Quick...Kill The Hippo!!

Commander / EDH RamaLama

SCORE: 800 | 313 COMMENTS | 83071 VIEWS | IN 302 FOLDERS

Decklist1000 says... #1

Hahahaha love it! Jace Beleren is an option; + 1 everyone draws a card, or -1 let someone draw if they don't attack you maybe? btw this is how magic should be played - for fun - not for busting out an infinite combo and immediately ending the game

August 24, 2017 11:42 p.m.

RamaLama says... #2

It looks like I've fallen behind in replying to you guys, sorry.

Thanks to Swaghat, Rivenor and Jimmy_Chinchila for your kind words about the deck.

Thanks for the suggestions, freezerboy. As for the Hunted series of cards, I don't have any in the deck for a couple of reasons. Hunted Wumpus, the one that's suggested the most, is too powerful. Putting a 6/6 creature into play tends to grab everyone's attention. All the other Hunted cards force me to target an opponent to help. Whenever possible I try to hand out goodies to everyone equally and not pick one player to help out over others, even if that one player is in the worst position at the table. So yeah, Hunted Phantasm would be one to include if it let me spread out the tokens rather than give them all to one player.

Thanks for the comment, Decklist1000. I did consider Jace Beleren for this deck, but again, it's a scary inclusion to other players. I'm giving out so much card draw that milling someone out is always something I have to watch out for, and having Jace sitting there with his ultimate staring people in the face tends to draw negative attention even if I never intend to use it, so with all the other card draw I've got in the deck, I don't see the need to worry players with his ultimate.

Pygmyrhino990, I think mumrahte pretty much covered your question, so I won't beat that dead horse.

Anyway, thanks everyone for all of the comments and suggestions. Getting to 300 likes and 30,000 views is just crazy, something I never expected when building this deck just to have fun.

August 25, 2017 5:07 p.m.

szdp says... #3

I invite you to join me for a Hunters' Feast.

I use it in a 60-card "everyone wins" deck that causes a draw once everyone has infinite life and skips all future draw steps...

August 26, 2017 1:21 p.m.

JustcallmeSoul says... #4

i run a 5color group hug with 0 win-cons similar to this one under Karona, False God. The only way I run to end the game is Divine Intervention

August 28, 2017 1:16 p.m.

JustcallmeSoul says... #5

Another fun one that I would be wary about running is Hive Mind if you combine it with Curse of Echoes on yourself, you can make some pretty neat loops by casting Temporary Truce, Chaplain's Blessing, Farseek, Rampant Growth, Show and Tell etc. If you really want to double down on this interaction you can add Strionic Resonator which allows you to copy the copies you cast.The reason I say to be wary of this is because it enables some pretty fast mill kills, for instance Enter the Infinite.

August 28, 2017 1:25 p.m.

JustcallmeSoul says... #6

Finally, if you want to spice up your games with just a little bit of chaos, Eye of the Storm and Psychic Battle are just the right amount of chaos to make fun games that still fit your group hug theme, so long as the only things you feed into the Eye of the Storm are friendly group hug instants and sorcery spells, and maybe a single copy of a counterspell.

in paper feel free to add a copy of Teferi's Realm or Teferi's Protection I've no experience with the latter on mtgo, but the former is currently bugged and I cannot in good faith recommend you try it if you're an online player.

August 28, 2017 1:39 p.m.

RamaLama says... #7

Thanks for the suggestions and comments, szdp, JustcallmeSoul and Nightlight.-_.


I don't know how to say it any clearer. I don't want to create chaos, I don't want to make the game come out a draw, I don't want to control anything, and I don't want to win. I have no uncontrollable win cards in the build and I don't want to put any such cards in the deck.

I completely understand that this is a tough concept for a lot of people to come to grips with, but it's true. My goal is to lose, but lose with everyone at the table having a great time, lots of laughs, and some "I can't believe he just played that card" moments.

The game of Magic can get pretty dire at times, even EDH which is supposed to be a casual format. Magic players can be pretty dire too, and this deck is my way of lightning the mood around me. It's hard to get salty when everyone is looking forward to what ridiculously absurd gift card I'm going to play next.

This is just one of a number of EDH decks I have and all the rest are regular "try my best to win" decks. I don't even play this deck that often because, you know, too much of a good thing can be too much. In fact, I don't play it nearly as often as I'am requested to play it.

So, while I appreciate the suggestions of how I could win, draw, control, or create chaos with this deck, it's just not something I want to do.

August 29, 2017 8:11 p.m.

