Quest to break Modern

Modern* Wiktul

SCORE: 81 | 117 COMMENTS | 13022 VIEWS | IN 50 FOLDERS

At least 22 lands needed, but nice deck.

February 20, 2015 8:22 p.m.

Krakshot says... #2

I love this. How has the land base been performing for you? 16 lands seems a bit light.

February 20, 2015 8:27 p.m.

Wiktul says... #3

Thank you, but I can assure you that more than 2-3 in your opprning hand is not something you wish to get here. Not to mention later draws :)

February 20, 2015 8:28 p.m.

Wiktul says... #4

Yeah, Krakshot - that's just what I meant :)

February 20, 2015 8:30 p.m.

Krakshot says... #5

Wiktul, having play tested it I can actually see that its insanely consistent. Bad opening hand? Just mulligan with a Serum Powder. Absolutely genius. I was consistently getting Krakens and Leviathans out in turn 4/5.

February 20, 2015 8:42 p.m.

Wiktul says... #6

That's the point ;) and if you still get badluck after mulligan to 4 without Quest or Serum - there's still hope in Dizzy Spell

February 20, 2015 8:49 p.m.

Maybe, but honestly while playtesting, out of 5 games,

1 (the first one) worked out perfectly and I had creatures flowing by turn 5

1 I thought I had a good hand but turned out to be mana blocked

2 I mulled down to 5 just to get lands

and 1 turned out to be good but Void Snare just kills the quest soooooooo bad.

February 20, 2015 8:52 p.m.

Wiktul says... #8

As well as other blinks will or things like Naturalize. And that's what things like Turn Aside or Dispel are for ;) If deck works correctly, Krakens comes turn 4 no matter if I have 1 or 4 Islands. And the deck works correctyle defnitely more often if I have 8 more creatures instead 8 more Islands in it ;)I could add some other things like Spellskite or Judge's Familiar to protect myself even better, but I couldn't get them so far, so that's how this decks looks like right now.

February 20, 2015 8:59 p.m.

True, but 99% of your scry-type cards are TWO-drops. At least bring it up to 18, it makes it so much more fluid.

February 20, 2015 9:01 p.m.

pryoplasm says... #10

March 12, 2015 10:08 p.m.

robrone9 says... #11

Hey bro! Glad to see you are still representing the quest!

For feedback... Your deck is your creation and mine is mine, freedom of expression and all that, but it looks to me that you are out thinking yourself in some areas. Some cases like Dizzy Spell and Taigam's Scheming are just not as good as creatures in those slots. You only have 3 Sage of Epityr which is the best turn 2 play we have IMHO.

Also, I find I only need 10-12 fatties because Grozoth can fetch more. I think you should drop Wrexial, the Risen Deep (too easily killed) and split the rest as you see fit. You are right about Scourge of the Fleets being one of the only ways to best merfolk, but I would side board it for this and maybe other aggro. To be honest it's just a nightmare matchup. I have 3-4 Merfolk Assassin in my current build... That can help you eek out wins, but still... Not going to say it's easy.

With the empty slots try Phyrexian Revoker... This little dude can stop tons of things, especially if you know your opponents deck well.

Turn Aside is also the only non creature I would run except for quest and powder. But lately I upgraded to Swan Song. We don't care about creatures the opponent plays most of the time, and this spell protects the quest very well.

As always Spellskite is the best at that but also costs more than the rest of the deck.

Finally, don't give in to running too many spells instead of creatures. Clockspinning is worse than Thrummingbird but I'd rather more scry creatures anyway. The bird gets shot down or blocked by lots of decks. I board mine in against monogreen game 2 after they see all my fatties have shroud and take out or don't add flyer hate.

Keep up the good work!

March 16, 2015 10:40 a.m.

robrone9 says... #12

Also, Living End crushes our dreams as it gets around hexproof/shroud. That's the matchup I am working on right now. Relic of Progenitus is the best I have so far. Ideas?

March 16, 2015 10:44 a.m.

robrone9 says... #13

Possibly Tormod's Crypt as well.

March 16, 2015 11:09 a.m.

Wiktul says... #14

I didn't have the "pleasure" of facing Living End so far, but yes, Tormod's Crypt would be definitely my choice.

As for your suggestions - the problem I have faced a few times (usually in the most unproper moments) was the lack of krakens in hand, with one ore two Ula's ready to go. I know that Grozoth is a great tutor for this and he also shuffles the library, what can sometimes be very helpfull, and Iknwell is a great killer, but if they are hiding at the bottom of my library, that's really gonna be a problem.

