Rafiq midrange stax cEDH

Commander / EDH* rockleemyhero


Cpt.Moroni says... #1

I would definitely say that Bribery is a main deck thing. Any big creature in anyone's deck is definitely a real life saver. If someone's playing Mayael the Anima, grab some big fattie from their deck. Same thing for Kaalia of the Vast, Omnath, Locus of Mana, and any EDH deck running any creature worth taking, which is just about any deck ever.

Other than that, Celestial Mantle and Batterskull can gain you insane amounts of life with Rafiq, but in this case I would say Batterskull over Celestial, but really it's just a matter of preference. You could run both if you think you need it, but i'm not so sure it's necessary.

April 12, 2015 10:57 a.m.

Magikpanda91 says... #2

Nice build. Maybe you can help me out. Let me know whay you think of my Rafiq the Sigiled Deck. Anyway I would be using Finest Hour

December 14, 2015 3:19 a.m.

FullmetalWes says... #3

Looks great! I built a Rafiq commander for my girlfriend and I'm terrified of it lol. Any EDH deck with green should have Asceticism but looks awesome!

December 16, 2015 10:26 a.m.

NarejED says... #4

Rhystic Study over Mystic Remora. MR is only worth running if you can blink or recur it.

Rafiq is quintessentially a Voltron commander so, it's worth looking into more cards that maximize his voltron powers. Steel of the Godhead, Spirit Mantle, Holy Mantle, Angelic Destiny, Shield of the Oversoul, the new Shielded by Faith, and Swiftfoot Boots may all be worth considering, depending on how strong you want to make the deck. I see you have Bastion Protector in sideboard. It's for sure worth mainboarding if you do move towards a more competitive voltron build.

December 24, 2015 2:16 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #5

Hey NarejED, thanks for the comment! I appreciate your suggestions. You are absolutely right on the Rhystic Study for Mystic Remora. I will do that right away.

I know that Rafiq of the Many has generally been played as a voltron general or exalted theme. I am trying to steer away from that, as voltron decks tend to have difficulty in 4-5 man games. My idea for this deck is to play more "good stuff" type cards, tbh Jenara, Asura of War would probably suit better but I love the explosiveness of rafiq. I'm scared to put in the auras because of getting 2 for 1'ed, however Angelic Destiny and Bastion Protector seem good enough. Do you have any recommendations for cuts? That always seems to be the problem.

FullmetalWes Thank you! Rafiq is a ton of fun :D. Asceticism is a fantastic card but i dont think it warrants a spot here, most of these creatures get their value from etb effects and so losing them isn't too bad and 5 cmc for that effect is tough to justify in this deck.

Magikpanda91 Hey thanks for the comment. Finest Hour is always moving in and out of this deck, very dependant on the creature base i'm running at the moment and how aggro they are. If I go the aura route it would definitely go back in.

Cpt.Moroni Hey man sorry about the super late reply. You are so right about Bribery, especially since i have a Kaalia of the Vast player in my group. I definitely need the lifegain off Batterskull, im trying to get my hands on one right now. I also need to get Steelshaper's Gift in here!

December 25, 2015 12:42 a.m.

Arvail says... #6

  • Cut Academy Ruins nothing in your deck is worth recurring so badly that you need to sacrifice a colored source. Kor Haven is a better replacement if your meta has lots of scary attackers.
  • Cathedral of War isn't very good even in voltron lists. You're playing an ETBT that taps for . That's pretty bad.
  • There's pretty much no reason to run Dryad Arbor here. Yes, you can Zenith for 0, but when the board gets wiped - and it will - you'll lose lands too. That's not good.
  • If you're going to run an artifact land, it should be Ancient Den. You've got double white's in your costs and white's your least prevalent source. Allows you to fix with Tezzey.
  • Seaside Citadel's meh. I'd consider dropping it unless you feel like you really need it.
  • Some filters could help you a bit.
  • Bribery's pure good stuff. Great card to cut if you want to put something in here. The same goes for Time Warp and Wargate.
  • You don't need Eldrazi Conscription. If you want voltron pieces, consider Steel of the Godhead or Angelic Destiny. As is, the deck isn't insanely focused on your commander, so dropping this and the Sovereigns is fine.
  • Acidic Slime doesn't do much considering he's a 5-drop. As far as answers go, you want them for cheap. That means things like Nature's Claim and Unravel the Aether are your best calls.
  • What's with Farhaven Elf and Wood Elves? Cultivate + Skyshroud Claim, please. The synergy between these two dudes and Venser's great and all, but that's your only flicker effect.
  • Glen Elendra Archmage is terribly inefficient. Your suite of counters needs to be incredibly slim. That means Arcane Denial, Negate, Swan Song, etc.
  • Phyrexian Metamorph's good stuff. If you need to cut cards, he can go.
  • Sovereigns of Lost Alara can go. They're six mana and your deck plays more like a good stuff deck than voltron anyways.
  • Sublime Archangel's really risky. You open yourself to getting your commander removed so fast with this one. If your meta isn't highly interactive, this is fine. Otherwise you'll just find your commander getting Path to Exiled.
  • Birthing Pod is a little narrow and slow in this list. Go for more immediate value. I suggest cutting it.

