Quest Magic RPG*
SCORE: 841 | 352 COMMENTS | 126570 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS
http404error says... #2
Here's a starting place. We could just make a fan project. Provided it is single-player only, I think we could skirt unwanted attention.
August 28, 2012 9:41 p.m.
pookypuppy6 says... #3
This RPG must've taken a lot of time to make- great job! It's a definite +1 from me and it's unlike anything I've seen done on this site. Unfortunately I'm not having much fun with it. The following comments are part advice-seeking, part constructive criticism.
Plus points are numerous.The settings are great, the rules are pretty darn functional and the deck are well-themed and versatile. May of the grievances I have are merely minor nitpicks (like small story elements, some that really can't be fixed).
However with the casual way I play and build decks around a character (in this case, my walker), I'm facing nasty difficulty issues, exasperated by the fact that I don't get any XP when I lose a fight, even if they survive the fight. A planeswalker should learn from his/her defeats, perhaps even more so than the victories; a little XP for a loss wouldn't break the game in half.
Anyone got any tips for facing the Urborg Living Swamp? Because a two turn preparation advantage is like having all those land destruction spells come two turns early. And there are already Infect creatures on the board. And the difficulty spike happens to be rammed up your behind. The Boros patrol I lost to narrowly, and it was epic fun all the way. The Swamp? Not fun at all. Any ideas, guys?
August 28, 2012 11:02 p.m.
benzzer853 says... #4
For the swamp if your playing combo you need to combo t1 after preps no small creatures can be nessesery. Burn should have no problems, Aggro really has a hard time because of marsh casualties, tribal if you have two lords out by the end of preps you win otherwise you just have to hope they don't have marsh casualties. Control is dead just try to avoid the fight and tempo... Don't bounce the rats. Visit the healer before going in. Burn and spot removal are very good so are Obstinate Baloth s
August 28, 2012 11:17 p.m.
Any item that gives first strike will keep the rats at bay. (You can find some in treasures if you're lucky). Having a Blazing Torch or a Moonglove extract is also very useful to take care of the infectious critters. And shields and armor should keep your creatures from dying to the Marsh Casualties. All these items can be found in treasures. Of course you can try to avoid the Living Swamp by heading directly towards Urborg's Volcanoes. Once you level up and find a few good items you should be able to survive the Swamp no problem!
As soon as you've reached Tolaria's Academy, you'll be able to buy many good items and scrolls (new sideboard cards!) and you'll also find heroes to help you. Surviving Urborg is hard, but as Obama once said, "It gets better" ;) lol
August 29, 2012 12:03 a.m.
http404error says... #6
Grind the first aggro point in Urborg until you're level 3. Like, step forward, roll for encounter, play, win, step back, step forward again, repeat. I don't think there's a swamp encounter there, so just grind up until you can face the swamp.
Of course it helps if your deck just happens to be rather strong against the Swamp, but there's nothing you can really do about that.
August 29, 2012 12:45 a.m.
pookypuppy6 says... #7
@http404error: As much as I'd like to fight the Boros again and grin that XP, I didn't realize you were allowed to walk back and forth over the same fight. I figured that wasn't in the spirit of things.
The deck I play is an Azorius control/defense deck (part strategy, part theme), so it is probably too slow against the swamp, especially with it having two turns in the pocket. What's worse is that Azorius Chancery is pretty much assured that it will get blown up. Even with Wall of Denial s.
August 29, 2012 7:17 a.m.
@ pookypuppy6: You can't go back to fight the Boros Patrol over again, since they're part of the story. But if you venture into Urborg's swamps, you can walk around in circles looking for trouble - and you'll find trouble, that's for sure! Loll Like http404error said, you can just go back and forth in the same spot where you've seen monsters, other creatures are bound to attack you again. If you find Goblins, Zombies or even Rats, you should have no trouble defeating them to level up. Try the Volcanoe region in Urborg.
August 29, 2012 3:11 p.m.
Not sure if I found anything specific on it. Do you pre-build a sideboard or start with none and add what you buy?
August 30, 2012 8:40 a.m.
@emrakool: Yes you build a deck and a 15 cards sideboard when you create your character. Each time you find or buy a scroll during the game, the new card is simply added to your sideboard.
August 30, 2012 7:18 p.m.
Sweet, will be glad to put those cards back in. Thanks!
