On the subject of people taking over, I've pulled off a turn 3 Enter the Infinite win when playing at a table with a group hug deck. Everyone at the table managed to get Sol Ring in their opening hand and the group hug player did something that let us get a few lands out (I don't remember which spell exactly) then did a Collective Voyage that ended up hitting something like 50 (it was a 5 player game), getting everyone all of their basic lands onto the table. I cast Enter the Infinite the next turn. Needless to say, no one really had any fun that game. I know your attitude about policing, but I don't think that it would hurt you to run a counter or two to stop things like what happened to me from happening.
June 16, 2016 10:50 p.m.
Thanks for the comment, Nebman227.
Look, I'm not saying this type of deck is for everyone. If someone wants to make a control group-hug, or a winning group-hug, or no group-hug at all, then I say go for it!! I'm just pointing out that this is the way I want to play this deck. No control, no policing, no negative effects unless you're aiming something at me, and If someone feels like they want to pull off a turn 3 Enter the Infinite, I'd be like, "well that sucks, but at least it didn't take long. Let's play another".
This is my one deck that gets all the attention, but I have 11 other EDH decks. I like them all, and I rotate playing them. I've played this deck against real grinders at card shops, people who's whole self worth is based on how quickly they can dig out their game-winning combo and declare victory, and even those guys are loose and laughing after a a few turns.
I built this deck because I became aware that a lot of people don't seem to be having any fun when they're playing Magic, they're just grinding away like termites. The reason I play EDH only, is because it lends itself to longish epic games. To me, the reason to play at all is the journey, not the result. I would much rather play an epic game and come in last, that to win a quick, boring game.
June 17, 2016 8:16 a.m.
What about Fascination? It does the same as Skyscribing and Prosperity.
June 17, 2016 6:01 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestion,Stephen_T.
You're right, of course, that Fascination has the same mechanic as Prosperity, but Prosperity costs one mana less to play. Fascination actually costs the same as Skyscribing, but I don't use Skyscribing that way. I just leave it in my hand, pay the 3 every turn for it's Forcast cost, reveal it, and let everyone draw a card.
Fascination could certainly be included in the deck, but I already have so much card draw in here, that I just can't see adding it.
June 17, 2016 6:43 p.m.
So a couple cards that seems good in the deck...
Font of Mythos is another "Everyone draw some more" effects, and is relatively cheap mana-wise at 4.
Gaea's Herald could technically be called a control card, although letting everyone play their creatures unmolested seems fine for the most part.
Unifying Theory is a weird, wonky sort of Rhystic Study for everyone at the table.
Horn of Plenty is another wonky Rhystic Study effect, but may be too high of a mana-cost for you, at 6.
Eye of the Storm is my final suggestion, because really... Just look at this stupid thing. It wheels, it deals, everyone gets to cast everything for free, and it's just too dumb to not consider at the very least (Although maybe don't play it against the Melek, Izzet Paragon deck).
June 17, 2016 10:27 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestions, Errast.
I already have Font of Mythos in the deck, great card.
You're right, Gaea's Herald is a little too much of a control card. Normally I enjoy hosing Blue, but not in this deck.
I've actually had both Unifying Theory and Horn of Plenty in this deck, but after playing with them for a while, I had to take them out. Turns out that I'm giving everyone so much card draw for free, nobody want to pay for it. It's a case of something sounding great in theory, but didn't work out when played.
Eye of the Storm is such a chaos card, and is so annoying that I think everyone would kill me just for playing the damned thing. I'd better leave that one alone.
June 17, 2016 11:31 p.m.
KillTheIslandUser says... #8
There was a guy who I know built a deck like this where he has no win condition, and he just played to help everyone. I always killed him, it pissed me off he literally sat around and played shit like blue braids, and other crap like that.
I understand this is fun for you.. but god it always pissed me off lol. Things like land destruction, etc doesn't bother me... this always does.
June 20, 2016 4:39 a.m.
If people like the poster above target you, you can use politics with the rest of the group to take her/him out.
Point out that s/he is ruining the fun, to the rest of the group, and that you can help make the game go longer, and be more balanced, if you stick around.
It won't work all the time, but it will sometimes.
June 20, 2016 5:15 a.m.
Well, KillTheIslandUser, I don't really know how to respond. I've never ran into anyone who felt that way before. I can maybe see that if someone were running a stax deck, they may not appreciate me spoiling all their plans, but to tell you the truth, stax sucks all the fun out of Magic anyway, so I wouldn't feel too badly about that.
If you're doing any kind of threat assessment at all, you wouldn't want to spend your time and energy going after the group-hug guy, especially if you know he can't win anyway. While you're figuring out how to kill me, you're a target for everyone else.
