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Pyro's Playground

Modern Burn Control UR (Izzet)




Hey guys. / Izzet Ftw

Im trying to build some sort of control/ burn deck, which i wanna play casual with my friends. (They deserve to get punished) ;D

The idea of the deck is to play Pyromancer Ascension to get the most value out of cheap cards.

Cards like Faithless Looting, Serum Visions and Manamorphose helping to dig through my deck. Faithless Looting also helps to complete the "quest" for Pyromancer Ascension. Throw double copies of cards in your hand or Fiery Temper to the graveyard to complete it.

If your lucky, and emptied your hand in turn 3 or 4, you can play Bedlam Reveler early.

There is also an endless combo hidden between those cards. If you got 2x Pyromancer Ascension (full stacked) on board, play Manamorphose. Let the 2 copies resolve an cast Remand on the original Manamorphose spell. The First Remand copy targets also the Manamorphose and the second targets the original Remand spell. At the end you get 4 mana and paid 4. But also you draw 4 cards for no mana and you got your cards back to hand! ;D

Im looking for some suggestions to improve.

Sorry for my english, but i think you understand what i mean :D


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95% Competitive

Revision 1 See all

(6 years ago)

-2 Wear / Tear side
+2 Wear / Tear side
Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors G
Splash colors UR

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

17 - 4 Rares

6 - 8 Uncommons

23 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.05
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