I suggest investing in more draw power. Sylvan Library, Mystic Remora, Blue Sun's Zenith, etc. Add a source of artifact ramp in here. Signets and Talismans. Diversify your sources of ramp so things like Armageddon don't obliterate your world.

January 6, 2016 3:55 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #7

Hey TheDevicer, thanks for the comment! You have some interesting ideas, I appreciate your help. To be honest tho, I think I disagree with you on a few things, let's get some EDH theory discussion going.

LANDS: I agree with you here. The Cathedral of War was recently put in per a recommendation of a friend to try out. Never used it but never wanted to see it. I am planning on adding Marsh Flats, Prairie Stream and Canopy Vista to the deck, I'll take out a few of those lands. Filters are not worth it $$ wise for me. (I recently traded for the flats)

I feel like I should reiterate my deck strategy. It's not a standard rafiq voltron deck- it's meant to play as a midrange/control deck w/ swords to put pressure on my opponents. Rafiq is there as either a a) finisher or b) a removal magnet. I don't want to rely on him too heavily hence why I haven't added in Steel of the Godhead. Angelic Destiny seems to have good value tho and may be worth it.

While I don't have a true combo going on here, Eldrazi Conscription is the closest thing going for that here. It's stolen many games for me: an Eot Sovereigns of Lost Alara tutor or main phase Birthing Pod usually catches my opponents off guard. And it's GG w/ counter back up. I used to run Swan Song but I became weary of it due to giving them a blocker in a deck that wins via combat damage.

Acidic Slime is basically in there as a Green Sun's Zenith target and Birthing Pod chain. Birthing Pod is honestly an MVP in my deck. I don't have a meta with TOO many cutthroat combo decks so it typically works extremely well and demands an answer. Do you think it's more justifiable if I run a combo w/ it? (like Karmic Guide shenanigans or even Archangel of Thune/Spike Feeder.

In terms of ramp, I strongly disagree with you. Wood Elves and Farhaven Elf have been MVP's (especially with pod) as I can ramp, and leave a critter to chump or more importantly, wield a sword. whereas Skyshroud Claim is good, Cultivate feels underwhelming to me in this deck compared to the ones on a stick.

Lastly, I agree I need more draw power. I had Sphinx's Revelation in there but it seemed kinda weak (very poor early game). Maybe i should add it back in. Mystic Remora seemed underwhelming, especially in light of its older brother Rhystic Study. Sylvan Library is already in there. I also agree with you on the signets and talismans if I am gonna steer more towards LD.

Counters wise, you really don't think Glen Elendra Archmage is worth it?? While I agree she's expensive, she does bring the CA over the other one of counters you've mentioned. As others have pointed out, it's tough to run hard counters w/o CA attached. Maybe my meta is weak enough where I can afford it? I dunno, but I should probably at least give Arcane Denial a shot. What are your thoughts on Mystic Confluence here?

Hey but anyways, thanks again for the comment! I hope you don't think I'm tryin g to be mean, but rather just create discussion so I can ultimately grow as a player :).

January 7, 2016 1:21 a.m.

