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Pyrosnipe Spellspam

Standard Budget Burn UR (Izzet)



Cast a billion spells and get all the value with Guttersnipe, Spellheart Chimera, and Young Pyromancer. This brew runs for around $60 total (mostly the Steam Vents) but that $60 gets you basically everything you both need and WANT for a deck like this (i.e., you won't be down $160 in chase mythics as you would with say, your average G/W deck).

One can take away from successful Young Pyromancer Legacy decks that cheap spells are key. Therefore, oddball spells such as Quicken and Inaction Injunction show up in the mainboard here to keep the spellcasting flowing, maximizing your trigger usage. The rest of the spellbase consists of cheap/potent burn and Syncopate , which gives us solid draw-go play considering that half the deck is Instants.

Knowing when to play Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe is important to succeeding with this deck. Against non-black control, mono-green stompy and other removal light decks, early tends to be best. Against decks with little to no counterspells but heavy amounts of removal, you can play them late and then go off with the inevitable kill spell on the stack, getting 2+ tokens/4+ damage out of the deal.

Due to this decks' rather low mana curve and 4-6 cantrips ( Inaction Injunction should be boarded out against control for sure), the deck runs a paltry 20 lands. This number is tentative, as is the current build; Inaction Injunction SEEMS desirable, but may prove to be a dud and end up not making the cut. The entire markup could also be slowed down by the cutting of Shock and Skullcrack for more counterspells (namely Dissolve ) and more Islands. This represents a more conservative approach.

The sideboard at the moment is functional but narrow. Anger of the Gods is this deck's best out to Voice of Resurgence, everyone's favorite overpriced/overpowered chase mythic. It's also fine against very fast red/green decks and the like, hosing Burning-Tree Emissary plays of any size if you can draw it. Frostburn Weird is another anti-aggro player, and can even get in there for 4 if need be/their board is dead. Negate and Essence Scatter provide tried and tested options against control/midrange. The fall of Cavern of Souls makes Essence Scatter particularly appealing, as decks hoping to jam multiple fatties tend to be very soft to counters without some kind of hand disruption plan.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 4 Rares

23 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
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