As with most MUD decks this one centers around your
for the help of dropping your large and dangerous artifact creatures. Arguably the second most important card in this deck is the Voltaic Keys as they are easy drops and let you either manually untap your Grim Monoliths, untap your metalworker for another round of reveals, or to allow you to attack and then untap a creature to defend. Generally this deck relies on hard casting creatures and artifacts to the field, which isn't that difficult so long as you have a decent mana ramp combination or source.
In the case that you are having trouble getting up to enough mana to cast a creature
Quicksilver Amulet
and Kuldotha Forgemaster help you out and are great for avoiding counters. Staff of Domination is great just because it helps you control the board a little and gives you great options in case you need more cards, life, or need a make shift voltaic key when there isn't one around. A great combo that can happen is if you have a staff of domination, a metalworker, and at least three artifacts in hand, in which you have the potential to gain a massive amount of life and put a massive amount of mana into your pool. Combined with its final ability you can essentially draw out as many cards as you want from your library and drop all of the things that you could potentially cast in the same turn.
The win condition is pretty straight forward.
Wurmcoil Engine
and Blightsteel Colossus are the most basic of beat sticks this deck will see while
Sundering Titan
, Steel Hellkite, and
Lodestone Golem
help to control the board a bit. Platinum Emperion could be considered another beat stick, though its primary use is to just keep you from losing life and saves your general game state.
The lands play a pretty massive roll in this deck, despite it being pretty land independent when things start rolling.
Ancient Tomb
and City of Traitors in the early game can give you an extremely fast board presence on turn one and the potential for absolute craziness come turn two and even help with hard casting the smaller beat sticks in the case you don't have anything fancy to throw them out with. Darksteel Citadel and Seat of the Synod work great with your metalworker so long as they stay in hand, but if not it's no big deal, and Cavern of Souls helps with avoiding further counters, as golem and construct are the two main creature types in this deck. Wasteland is there to help suppress an opponents own land, of course. Crucible of Worlds was put in here to keep bouncing the wastelands and city of traitors back to the field in the case that they get sacrificed, making for a good land destruction/creation engine.
Sidebroad wise it's fairly straight forward. Grafdigger's Cage for anyone who likes to use graveyards and libraries and
for those that require everything of theirs to have a very low casting cost. Platinum Angel is used in cases where an opponent uses an alternative method of winning. Spellskite is there for aura and removal miss direction in cases that I really need my stuff to stay on the field, and
Spine of Ish Sah
is there to wipe up those one cards that are just annoying.
Any and all criticism is well wanted and appreciated! Thanks for viewing my deck :)