Arvail says... #8

Glen Elendra Archmage is a 6 mana counter that hits 2 non-creature spells. Yes, the cost is split and its payed over time, but that's really shitty for a counter. You might as well run Negate over her. A 2/2 flying body doesn't mean much in a format where the starting life total is 40. She recently spiked in price. I'd just liquidate her as her current price is hype over the potential resurgence of faeries in some rogue decks in modern.

I've been playtesting Mystic Confluence in three decks over the last two weeks. I've drawn into it once... Oh well.. I don't have the best experience with it so far, so my knowledge is rather limited, but my first impression is favorable. It's Jace's Ingenuity at its worst. Anything extra is gravy. I'm not big on expensive counters, but if this is mainly though of as a draw card, it's fine.

January 7, 2016 2:34 p.m.

HisDudeness361 says... #9

Hello, I too play rafiq and try to stay away from pure voltron... I dig your style and found a few ideas of things I want to change maybe you can check out my deck


May 21, 2016 5:38 a.m.

Bad_Dog says... #10

Oh boy do I have a card for you. I bet Rootwater Thief could do some serious work in your list.

December 10, 2016 10:19 p.m.

Vegnus says... #11

Why you update deck frequently. Everyday LoL

January 5, 2017 6:03 a.m.

rockleemyhero says... #12

@Vegnus because I make changes..? It's usually just 1 or 2 cards ive been going back and forth on in my mind, not 120 cards or w/e like its saying in the sidebar

January 5, 2017 12:16 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #13

And im also on winter break xD

January 5, 2017 1:52 p.m.

Bounced to your list this time. Haha

I like the build. Is there a reason you run Eldritch Evolution and not birthing pod? A paired Derevi makes for a MEAN stax deck. You can not only untap your stuff, but also tap down your opponents permanents.

Put Rafiq back on top!

February 13, 2017 5:09 a.m.

rockleemyhero says... #15

Hey jerimie.mcbrayer, thanks for paying a visit to my rafiq build! I'll actually be playing rafiq in a competitive online EDH tournament, I'll let you know how the list does :)


February 15, 2017 5:59 p.m.

Can't wait Rocklee.

February 21, 2017 6:55 a.m.

Adam_Dills says... #17

I cannot explain with words how good Trinket Mage is. You have a Mana Crypt, a Sol Ring, and a Chrome Mox. Having another way to get to those three cards adds a lot of power to the deck. Late game he is a pretty bad draw (same as the above mentioned cards), but in a perfect world the game shouldn't go to the late game. I am also a huge fan of Lightning Greaves. Shroud has given me some issues in the past, but it has led to a larger number of victories than defeats due to shroud. Also if you can find room for Mirari's Wake. Most importantly though. Great list. There were a few items I took and added to my own list that I had overlooked/not known about.

June 23, 2017 12:52 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #18

Hey @Adam_Dills, thanks for the upvote and comment!

Thanks for looking at my list and for the suggestions. I should elaborate my meta: it is rampant with fast combo, stax, and all tier 1/2 cedh builds. While Trinket Mage is a fine card (and even better so in my paper list where I run Sensei's Divining Top+Counterbalance combo), tapping out for a 3 mana creature that doesnt tutor a combo piece doesn't cut it. It would be stronger if i were running Pithing Needle, Relic of Progenitus, Skullclamp and top.

Lightning Greaves is a great addition to the list that is always on the fence. It comes in and out. The list currently doesnt use voltron to win very often so it's power level is decreased. If i had more combat oriented duedes such as Cephalid Constable, Medomai the Ageless, Serra Ascendant and/or Dragonlord Ojutai it would be a more worthy inclusion.

As far as Mirari's Wake goes, i love that card and i play it in my naya tokens list, which is more casual than this one. Unfortunately my meta is too fast to play a 5 mana enchantment that doesnt do anything the first turn it comes down. You mentioned speed being a factor for trinket mage, however this deck plays the exact opposite: because it is much slower than the fast combo decks I play against, I need to outlast the game and put them on my pace via proactive control elements such as Rest in Peace, Kataki, War's Wage, and Containment Priest. This deck wins around turns 6-8 in a 4 mana pod.

Glad to hear there are still other people still interested in rafiq in a more competitive setting. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I'm glad to hear my list has helped, I should have a primer up in the near future :)

June 23, 2017 4:46 p.m.

