So I took this deck to a real tournament near where I live, and let's just say it was eye opening. Let's go into detail, shall we?
Round 1: Selesnya Aggro Record: 1-0
I won both games against him thanks to the strength of my hexproof creatures and their pants. 2-0
Round 2: Jund Midrange Record: 1-1
I managed to win the first game on the strength of a Fleecemane Lion with Trollhide and Unflinching Courage
, but the next two games were another story. In Game 2 he was able to play BOTH Xenagos, the Reveler and Vraska the Unseen. Needless to say I lost that game. And Game 3 came down to his Stormbreath Dragon stomping face. I lost 1-2.
Round 3: American (RWU) Control Record: 2-1
I stomped face in this game with a Fleecemane Lion in Game 1 and a Witchstalker in Game 2. I won 2-0 in dominating fashion.
Round 4: Mono-Red Devotion Record: 2-2
I lost 0-2 to this deck on the back of its cheap creatures: Firefist Striker, Burning-Tree Emissary, and Firedrinker Satyr, AND its good finishers: Boros Reckoner (no duh) and Fanatic of Mogis (saw that one coming).
Round 5: BRW Midrange Record: 2-3
I lost 0-2 to this deck because of his pro-white Bloodbaron of vizkopa and Stormbreath Dragon. There's no other way to slice it, this deck just DOESN'T do well against that dragon.
Round 6: BYE Record: 3-3
I got a bye...yay?
So that's how I got to 3-3 on the day. I'm debating putting this deck into retirement and building a new deck along the lines of White-Weenie or the Mono-Blue Devotion deck, even though I don't want to netdeck. What are the community's thoughts?