I agree with your statement about Sage of Epityr, I got the rest just today, so I defnitely will put a playset into it. Phyrexian Revoker is a great sideboard card and I got him also. As for the Taigam's Scheming, I found it more than usefull so far. It can do what neither of other cards can and with 34 mobs already I didn't consider it as a great threat to consistency, but it's always the first thing to side out.

Is Wrexial easily killed? As well as anything without hexproof, we can say, that it dies to Doomblade... But it actually doesn't :P Against blue, it can be bounced, just to return in end step. Against most of black, that is usualy saying "destroy target nonblack" - it's also quite of a challenge. White can remove it easily, that's right. Red? With what? 3 instant burn's to overpower his 8 toughness? I prefer my opponent to throw his burn at him then at me, especially when I have no way to respond to it without controll. I know - I'm probably totally wrong about that whole point of view and I'm just hypnotized by Wreixial's ability but so are my opponents :)

What's your opininon about Halimar Depths? You've said you did use some. I know, that with my kind of luck it will be always in my opening hand, but the ability is tempting without a doubt.

As for the sideboard - I'm also considering replacing Thrummingbird for Judge's Familiar. Can Merfolk Assasin really do the job? Against merfolk decks based on 12 lords, even without controll in the mainboard? It costs UU - usually half too much for us with 16 Islands, at leat until turn 6, when we're doing anything we can to scry down anything but creatures for Ula.

Last but not least - great thanks for all your comments, robrone9. So far you're the only one I know running that kind of a deck with good result and it's really nice to know, that it can be both a surprise and challenge to opponens in modern :)

March 17, 2015 7:44 a.m.

robrone9 says... #15

Yea bro if this deck ever succeeds I hope one of us gets to see it happen! I've enjoyed collaborating on it with you.

As far as having a quest ready and no krakens... Never happened to me. Dumb luck maybe, but I do run 3 full sets of scry creatures - that's double your count unless i missed something. I think it's a fine balance for sure, but they act as chump blockers once they scry so they have double duty. Then you don't need to run depths. Good luck!

March 17, 2015 8:33 a.m.

robrone9 says... #16

In either running this or my new spirit tribal deck at fnm... Depending on what the meta looks like that night- sometimes it's more casual. I'll let you know how it goes.

March 18, 2015 12:17 p.m.

Wiktul says... #17

I'm looking forward to it ;-) I can't wait for sunday's pre-release in my town, so I can finally get the new cards for standard and made up my mind, if I'll be playing reanimator, infinite mill or black loose life :-)

March 18, 2015 2:27 p.m.

Pithing needle is probably better than revoker. Dodges creature removal and can stop things like celestial colonnade. AND costs 1 less to play (for the lesser-land hands!)

April 26, 2015 6:33 a.m.

Wiktul says... #19

Yes, it is, but here it has one important disadvantage - it's not a creature, whitch means it won't trigger Ula.

April 26, 2015 11:38 a.m.

robrone9 says... #20

Agreed. Trust us when we say you want creatures to solve problems in this deck whenever possible.

April 26, 2015 12:56 p.m.

But revoker doesn't stop colonnade. Just sayin'

April 26, 2015 5:52 p.m.

robrone9 says... #22

Point taken. But the point if the deck is to drop krakens. Flying krakens rofl stomp most attackers.

April 26, 2015 6:41 p.m.

Madneko says... #23

Hi, nice deck! It's the first time I see something like this. I would suggest you some [Thassa, god of the sea], the extra scry and unblockable seems nice, also can easily turned into a creature thanks to all the devotion the creatures have. Also if you want more scry you can throw some [Omenspeaker]. Keep the good work!

April 28, 2015 3:39 a.m.

Wiktul says... #24

Thanks, Madneko ;) I've thought about Thassa, but as 3 mana drop it usually is too expensive for me to play, as long as I'm running on 1-2 mana trough 4-6 turns. What is more, she's usefull for my main strategy only when dropped in 3rd turn with 3 lands on table (highly unlikely) to scry 1 card turn 4. In that case, she's similiar to Thrummingbird - usefull, yes, but with too many "but...'s" ;) And Omenspeaker is already there, times 4 :)

April 28, 2015 7:09 a.m.

Darkside says... #25

Just for the flavor, I think you really need Whelming Wave. ;P Otherwise, this looks hilarious and awesome.

April 29, 2015 10:54 p.m.

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