Rainbow Nauseum

Commander / EDH naynay666


borensoren says... #1

maybe Boseiju, Who Shelters All and Amulet of Vigor as one more counterspell protection?

February 26, 2014 11:47 a.m.

Woshiernog says... #2

I don't think there are nearly enough cards to benefit from Amulet of Vigor , it's too situational in this deck, but I am feeling Boseiju, Who Shelters All and Rain of Filth . Ideally, you want to play Tendrils of Agony the same turn you play Ad Nauseam and those help.

February 26, 2014 12:25 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #3

The main problem is just that the minute anyone plays Maralen of the Mornsong the rest of the board grabs a Counterspell etc as quickly as possible.

Also. Unless your playing French rules, EDH is a multiplayer format, so I don't see how you're going to be able to kill everyone with a Tendrils of Agony .

It's a cool concept and I really like the ideabut I don't see it coherently working against 3 other players who realise that Maralen is bad news if you allow her to combo off.

February 26, 2014 7:44 p.m.

naynay666 says... #4

I agree with ChiefBell about Maralen being an unwise decision if there is an Island on the board. Not to mention every color has spot removal staples for cmc 3 of less. The best answer is probably loading up on Tutors.

I need tutors that cost 2 or less that can find an ad nauseum. I own a Demonic Tutor , Vampiric Tutor , and Cruel Tutor . I also own a plethora of unplayable tutors such as Diabolic Tutor , Increasing Ambition and Demonic Collusion . I called them unplayable due to not wanting to flip into something with cmc 4 or more with ad nauseum.

So Maralen of the Mornsong isn't the best general, and that's actually a good thing. I recently joined an EDH league where you have to commit to a General but not a decklist. My answer is going to be Child of Alara . With the Exploding Baby I can play Malfegor666, Shadowborn Scion (with an expanded Demon list!), and this deck with other gems such as Mystical Tutor and Gitaxian Probe . Maybe even slide in a Silence and Orim's Chant for extra protection.

Yawgmoth's Will will get a spot even though it costs 3.

I need to find a Scroll Rack .

March 1, 2014 1:54 p.m.

naynay666 says... #5

Although, the secret beauty behind Maralen of the Mornsong was that Sacrifice became a second Dark Ritual . I don't even get to take advantage of Burnt Offering now being legal.

Seismic Assault is another possibilty, although I would need red rituals. Simian Spirit Guide ?

Laboratory Maniac ?

The non-black possibilities are endless!

March 1, 2014 2:19 p.m.

AGunWithLegs says... #6

Just so you know ad nauseum is a deck and you linked it in your description. Ad Nauseam is the card. Looks like a fun deck.

January 13, 2015 2:53 p.m.

llamaglama01 says... #7

Boseiju, Who Shelters All seems waaaay to good to pass up on here :)

January 13, 2015 7:14 p.m.

kameenook says... #8

Spellbook 'nuff said.

January 16, 2015 10:57 a.m.

AGunWithLegs says... #9

Library of Leng + Whispering Madness might be a fun win con after an Ad Nauseam.

January 16, 2015 4:29 p.m.

kameenook says... #10

Mana Vault? It may be out of your price range though. Also as I already mentioned (sorry for being impatient) Spellbook is a great addition. You can cast nauseum, drop the Spellbook, then combo out when you're confident enough.

January 17, 2015 7:50 a.m.

dqcoulter says... #11

June 22, 2016 8:42 p.m.

naynay666 says... #12

$900, $240 & CMC 4.

All too rich for my blood.


June 23, 2016 12:06 p.m.

dqcoulter says... #13

@naynay666 you called?

June 23, 2016 12:52 p.m.

naynay666 says... #14

Yes- I responded to your comment with reasons not to run the cards you suggested. dqcoulter

June 23, 2016 1:15 p.m.

dqcoulter says... #15


June 23, 2016 1:19 p.m.

dqcoulter says... #16

Grim Tutor is 240?

June 23, 2016 1:20 p.m.

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