Still loving this list! Seems like my build gets closer and closer to yours every week.

With all your creature search, do you have a "go-to" target?

I playtested a few hands. When it comes down to playing either a turn 2/3 Rafiq or a hate piece, which have you found to be more relevant?

Any reason for Swords to Exile but no Path?

October 4, 2017 9:06 a.m.

rockleemyhero says... #20

hey jerimie.mcbrayer, thanks for the upvote and feedback!

With my tutors, i like to simply divide it into offensive and defensive plays. Sometimes there is a food chain player threatening to go off turn 3 or a storm deck threatening an eot turn 2 ad nauseum, in which case I will search up a defensive piece to slow the tempo of the game down to my pace. This is balanced with knowledge of my opponent's decks and hands, if I believe that someone else will play the control role and use a piece of interaction to stop the early combo, then I will go for a more proactive offensive threat.

My top Creature tutor targets:

First is Cold-Eyed Selkie and close 2nd is Linvala, Keeper of Silence. Occasionally Ethersworn Canonist, Serra Ascendant, Stoneforge Mystic or Sovereigns of Lost Alara if I'm going for the kill.

My top Enlightened Tutor targets:

First is Mystic Remora by a long shot in the early game. This card is insane and wins games on its own. Rest in Peace and Grafdigger's Cage are great proactive defensive maneuvers as well.

My top Mystical Tutor targets:

This one isn't as easy, but I'm starting to lean heavier into grabbing Hunter's Insight in my removal light meta. Late game I'm more likely to grab a Cyclonic Rift and rarely I will get a piece of removal or counterspell. Usually I'll get a counterspell if I think I have the game in the next turn and need to protect my board.

My curve is completely reliant on the board state. In my meta, turn 3 combo wins aren't only common, but expected. So therefore I typically play a stax piece sooner than rafiq. Rafiq acts as a pump spell on a hatebear the turn he comes down, which is a nice way to apply pressure without having to devote slots to providing him haste.

Ironically, Path to Exile is a card I've been reconsidering lately. It's historically been mediocore as it helps your opponent curve out or increase their tempo. It's also pretty bad on opponent's generals, except in an emergency. That being said, the deck goes for the long game and I've seen an abundance of reanimator strategies lately since Protean Hulk got unbanned and tymna+tana blood pod has increased in popularity. I would play Path to Exile here before I play Pongify/Rapid Hybridization/Reality Shift and even Beast Within because timely blockers can often act as a time walk against us (one of the biggest weaknesses of the deck).

I haven't played this staxier version of rafiq in a few weeks, I recently brewed up a version that utilizes time magic and wins with infinite Seasons Past loops to run away with the game. It's very tempo heavy and relies weightily on our friend and MVP Cold-Eyed Selkie. Here it is if you're curious. I'm 2-1 with it so far in competitive pods and may update this list completely if it continues to be successful!

October 4, 2017 12:21 p.m.

Blakeypoo says... #21

As a fellow Rafiq player, this deck gives me inspiration. Hope to see you updating this list even still, going forward.

January 16, 2019 4:21 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #22

Hey Blakeypoo! I don’t play as much cEDH anymore, but I’d recommend the seasons past list found here. I found the stax a bit underwhelming when you dont have a fast wincon. What’s your list like and how is it doing for you? I’m always down for collaborating. Peace and thank you for the kind words!

January 30, 2019 12:32 p.m.

CWSchub says... #23

Hello! Here a Rafiq player playing in a casual meta. I'm just rebuilding my deck after having it stolen (at least I got to play my new Noble Hierarch beforehand).

I'm having a horrible time (again) choosing a path for this deck. My meta is slower and much more casual, so I won't be including many control elements in your list. I find myself going toward a pseudo-voltron (cuz you know, Rafiq) deck combined with enchantments. Being Brago, King Eternal and Derevi, Empyrial Tactician my go-to creatures for the elements of control I need. What is your opinion on Stonehewer Giant? Have you considered the new Staggering Insight or Trailblazer's Boots?

My current decklist is under "maintenance" with 87 cards, but I'll leave you the link for it so you can check it out and comment on it. I'll happily take your advice! https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/22-08-19-edh-bant/

June 28, 2020 9:14 a.m.

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