Oh well...people, you can't figure them out.
June 21, 2016 12:01 p.m.
KillTheIslandUser says... #11
your way to play is your way to play, idc lol do what you want. But just saying, there's people out there who are like me, and hate when people just randomly give advantage out to people. When there's enough fine tuned decks at the same table... that 1 card literally means the game. Unless your deck literally just spams out card draw cause you can combo off faster than anyone else. I'm not saying I hate you or your deck XD. I'm just saying be prepared for that guy who's gonna kill you.
Also sometimes killing the person who's helping the table is the best way to stop threats. Plus you say stax sucks the all the fun out of magic, well the same can be said about your deck too. It's in the eye of the beholder, I like stax, cause it's a lot of skill to pilot. By all means continue playing magic your way, just know others will come at you for helping the table to much.
And there's numerous ways to take out someone, without putting yourself on a bad position. Your deck doesn't really punish anyone anyways, so you can't really stop some one.
June 21, 2016 12:41 p.m.
KillTheIslandUser says... #12
which you could put ways to defend yourself in there tbh, and ways to stop them from doing it.
June 21, 2016 12:42 p.m.
If you had access to black you could play Abyssal Persecutor. :)
June 21, 2016 1:22 p.m.
You could also play Grove of the Burnwillows, gain people some life.
June 21, 2016 1:36 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestion, KingTorg1.
Unfortunately, In order to include Grove of the Burnwillows, the deck would have to have Red in it, which is doesn't. I would run it if I could though, and give out some life.
June 21, 2016 2:34 p.m.
Like I said, KillTheIslandUser, I've played this deck with a number of people either in my playgroup or at card shops on EDH night, and I've never run into anyone yet who thinks it's their duty to off me. In fact, as I've said, I have 11 EDH decks, and I really like to rotate playing them so as not to get burnt out with any one deck. Thing is, I end up playing this one more often than the others because people request that I play it. Go figure.
If I ever did run into anyone who singlemindedly, and irrationally went after me, I would have to introduce them to my Blue deck in the next game we played. If I were to ever focus in on one player with that deck, I can guarantee no fun would be had by that player the next game.
June 21, 2016 3 p.m.
KillTheIslandUser says... #17
Your blue deck isn't something crazy special, and it doesn't seem even a bit abusive. So I'm guessing you don't have a very competitive meta, so I guess I can understand why people wouldn't be pissed with your deck. Either way have fun.
June 21, 2016 3:20 p.m.
Whenever I find a very competitive meta I build a deck to make the game miserable for everyone. This deck is excellent. Good work.
June 21, 2016 5:49 p.m.
Sweet deck man, Pheld always wins!!! Though i got one suggestion Dueling Grounds that is all.
July 7, 2016 7:15 p.m.
Thanks KALE434, and thanks for the suggestion.
Dueling Grounds is a great card, but I think it crosses a line I've set for this deck to not be controlling. In other words, I don't want to dictate what other players can and can't do to each other, even if it helps me too.
July 8, 2016 5:34 a.m.
RamaLama Np just thought I'd give my piece. Once again sweet deck!
July 8, 2016 11:55 a.m.
CaputStercoris says... #22
This looks like a blast! Any thoughts to adding anything like a Gomazoa, Mark of Eviction or even Boomerang, Silent Departure, Disperse or Unsummon in the case that any player prematurely starts trolling the game?
July 8, 2016 7:03 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestions, CaputStercoris, and yes it is a lot of fun to play.
I had Gomazoa in this deck but took it out when I added Wall of Shards a few months ago, but now I'm thinking I may want to add it back in to replace Vine Trellis, I don't know.
As far as the control cards you mentioned, as I said in a previous comment, I made the decision early on to not try and control the game with this deck. It frees me up to just hand out goodies while keeping me off of everyone's threat radar.
July 8, 2016 9:50 p.m.
iOrangejuice says... #24
Great concept! I have a "Deadpool" deck that is designed to just have fun, not necessarily to win. And I love this idea of being a "support" player. :)
July 11, 2016 11:57 a.m.
I know it adds a win con, BUT... Maybe throw in a Mind Over Matter? That way you can untap temple bell and re-tap it if someone asks to draw more cards. Just cuz there's a win con doesn't mean you need to use it :p
Stonewaul says... #1
Yeah, I ran it your way for a bit. And games were lasting 10-20 minutes max. It more or less made everyones decks play like T1 powerhouses on steroids. Now I still give them all of the fun but I deny the wins.
June 16, 2016 3:02 p.m.