Queen of 8-Rack

Modern RemzZz


APPLE01DOJ says... #1

Beseech the Queen probably should be Infernal Tutor

Shadowfeed could be Crypt Incursion or Demon's Horn. Depending on what u want it for...

U aren't set up to run Smallpox properly. Bitterblossom would rock. I think Rakdos 8Rack is strongest. It sounds like u splashed a bit too much in the list u ran.

November 9, 2014 3:48 p.m.

PsyRo says... #2

Ich muss ein wenig schmunzeln ;-)

November 10, 2014 3:46 a.m.

PsyRo says... #3

Ich spiele das Deck jetzt ne ganze Weile... Aber ein wenig anders:



Damit habe ich bisher fast jedes Spiel gewonnen, gegen Leyline ist aber nach wie vor Auto-Loss

November 10, 2014 11:07 a.m.

PsyRo says... #4

Achso, Sideboard habe ich nicht getestet, ich spiele nur das Mainboard, aber wenn ich mir das so angucke dann ist das schon nicht schlecht, in erster Linie wurde ich immer die Extirpate etc reinboarden, alles extrahieren was auf den senkel gehen konnen, wie Qasali Pridemage, Thalia, Decay, usw....

Du machst das schon ;-)

November 10, 2014 11:10 a.m.

zyphermage says... #5

You really need to max on a 4x Wrench Mind. Drop the tapped lands except maybe 1-2 dakmor salvage, I see what you are trying to do there in mono black. If you really want to go recur some of your land you lost route, you should splash green for Life from the Loam. Golgari splash is much better than rakdos easily. Check out my friends Golgari 8 rack for ideas if you want to go that route I thought this was America! You thought wrong .

November 10, 2014 12:55 p.m.

RemzZz says... #6

Thx zyphermage for the green splash Idea! Havent really thought about it. I already made some changes. Added Overgrown Tomb and Krosan Grip against major threats like Leyline of Sanctity and BloodMoon plus it can be used as removal against affinity! Nice Splash!

Und PsyRo einige deiner Vorschlage Habe ich auch ubernommen, denke jetzt brauche ich Liliana's Caress nicht mehr ;) aber schauen wir ma.

November 10, 2014 5:13 p.m.

PsyRo says... #7

I pointed out that Sign in Blood gets you into trouble against fast Decks like Affinity, Aggro or Burn... Beseech the Queen is way better there, and saved my a** in some games. (Having your Rack Combo is nice, but is useless if the opponent need only 2 or 3 swing to take you down...)

Therefore I would recommend that card - or Infernal Tutor - instead of Necrogen Mists which I ONLY played when my opponents hand was already empty... Before that it was just to expensive and I was busy eliminating threats...

Blood Moon won't hit you too hard, but if there is a Moon rising in turn 3, you wont get rid of it, as long as you didnt fetch for a Forest before... Same with all other enchantments and artifacts.

Leyline and fast Decks are bad and I had the most trouble beating them..

Excited to see whats happening next FNM =)

November 10, 2014 6:40 p.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #8

Smallpox is really good at stalling, and could actually remove (sort of) your need for Dakmor Salvage. Since the deck has a very low average CMC it is very useful at keeping your opponent from getting many creatures or land on the field, while still allowing you to play your cards. It can work against aggro, but I think it is best suited to mid-range and combo decks that require time to get going, and need to get certain cards onto the field to succeed.

I find that 8-rack decks have a little trouble with aggro, but the Ensnaring Bridge really helps with that one. Cards like Liliana's Caress fit a lot better in casual decks where you can run Anvil of Bogardan (not modern legal) and Burning Inquiry (is modern legal). since the point of 8-rack is to empty their hand and keep it empty, you end up causing fewer discards, but deal damage based on hand size.

A good combo can be derived from Smallpox, Necrogen Mists, and Liliana's Caress because they don't have as many lands, and if they don't play the card they draw Necrogen Mists forces them to discard it.

November 12, 2014 4:48 p.m.

scapertist says... #9

Pack Rat on sideboard...

November 13, 2014 2:17 p.m.

kmcree says... #10

If you're looking for ideas, especially sideboard material, you can check out my list. I opted for a B/r version, primarily to take advantage of Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace, Lightning Bolt, Blightning and sideboard tech. I also splashed white to help me deal with Leyline of Sanctity. I generally tend to think that B/r is the strongest 8Rack variant available.

Here is my deck

November 13, 2014 2:22 p.m.

RemzZz says... #11

Thx for your comments!

Ive already tried a Rakdos version of 8Rack and that was bad. Perhaps ive splashed to much. Now i first try to run a green splash and as soon as i get some Abrupt Decay i will run them Mainboard to get rid of early threats. I believe that the G Splash will work better in here.