LogicShot says... #8

Hey, love these styles of decks! The Hunted cards are neat, and actually playable without gathering much fear in these, you just need to combo them with an immediate sacrifice, something like Ashnod's Altar. Other great cards to give the whole table a boost that combo well with Ashnod's are Tempting Wurm, Liege of the Hollows and Veteran Explorer. Ghirapur Orrery helps blast out the lands and prevents needing to top deck quite as much, and Hypergenesis can be loads of fun too. Hope some of these catch your interest!

August 31, 2017 1:04 a.m.

JustcallmeSoul says... #9

I'm not sure how much of that is directed at me, because none of my suggestions were 1: for you specifically, or 2: ways to win the game.

First, you've got your deck, you're set in your ways, I respect that, but lots of people are coming to your page and seeing your deck and thinking (hopefully) "This DOES look fun! Maybe winning isn't everything after all!" then scrolling through your deck and recommendations looking for ways to build their own deck. But you and me, we don't want ten thousand people running around with exactly our decks, do we? We want to show them the proper way to play the deck, and give them the tools to make their own version, rather than cookie cutter copy pastes. Forgive me for jacking your thread, but mine sure isn't getting ten thousand hits any time soon.

Second, theres nothing wrong with a tiny bit of chaos in a group hug deck. It doesn't help you win any faster, or keep you alive any longer, but it DOES keep the other players on their toes. I've had more laughs and fun times with random players (I don't have a playgroup... doomed forever to play in the Just for Fun queue of Magic Online) since adding just two chaos cards to my deck than ever before, and thought that you, and everyone who is viewing this thread, might want to look at adding those cards to their builds.

So again, sorry if my suggestions don't fit in your build, all I can do is hope that people that come here and see the deck take away one thing: Winning is not as important as having a good time.

September 1, 2017 1:01 p.m.

RamaLama says... #10

No, JustcallmeSoul, my comment wasn't directed at you in particular, but I've received so many suggestions over the past couple of years that offer win condition cards or combos I could add to the deck in order to squeak out a win, enough so that every once in a while I have to try to make it clear that I don't want to add a win condition.

I realize that there are different sorts of group hug decks, and most of them attempt to either win in some way, or control the game. It's really hard for some people to accept the fact that I don't want to do either one.

You are right that I have a very specific set of parameters of my own choosing that I am locked into with this build, which precludes a lot of what many people would view as great additions to a deck like this. I do appreciate the suggestions I get though even if I don't make use of them, and once in a while I'll actually include one in the deck. This happened not long ago with Soldevi Sentry. If a card like the Sentry falls into my very narrow requirements, I'll certainly make a slot for it.

You're also correct that anybody wanting to make a similar deck to this one shouldn't just copy mine note for note, but should personalize it to their own play style.

September 1, 2017 10:39 p.m.

Thoughts on the new Old-Growth Dryads coming out of Ixalan?

Can be a nice blocker, and gives out free ramp, the only issue is that it could be classed as a threat, but hopefully a 3/3 body isn't enough for that

September 4, 2017 3:11 p.m.

A 3/3 body isn't that scary, but I feel like there are a lot of better options unless you want to include a repeatable bounce strategy. Personally anyway. It is nice to see new sets coming out with group hug style cards though.

September 4, 2017 10:27 p.m.

wylie72 says... #13

Love the deck +1. Maybe Perplexing Chimera for some fun political shenanigans?

September 5, 2017 5:26 p.m.

RamaLama says... #14

Thanks for the suggestion, K00lDudE1. I do like Old-Growth Dryads, and it's on my want list for when the set comes out. Usually with a card like this, you ask yourself if it does enough to be worthy of a card slot. In this case I'm giving out so much card draw to everyone, including myself, taking up a card slot isn't really an issue, and while the effect of the card isn't earth shaking, for the incredibly low casting cost, I could pretty much cast it whenever I want without disrupting any other plans I may have that turn. So yeah I like it, and as JustcallmeSoul said, in EDH, vanilla 3/3 creatures aren't given a second look, so that's not a worry.

wylie72, Perplexing Chimera would be such a "poison pill" in this deck. I've played against it, and I don't like it. When it hits the battlefield, it draws laser focus from everyone, while being hard to get rid of. No, I don't want to introduce something that unfun into such a fun deck.

I did include Perplexing Chimera in a prototype "confusion and chaos" EDH deck I started to build a while back, along with cards like Dead Ringers, Ice Cauldron, Warp World, Eye of the Storm, etc. I gave up on the project though, it would be such a pain in the ass for everyone (including myself) to have to deal with.

September 6, 2017 8:46 a.m.

