Rabbit lizard wizard
Commander / EDH
Playtest 1 —Sept. 20, 2021
A few weeks ago I played my first games with a group. (Group of 3) Got one win in three games with thassa's oracle. I realized a few cards didn't fit well.
I removed Drogskol reaver and Tolarian kraken. CMC is high and they are big creature that brings attention to us. Dream trawler is dangerous on the board but it was helping me too much for putting him away. In the deck he can be powerfull enough to do some political. I also kept Nezahal primal tide. No maximum handsize is much needed and people know we keep him as a blocker.
For replacement, I got the newly arrived treskaidekaphil (new wincon), and put some boots to help us with haste. (Like Kwain or jace archivist).
Oath of lieges was suppose to be fun but turned out to be useless most of the games. Since I really like the card, I will wait for another playtest in a group of 4 and see what it can do.
Can't wait to playtest again !