November 14, 2014 8:16 a.m.

malfeischylde says... #12

I think someone already mentioned it, but you really aught to run Life from the Loam. I am putting together a legacy pox/loam, and it is similar, and loam is so boss with(or without) Crucible of Worlds and, definitely with, Raven's Crime.

November 23, 2014 9:40 a.m.

Saljen says... #13

Infernal Tutor isn't entirely necessary. You have enough similar pieces in your deck that you will usually get something that works for you just by naturally drawing. 8-rack is a pretty set arch-type, and works very smoothly without card-fetching.

Speaking of fetching, fetchlands are not as powerful in 8-rack as they are in other arch-types, and they can actually hurt your deck. I'd run no more than 4 in addition to the 4 shock lands. The reason being is that you don't necessarily want to be thinning out your deck of lands. You need those lands to pitch to Raven's Crime and to sac to Smallpox. Also, 20 lands is too few, especially if you run 4x Raven's Crime. If you are not running Smallpox (which you should run Smallpox) then 22-23 lands is enough. That gives you enough to have on the field and to pitch for Raven's Crime. If you run 4x Smallpox though, then you should run 24 lands. Smallpox puts an incredible amount of pressure on your opponents hand and board state. It's one of the most powerful cards in 8-rack, especially since your deck should be designed to run more than enough land for pitching and sac'ing that you are left in a good spot mana wise, while your opponent is low on land and on cards in hand.

Necrogen Mists is up to personal preference, but 4x Liliana of the Veil is much more powerful, not to mention more versatile. She's a huge target, and often times you will use her - abilities to a point that she dies, which is why you want 4x in a deck so you can keep her down on the field and make sure she gets played every game.

Hopefully some of my comments help. I play Legacy 8-rack as my main deck and I absolutely love it. Ultimate 8-Rack. is my Legacy version if you'd like to check it out for some ideas. +1 to your deck and I hope you keep enjoying my favorite arch-type! :)

November 24, 2014 1:42 p.m.

Saljen says... #14

Also, I agree with zyphermage in that if you are already running green then 2x Life from the Loam would fit perfectly. It would allow you to be much more aggressive with Smallpox and Raven's Crime without having to worry about not being able to draw into more lands.

November 24, 2014 1:50 p.m.

RemzZz says... #15

Thx Saljen and zyphermage for your comments i really apprechiatet! Im still building around with this deck and this list is where i am atm. I defnetly gonne put another Lili in it as soon as i get a "cheap" one ;) and the green splash is quite new but i already decided to keep it golgari, so Life from the Loam is going to be testet for sure. The point about the fetchlands is true, im gonne think about it. Smallpox thats a card ive never really considert, but i guess i could give it a try!! Comming Saturday is a Tournament where im gonne play this list for the first time seriously, i will let you know how it works.

November 24, 2014 4:48 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #16

Back when DRS was legal, G/B 8Rack was ace. ...haven't seen much of it since DRS ban though... Another strong addition if u want to go that route is some Treetop Village.

November 24, 2014 5:45 p.m.

PsyRo says... #17

8-rack was horrible with DRS... I think some of the bans really have reason xD

I think Treetop Village is an option, manlands always are. In general it's more like it's too specific and is needed or good against really few decks, because most will suffer from the decks core. I know the meta he's going to play and Village isn't an option there. All those speedy decks we play against make Village to some kind of handicap in your own hand, because you need its mana now - and the time it becomes an attacker or blocker may be too late. So I'd prefer to set up my core.

It may be really good against Leyline, boarding it for you target-discards. But do you really want it in your sideboard? I don't think so

November 24, 2014 7:13 p.m.

zyphermage says... #18

Looking at it at this moment I would say it is near perfect but needs 2x Life from the Loam. Maybe move an abrupt decay to the side and maybe even cut an Inquisition of Kozilek or move to the side. Late game it could be meh since low cost stuff will be cast, discard is already less powerful late, much less one that requires low cost. This call really depends on your meta, you could definitely go up a Thoughtseize main if you were ok with that. To a good point in decks like this, backmail becomes better than inquisition does.

November 25, 2014 6:05 a.m.

OpenFire says... #19

This deck isn't Cruel Control, no matter how cruel it is or how not fun it is to play against. Cruel Control is Modern-legal UBR control that has a finisher of Cruel Ultimatum.

December 7, 2014 2:28 p.m.

zyphermage says... #20

I am confused as to what you are targeting with that comment. Did someone Redirect it to this deck instead of another one?

December 7, 2014 3:41 p.m.

OpenFire says... #21

This deck is in the hub of Cruel Control, which is a hub specifically made for UBR Grixis decks with Cruel Ultimatum as a finisher. If decks like this are in the hub, it is harder to find actual Cruel Control decks to comment on.

December 7, 2014 4:46 p.m.

RemzZz says... #22

Alright my bad, Hub is updated.

December 8, 2014 4:17 a.m.

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