This looks amazingly fun! I could see myself playing this with my EDH group.

September 6, 2017 2:20 p.m.

Loving the commander choice! +1 from me!!

September 9, 2017 11:47 a.m.

It's funny that i've won by milling with this deck...Still soooo much fun to pilot though! :)

September 13, 2017 5:10 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #18

Move over Force of Will!! This purple hippo is the best card to come out of alliances obviously!

Love the hippo! I personally switched to Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis for my grouphug build. Red doesn't give you much outside of Mana Flare and K&T themselves, but personally in my playgroup hippo actually has become a target due to the ability to just give someone lethal in hippos whenever I want. Still have him in the deck, tho!

+1 from me! Don't really see many grouphug decks on T/O, you gave me a few ideas for my build (still need to find a copy of Braids, Conjurer Adept)

September 15, 2017 11:02 a.m.

dankmim says... #19

How about some extra protection like Guard Gomazoa, which can block literally anything, and Fog Bank. And how about all the temptation cards for extra mayhem. http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?name=+[tempt]+[with]

September 17, 2017 11:50 a.m.

dankmim says... #20

Nevermind, didn't look. You already have the temptations, but I still am suggesting the two walls.

September 17, 2017 11:51 a.m.

DexRain says... #21

Such an interesting type of deck compared to what I normally see in my playgroup (hint, we're not nice)

I feel Jace Beleren would fit nicely in here, although he can be a hate target because of his ult, just -1 him if he gets too high and give someone who needs it a draw

September 21, 2017 6:04 p.m.

NimbusNobody says... #22

Oh my god this deck is SO MUCH FREAKING FUN! I made a similar w/u deck(similar and not exact because i have no money) and brought it to our local play group and I LOVED IT. It was probably the most entertaining game of Commander I've ever been in. Thank you so much for the idea.

September 26, 2017 10:01 a.m.

LeMonado says... #23

This is basically a reverse Chaos deck! I love it!

September 28, 2017 3:19 p.m.

TimothyClover says... #24

I don't know about everyone else, but I would rather die than lay a finger on Phelddagrif, so there's your win con right there.

October 6, 2017 2:16 a.m.

RamaLama says... #25

Thanks to everyone for your comments on my deck. I am so behind in responding though so let's see if I can catch up...

First of all, thank you to CrystallizedRomance, ACDAMAN, wellhistranger, RazortoothMtg, DexRain, NimbusNobody, DarkStarStorm and TimothyClover for all your kind words, you made Phelddagrif blush.

As for the suggestions, the two walls you suggested dankmim, have both been in the deck at some point, and Fog Bank still is, but I've come to realize that once people know that you're not any kind of threat, they pretty much leave you alone. Not that I should leave myself totally defenseless, that wouldn't be good, but I think that overdoing the pillow-fort aspect of the deck leaves me with fewer cards that actually do what the deck is intended to do.

DexRain, I bought a copy of Jace Beleren for the deck, but after giving it some thought, came to the conclusion that it is just too scary a card to be sitting on the battlefield ticking up with his ultimate staring people in the face, even if I never intend to use it. I'm giving out so much card draw that I always have to be conscience of how low everyone's libraries are getting, so if I'm worried about it, you know they are.

Those are all good suggestions, TheWallinator74 and I've considered all of them over time. With Ghirapur Orrery, the second ability, which kicks in when someone has no cards in hand, will just never happen since I'm giving out so much card draw, so the question has to be asked, is the first ability alone worth the 4 mana it cost to cast it?

Hunted Wumpus has the one time ETB effect which is okay but there again, is the one time effect worth the 4 mana? The main problem I have with the card though is that it is a 6/6, and big green stompy creatures can be seen as a threat.

Tempting Wurm has two problems. The first is that he is a 5/5 which can be threatening, but also if one person has a Reliquary Tower effect in play and the others don't, it would allow them to dump many more threats onto the battlefield than their opponents.

I thought about Weird Harvest too, but giving out card draw is one thing, allowing people to tutor up their combos is another, so I haven't included that one yet.

I didn't put Tempt with Glory in the deck earlier because I didn't think it did enough for the mana cost, but lately with all the hype surrounding the Atraxa, Praetors' Voice Commander deck, I'm even more reluctant to include it.

I do like Alliance of Arms and I have one. I'm not sure why it's not in here. Stay tuned, I may soon be including it.

Thanks again to everyone who has liked and commented on this deck. Even if I don't reply as quickly as I would like due to some comments requiring a rather lengthy response (like this one), I do read them in a timely manner and appreciate them all.

October 6, 2017 12:10 p.m.

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