August 30, 2012 7:21 p.m.
http404error says... #12
You will definitely want a transformative sideboard. I started out playing aggro-control, but had to swap out the signature card (D:) for full-blown control by the endgame.
August 30, 2012 8:41 p.m.
Guess I've been playing Karn wrong he keeps blowing up my combo with Angel of Despair during the prep turns.
August 31, 2012 10:39 p.m.
chickeneatman says... #15
Well I can say I just beat the game. The hardest boss battles being the Eldrazi and Karn. Anyways one of the most fun games I have ever played! Thank you so much for making this. Now like the endgame said: My deck did extremely especially once I got 4 prep turns. If I got my Goblin Chieftain Krenko, Mob Boss combo out I couldn't be stopped. I never used any of the planeswalker scrolls but I did use elixirs and equipment. gotta say Sword of Vengeance super handy! Now if you guys wanna see my deck here it is Trum Metalarm, Leader of the Goblins WARNING SPOILERS!
September 2, 2012 12:11 p.m.
Jarrod_0067 says... #16
Just played it at hard difficulty. Just saying.... DON'T GO MONO BLACK!!! Not in standard. Not viable. Nope. Never. Had trouble the entire way through. Although, Wurmcoil Engine is boss
September 2, 2012 4:21 p.m.
For a while I played under the misguided impression that your amount of preparation turns was how many the opponent said, and that they got none.My brother pointed out the error to me thankfully, Game makes much more sense and is more difficult, but not ridiculous.
Could you make that more clear in the preparation rules though? Just point out that the you and the opponent are allowed preparation turns equal to your respective levels.
September 3, 2012 2:54 p.m.
@emrakool: Wait, what? Karn screwed your play during Preparation Turns? What did you do?
Anyway, whatever Karn did, he can't. Rules forbid any kind of interaction between the player and his opponent during Preparation Time. Karn prepares himself for the fight while you prepare yourself. Play lands, cast stuff to prepare your side of the board, but that's it. No one can disrupt the other's play. Even if you cast Wrath of God during Preparation Time, it wouldn't destroy your opponent's creatures, only yours, because both sides of the board are completely separated, as if the other player didn't exist at all. The idea is to start the match already pumped up.
@Jaqueline: Haha maybe you're right, Preparation Turns ruling might still be a bit unclear.. lollll. Ahhh rules, never as simple as one thinks. I admire MTG even more for creating such precise and complex rulings every set.
September 4, 2012 1:42 p.m.
Jarrod_0067 says... #19
When I played as Karn, he had all 5 praetors out and Angel of Despair in hand before preparation was over.... o.O
September 4, 2012 2:09 p.m.
@Jarrod_0067: Hahahaha Karn kicked your ass so bad ;) Well, he is one of the most powerful entity of the multiverse... Seriously, he's terribly strong being at Level 7 and commanding the Phyrexian Praetors and all. He's not invincible, but almost. It is not necessary to defeat him to continue the game's story line though. Good luck :))
September 4, 2012 2:24 p.m.
@Jaqueline: I updated the Rules about Preparation Time to make that part clear. Thanks for your comment!
September 4, 2012 2:25 p.m.
Basic Lands now available on Zendikar! (Find the Halimar Excavator trapped behind the hedron wall!)
September 4, 2012 3:06 p.m.
Jarrod_0067 says... #23
You do realize how OP the perfect Eldrazi hand is? Emrakul turn 4, 5, 6, 7, 8..... That's why it's banned in EDH
September 4, 2012 3:08 p.m.
@Jarrod_0067: Lolll yeah, the Eldrazi Titans are absolutely overpowered. Karn is, too. Many characters won't stand a chance against them, and that fact makes the game coherent with its story line: they are ancient immortal godlike entities. But battling them isn't mandatory to complete the campaign, so if the Elder Gods are too much for your character's power level, then I suggest he runs! :) A few heroes have been able to repel the Eldrazi Titans, and some even managed to defeat Karn. But most died trying. Mouhahahaha (insert evil laughter here) ;)
September 4, 2012 3:44 p.m.
Jarrod_0067 says... #25
Considering I always take the hardest course, I'd never build a modern deck just to win
Also, are mulligans allowed? I was playing assuming they were
Askani28 says... #1
@OriginLeon and
@http404error: Thanks guys! I always wanted Wizards to create a real pc RPG about Magic, its part of why I wanted to create one myself, just for the fun of actually being a planeswalker. We should ask them to make one :)
August 28, 2012 9:20 p.m.