Thanks for the suggestions, Sjorpha.
You're right, there is a lot of card draw going on, and decking someone was a concern for a while. In fact I had both Day's Undoing and Mnemonic Nexus in the deck, but in the end decided that they were rarely needed.
Thanks for reminding me of Wheel of Sun and Moon though. I may have to include that one in my Captain Sisay deck. There's always that Meren of Clan Nel Toth or The Gitrog Monster player who needs to be slowed down a bit.
Thanks also to Xikitten123, PepsiAddicted and Sjorpha for your kind words.
November 2, 2016 8:08 a.m.
EnderPlaysCompetitiveMTG says... #4
Also thoughts on the new Gay Kings of Hugs?
November 2, 2016 9:44 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestions, EnderPlaysCompetitiveMTG.
Yeah, I've thought of adding one or both of those. Right now I just have Crawlspace serving that role, but to tell you the truth, if a player is coming at me with a horde, chances are they've already taken care of the other players at the table and I'm all that's left. Since I can't win anyway, that's fine with me. If I see it coming in advance and there are other players still alive, I might through down Glacial Chasm just to hang on for a while.
I guess you're talking about the new legendary creature(s), Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis from the Commander 16 product. I doubt it will effect me. Adding red would probably just add chaos to a deck like this and that's not my goal at all, to say nothing of the additional mana fixing that would be required. Too bad he/they aren't just tri-colored. I would certainly find a spot for it in this deck.
November 3, 2016 3:11 p.m.
I thinke one argument against too many defensive cards like ghostly prison is that it feels like not trusting the concept enough.
I mean since the idea is to be everybody's friend and try to balance that so no one wants to kill you, cards like ghostly prison etc sends a signal that is: "I don't actually trust you" or "I have a secret explosive wincon hidden in here".
You don't want to send out signals like that, you don't want to be seen as a potential pillow fort or combo deck hiding behind politics.
Like, the deck benefits most from being 100% honest about what it is in both talk and gameplay signals.
November 4, 2016 10:17 a.m.
cornpie987387 says... #7
You have alot of walls but your missing my second favorite one Wall of Reverence
November 17, 2016 11:25 a.m.
cornpie987387 says... #8
And you might want to consider Gomazoa. I lost a few games to trample creatures when all I had was fog bank.
November 17, 2016 11:27 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestions, cornpie987387.
I do agree that Wall of Reverence is a good card, I'm not so sure about how good it would be in this deck which runs mostly defense and/or ability creatures. There's not a lot of power there, plus I'm not trying to win the game anyway, just trying to stay alive long enough to have a bit of fun. I do have Wall of Reverence in my Oloro, Ageless Ascetic deck, since life gain is a thing there.
You're probably right about Gomazoa. I just recently took it out when I added Glacial Chasm. I'll have to replace another defender with it though, maybe Guard Gomazoa. I don't want this deck to be too pillow forty, I mostly just want it to give out goodies.
November 17, 2016 3:06 p.m.
Razortooth369 says... #10
Why no Cyclonic Rift? I know it kind of goes against the grouphug aspect, but it stops someone from going infinite or doing degenerate things. Same with other removal spells.
November 23, 2016 11:22 p.m.
Thanks for the comment and suggestion, Razortooth369.
Truth is, I made a conscious decision not to include any control aspect to this deck. I'm only there to give out goodies and do it as fairly and equitably as possible.
The only negative effects in the deck happen when someone attacks me. Other than that they can have at each other.
November 24, 2016 3:54 a.m.
What happens when they attack you? Do you have some plan to get rid of them or not? +1 from me by the way, this seems like a fun deck.
November 24, 2016 8:08 a.m.
Nothing too serious happens if they attack me, Phill2016. I just have a couple of cards that are used as disincentives. Aurification, Wall of Frost or Gomazoa serve that purpose, but in the end, this deck isn't going to win the game anyway, so if someone sets their mind to knocking me out, it's going to happen. Usually I'm not much of a target though, there are always bigger threats at the table than me.
November 24, 2016 8:45 a.m.
Benefactor's Draught is pretty helpful. I love the deck!
November 24, 2016 8:19 p.m.
Thanks for the comment and suggestion, CthulhusNo1FavCultist.
I'm afraid Benefactor's Draught, as a one-off, doesn't give enough value to be included. I don't need card draw just for me, since the one thing this deck already has plenty of is card draw for everyone, and the "untap all creatures" ability doesn't do enough on a single use card.
November 24, 2016 8:50 p.m.
Beastlyewok says... #19
A hilarious card to put in any hug deck Incoming!
November 25, 2016 5:13 a.m.
Yeah Beastlyewok it would be a hoot, unfortunately aside from just being ridiculous, it's also from an Un-set. I do wish Wizards would do another Un-set. I love my Cheatyface, my Old Fogey and my Shoe Tree. /;-)
Zuruck61, it's funny that Beastlyewok would bring up Incoming! right after you suggested Tempting Wurm. On the surface, the Wurm looks like it would be a great card for this deck, but it pushes the game forward at a blistering pace. While I enjoy giving out mana, card draw, and some other sweet effects, allowing everyone to just vomit their entire hand onto to battlefield is a bit too much, plus, with all the card draw I'm giving out, if one other player has a Reliquary Tower out, it's game over. Even if I have Anvil of Bogardan on the field, things just go completely insane, so for that reason, even though I bought a Tempting Wurm for possible inclusion in the deck, I've never added it in.
Thanks for the fun suggestions though, guys.
November 25, 2016 7:37 a.m.
This is the kind of deck that makes me like magic. I like having games that get to 'the end,' I'm getting really tired of seeing all these 1-6 turn win decks. This deck definitely helps the game play out longer than just a few turns, making it more fun. +1
November 25, 2016 10:59 p.m.
Thanks for the comment, DraxLord.
The main reason I created this deck was because of seeing players, especially at card shops, who play the game as if their self-worth depended on them winning, taking the game much too seriously, and not seeming to enjoy any of it.
Although I have eleven EDH decks, and I play this one fairly rarely, just sitting down and placing the purple hippo into the Command Zone seems to lighten up the whole table immediately. Even the grinders have to smile.
Another thing I don't think I've talked about yet in the comment stream is how inexpensively the bones of this deck can be put together. According to the TCG Player price over on the right, this deck cost about $180.00 to build, but it can be built much cheaper if you take out just a few cards like, Aluren, Anvil of Bogardan and/or Mikokoro, Center of the Sea. Most of the other cards are 2-3 dollars or less, with many being under a dollar. Mikokoro could just be replaced with a basic, and the others could be replaced with some of the other cool group-hug cards that are out there, like Well of Knowledge, Arcane Melee, Unifying Theory, etc.
November 26, 2016 4:26 p.m.
KamiYamabushi says... #25
What would be substitutes for Temporary Truce and Wall of Vapor? Those are not available on MTGO.
Sjorpha says... #1
RamaLama Since there is so much card draw happening, I would suggest adding a Wheel of Sun and Moon, a Primal Command and a Day's Undoing to prevent opponents and yourself from being milled to death.
November 2, 2016 6:26 a.m.