifact Creatures in the deck to Semblance Anvil to get cost reduction for both types of permanents. These sacrifice targets are Hedron Crawler, Ornithopter, Plague Myr, Manakin or Millikin.

This build plays the fewest lands of any deck I own, since it does not require that much coloured mana to win, and you don't want to draw lands late game. This deck can completely run out of gas when you draw too many lands and have no artifacts to play. The most important protection to that is either avoiding drawing as many lands, or using them to your advantage.

Avoiding Lands:
Artificer's Assistant , or Lens of Clarity + ( Millikin or Codex Shredder ) help you avoid drawing those basics, make sure you use them whenever possible. You Scry 1 when you play Sentinel Totem too.

Using your lands to your advantage:
Riddlesmith and Quicksmith Genius are important to your setup. If you get either of those in play then you actually want to crack your Renegade Map, Expedition Map, Traveler's Amulet or Wanderer's Twig, as putting Lands into your hand with either of them translates into more card draw. Playing and sac'ing Mycosynth Wellspring will do the same.

You should be ready to go for broke when Jhoira is on the board and :

you have 4+ cards in hand, of which at least 3 are artifacts, and
at least two cards that make artifacts cheaper, and
Vedalken Archmage on board , and/or
Clock of Omens and/or
either of the looting / rummaging Artificers.

During the end step of your opponent on your right, sacrifice Barbed Sextant & Urza's Bauble to draw you a card, and activate Wayfarer's Bauble then to ramp you and thin your deck. Remove as many counters as you can from Golem Foundry to get your Golems with pseudo-Haste.
Sac/activate the remaining card draw artifacts; Conjurer's Bauble etc, keeping in mind that some require a payment of to get that card draw. They are: Aether Spellbomb , Mind Stone & Pyrite Spellbomb . Any of these you can do before your turn starts helps. Terrarion requires , but gives it right back in colour, best to save that.

You can use the from Thran Turbine during your upkeep to set off your Spellbombs or any other activated ability you need.

Casting Displacement Wave where X = 2 is often a Wincon in itself. It won't harm most of our important creatures, nor our cost-reducing artifacts, and can be worth 15 cards (and therefore spells) worth of draw. Paradoxical Outcome likewise is a more selective, but won't hose all our opponents' tokens.
Having Grinding Station in play with Scrap Trawler is super, sac away a lot of your artifacts to play others over again. Actually Grinding Station is the only sac outlet in the deck, use it wisely.

Aetherflux Reservoir will kill your opponents outright, 1+2+3+4... adds up quickly. By your 15th spell in a round, you have gained 120 life, so that should do for at least 2 opponents. Just 3 more artifacts after that (16 + 17 + 18 = 51) is enough to blast a third. Also, drawing into it halfway through your 'go for broke' is no issue, you drop it when the spell count is far more effective.

Golem Foundry - create enough Golem tokens to swarm the board, however you need Lightning Greaves to Haste them all, or create them in the End Step of the person on your right.

Reckless Fireweaver - this guy is punishing, and often the target of more hate than Jhoira herself. Copying it with Mirror of the Forebears is nasty. My most consist Wincon.

Temporal Fissure - this spell can bounce 15+ perms to their owners' hands easily. Then you can attack through with your Golems.

Brain Freeze / Grinding Station - using these can easily mill an opponent out. Earlier in the game, any milling can be combined with Sentinel Totem to hose that Meren deck.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 0 Rares

32 - 0 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 1.93
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Golem 3/3 C
Folders Commander - Tier A
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