Rak-Boss Boros/Rakdos Standard R/W/Bk

Standard BlessingOfChaos


asasinater13 says... #1

Crypt Incursion works quite well with the cerberus.

November 15, 2013 5:25 a.m.

Thanks for the comment asasinater13.i will look into adding that as it seems to work quite well with cerebrum. I really need most help with the spells so that was helpful :)

November 18, 2013 5:54 a.m.

Lol cerberus auto correct changed it to cerebrum.

November 18, 2013 5:55 a.m.

asasinater13 says... #4

I may have lied, looking at it. Does that count as a target the way the cerberus prevents?

November 18, 2013 8:19 a.m.

Well Cerberus should work with Crypt Incursion as it can be used before Cerberus is destroyed due to being instant. So i don't see why not.

November 18, 2013 12:54 p.m.

iBryguy says... #6

Underworld Cerberus does not stop Crypt Incursion , since Crypt Incursion targets a player, not any specific card(s). I would say it certainly looks like it would be useful.

November 22, 2013 3:27 a.m.

Thanks for clarifying iBry. Any other help is appreciated.

November 22, 2013 5:56 a.m.

Ok so i have the time to edit this tonight. First of all as said before thanks for the help with Crypt Incursion but I don't think I will be using it, but it gave me the idea to use Rakdos Charm That has the same effect, one less cost, and also helps even when i don't have Cerberus.

November 22, 2013 6:24 p.m.

Robaby says... #9

Hmm seems like a really cool and interesting deck. Not the usual stuff that you see in dega. +1 for you! Some things though...I think you need to consider the amounts of certain cards, basically Legion's Initiative Underworld Cerberus . Great cards but are you really looking to always get one in a match and likely get duplicates? Also your land base seems like it could be a bit problematic, needs Godless Shrine /Temple of Silence and could probably go up to 24 (maybe 23) lands seeing as you've got 5 drops.Why no Desecration Demon ? High Priest of Penance ?Finally, what's your reasoning with Rakdos Charm ?

November 23, 2013 4:30 a.m.

Robaby thanks for the advice and +1 :).Legion's Initiative I am running at 4 because you can have more than one of it at once, and since most of the lower cost cards are Rakdo's they can swarm fast and a couple of Legions on the field can help. But if there is a card you would suggest over this then I would look into itUnderworld Cerberus However I think would be better -2 so I will put that down to 2.Rakdos Charm Fits the deck theme and works very well with Underworld Cerberus . I was tempted by Crypt Incursion instead so may look into it.

In terms of lands I suppose I should get the W/Bk lands in there somewhere but i have made the deck so that most creatures are usable just with Mountain.

Desecration Demon seems interesting High Priest of Penance even more so.

So from your advice something like -2 Underworld Cerberus -1 Plains -1 Swamp +4 Godless Shrine

And then think of something to remove for one of the 2 creatures you mentioned.

Thanks again for the advice.

November 23, 2013 9:57 a.m.

redben346 says... #11

Aurelia, Firemane Avenger, and/or Riot Control?

November 28, 2013 11:19 a.m.

Unless you throw in Aurelia, the Warleader or some Firemane Avenger s like redben346 suggested or really just more creatures with higher mana cost Rakdos, Lord of Riots isn't being put to his full potential and he is kinda just taking up space in what seems like an aggro deck that could use other four drops. Also, Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch is neat in theory, and she's just a neat card but she doesn't seem to fit considering you only have 4 creatures with unleash. So, again not being put to the full potential. Although, the name of the deck is really cool and I like your idea a lot. Frontline Medic Legion Loyalist would be incredible additions considering the medic would keep your Rakdos weenies alive and the loyalist would allow Tajic, Blade of the Legion and Underworld Cerberus to swing in for the trample. I do like your idea, I'm gonna try to make a Rakdos Boros deck myself. +1

December 1, 2013 3:30 a.m.

Thank you for the advice please post your deck in the comments here once you have made it. I will look into your opinions tonight. Thanks again.

December 2, 2013 1:38 a.m.

Budget Boros Beatdown Feel free to use any ideas, this is not a stupid netdeck, I made it from scratch.

December 2, 2013 1:52 a.m.

AussieBloke says... #15

Ogre Battledriver maybe instead of Rakdos? I personally love Lord of Riot's but he's hard to cast. But the Battledriver brings pain in the form of haste and increased damage. And think about him and Aurelia the warleader, gets an additional +2/0, twice in the turn she comes in. Love the deck though. But on a side note, mate, Burning Earth destroys this deck.

February 1, 2014 6:41 a.m.

AussieBloke says... #16

And Whip of Erebos !! So many shock lands, you need the life back.

February 1, 2014 6:43 a.m.

Is Burning Earth commonly used? I suppose I should Side against that then XD. I understand that Lord of Riots is harder to get out but I like having it in there. Any tips for a good card to side against this?

I like the look of the Whip of Erebos I will add that in there somewhere -1 Legion's Initiative +1 Whip?

Id also like to ask something that might sound stupid Boros Reckoner If he takes 4 damage, gives the damage back to target, he dies also right? Because I have played against someone that said that it would not die but I don't believe that.

February 1, 2014 6:58 a.m.

AussieBloke says... #18

Burning earth see's zero standard play. I agree with -1 initiative, +1 whip. And if Boros Reckoner takes four damage, he dies, because he takes enough damage to die, his ability triggers, then he dies, cause he's already taken the damage. I'd maybe swap the two smites for two more shocks, or Magma Jet . And it's worth pointing out theres a infinite life combo with the whip and Reckoner. Cast Boros charm, making Boros Reckoner indestructible, then cast shock on the Reckoner, (the whip must be on the field) now, redirect the two damage back to the Reckoner, it deals damage- which gets you 2 life, then redirect the two damage you just did to the Reckoner back at itself, it deals damage, you gain two life, then redirect the damage at itself and repeat. It'd be hard to pull off but it can happen.

February 1, 2014 7:17 a.m.

Well if do something like put Wear / Tear x4 in my side if anyone pulls Burning Earth I would at least have some defence.

I thought that was the case with Boros Reckoner but just wanted to double check.

2 Shock and 2 Magma Jet sounds good to me. And should I side the Smite ? Smite is a big monster killer so I would like to keep it somewhere.

I had heard of the infinite loop but did not know that that how you do it so thanks for that.

Also what do you think about -2 Wojek Halberdiers and adding a Planeswalker such as Chandra, Pyromaster and putting that Legion's Initiative back up to 4?

February 1, 2014 7:35 a.m.

AussieBloke says... #20

I would always agree with Chandra, but after looking over the deck again, I think you may need more removal. Dreadbore is probably best. And unless you can convince me those Thoughtseize are crucial, I'd make the following changes: -2 halberdiers, -2 Thoughtseize, +1 Chandra, +1 initiative, +2 Dreadbore .

February 1, 2014 7:48 a.m.

Nah Thoughtseize aren't crucial they just have a nice effect. So i aggre with what you have said and i will make the changes in a minute :D Thank you very much for your help.

February 1, 2014 8:22 a.m.

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