This is my current concept deck for a mid-range, standard Jund deck. This deck is not likely to be a tier 1 level deck, but I wanted to make it something interesting to play at FNM.
I've always liked Rakdos, Lord of Riots (he was the first mythic I ever pulled) and have wanted to make a deck with him for ages. I'm currently playing around the idea that I will have some mana dorks (aka druids) + Rakdos, Lord of Riots ramping in to much bigger x-costed creatures such as Savageborn Hydra.
Hoping for Rakdos/Golgari scry lands to be printed in the next set.
Here's a rundown of the deck so far:
Sylvan Caryatid - A nice hex-proof creature which ramps and fixes my mana AND has a nice sized butt for blocking small creatures.
Zhur-Taa Druid - Sometimes a little bit hard to cast with the R/G mana cost, but very useful for ramping AND enabling Rakdos, Lord of Riots to be played due to the damage from generating mana. Depending on how this deck feels, I may switch the druid for Manaweft Sliver or Voyaging Satyr to help with color fixing.
Elvish Mystic - Standard 1-drop dork. Allows Kalonian Hydra to be brought out on turn 3 ideally.
Rakdos, Lord of Riots - One of the main reasons for making the deck. I think on his own, Rakdos is an awesomely powerful card. 4 mana for a 6/6 flyer with trample, which then causes any further damage done to make my other creatures cheaper. This ability gets even better when said creatures have an 'x' cost in them, allowing me to set the cost of 'x' even higher.
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
- Swapped her in instead of
Reaper of the Wilds
to allow my hydras to come in with haste. Also a good on it's own being a 4 mana 4/4 with haste and first strike.
Savageborn Hydra - An x-costed hydra that becomes massive when combined with Rakdos, Lord of Riots. Not only does this beast have built in double strike, but can slowly be pumped every turn.
Vastwood Hydra - Another x-cost Hydra which lets me distribute its power worth in +1/+1 counters when it dies.
Kalonian Hydra - A beast in any deck, Kalonian shines in this deck due to his in-built trample (enabling Rakdos) and the fact he doubles in size (along with the other hydras) every time he attacks.
Nylea, God of the Hunt - Added Nylea in over Skarrg Guildmage to give universal trample (enabling Rakdos) to all of my creatures. Her ability to sink mana and get extra damage is a bonus.
Domri Rade
- Added in for creature card draw as well as the ability to pit fight at a reasonable cost. It would be truly ridiculous to get the emblem out, but it can happen.
Bow of Nylea - Fits together with Nylea, God of the Hunt to give all attacking creatures deathtouch. Combined with trample, this allows more damage to go over the top of any blocking creatures and hit the player directly. On its own, the +1 counter, 2 damage to flyer or 3 life gain at instant speed can be situationally useful.
Abrupt Decay - Cheap removal for any non-land permanent with a mana cost of 3 or less. Super effective against Boros Reckoner and Detention Sphere. 'Can't be countered' is a nice bonus.
Hero's Downfall - Unconditional removal that also hits planeswalkers at instant speed? Yes please.
Mizzium Mortars - Adding this mainly as an answer to Blood Baron of Vizkopa but this can also be overloaded to try and wipe my opponent's board.
Putrefy - Hits creatures and artifacts at instant speed. Useful against decks that are also running god weapons such as Whip of Erebos and the no regeneration clause is sometimes relevant. I'm looking at you Lotleth Troll.
SIDEBOARD (work in progress)
Doom Blade / Dreadbore- More removal for when I feel I need it.
Golgari Charm - Anti-enchantment card that can also be used to give all my creatures regeneration in case of mass removal IE Supreme Verdict. -1/-1 is also handy against weeny/token decks.
Pithing Needle - Still love this card in every sideboard. Deals with annoying planeswalkers, stops AEtherling from dodging my removal and can even stop Ghor-Clan Rampager from bloodrushing.
Slaughter Games
- Removes combo pieces or cards that I otherwise can't deal with before they hit the field.
Rakdos's Return - Damage and discard that I can sink mana in to and disrupt control players.
Looking for any thoughts or card suggestions on this deck as it may become my new FNM standard deck. Any help is greatly appreciated :)