
Pauper EDH with Queza and some good'ol school Magic from the past.

Combo/Control: -Play rocks, Fetch-Lands ideally getting swamps but getting "color" & "Counterspell magic" mana ( ) up first before popping them off for more swamps. Only need at best 2 white (Cho-Manno's), cycle/discard the excess white.

-Play Queza, defend with "smart" Counterspell magic and use removal sparely to "Not Die". She doesn't need to come down on turn 3 or 4 or 5 even, ESPECIALLY if she is just going to die or get countered, as long as you're able to keep Queza on the board for the next is more important. Play removal on things that threaten your board state. Play Academy Wall, Vampire Neonate, Cemetery Gate or Guardian of the Guildpactand to stall out against aggro before Queza if needed. Killing an aggressive or Snow-bally commander is fine too, but don't try to police the whole table just yet.

-Transmute/Draw into either [Cemetery Gate/Pro-Black + Pestilence/Crypt rats] -or- [more Swamps/Mana Rocks + Drain Life spells], Over-Drawing if needed. Goal at this stage is to get your life up as much as possible with Queza, dig with Compulsive Research, Jalum Tome, Windrider Wizard etc. to find your combo pieces and play more black mana. pitching non-combo creatures and non-black mana producing lands is generally safe. You can recover discarded creatures with Rez spell later; Death Denied will give you a significant card advantage later on. The majority of the Queza ping should go to whoever is with the most life not-named "you". If you're not up on life use Drain-Spells, swing in with God-Head'ed Queza/Guardian and continue to draw even more cards with Queza down. Keep your counter magic up unless your holding onto a rez for Queza.

-Play win-con's. Pestilence won't kill Azorius First-Wing, Guardian of the Guildpact, Cemetery Gate, creature enchanted Pro-Black and (to a lesser extent) any creature you have with greater toughness than your opponents. Crypt Rats w/Pro-black blessing can easily win you the game by itself If your up on life. Be mindful that Azorius First-Wing will die to rats and CAN'T be enchanted with God-head. Either of the Pro-black auras on Undertaker + Crypt Rats will also work... though more costly as its costing you and a discard. You Can also Just... drop Crypt Rats and loop every other turn w/Disturbed Burial.

ANYWAYS After you resolve & clear the board with your combo (Ideally at the end of your opponents turn) sold follow-ups Include: Prowling Pangolin, Mind Drill Assailant, Transmuting for Cranial Plating and just 'Bonking' with Guardian, or First-Wing, or whatever enchanted Pro-black creature AND LASTLY... just playing a swamp & passing the turn. No really. If you up on life with your combo up, Your opponents will die before you. You don't need to do anything, its draw go from here. Keep your counter magic up for anything that threatens to topple your combo or reduce your life total lower than theirs, spending the excess black EOT.

(Note: IF you Transmute into your combo, its like playing with your hand reveled and your smarter opponents will know exactly what you're doing... and will attack you, save their removal and Counter magic for you. KEEP COUNTER MAGIC UP !)

IF ALL ELSE FAILS: -Play Alt Win-con's! The Deck wants to resolve a "board wipe" with its' combo but... Magic. If your combo is thwarted/bust, Draw more cards. Transmute Dimer House Guard for Mind Drill Assailant to get a solid 5/5; Or if situation allows, Cranial Plating on House Guard and sneak it through with fear. Blessings can also be used Offensively by naming colors other than "BLACK" to make creatures unblockable and near un-killable against any mono-color decks. Without Pestilence or Rats to clear the board Prowling Pangolin Isn't so much a "creature spell" so much as its a "5 Mana player sacs two creatures" spell. That's fine though, Recurr with Undertaker/rez-Spells. Looping Refurbished Familiar will easily drain and draw cards. Rez Cemetery gate, Crypt Rats, Prowling Pangolin, Refurbished Familiar "Queza in the grave"(which, yes, you'll need to know when to rez Quzea from the Grave vs. sending to Command Zone.) or anything with Transmute when needed. Rezzing Howling Golem can "fun" but Win-cons should be focused on.

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99% Casual


Date added 3 weeks
Last updated 1 day

This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens Elephant 3/3 G, Start Your Engines!
Folders EDH
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