

So the core set this year has granted the magic community with a bounty of wonderful cards including a quaint little bastard known as Generator Servant. his ability gives red decks a major bump in ramp by giving them the ability to turn out a 5 drop on turn 3 with haste. my first thought when i saw this guy was "oh cool turn 3 Strombreath Dragon in mono red righteous"; then it hit me i can put out any 5 drop creature(provided it uses colorless mana) on turn 5 and give it haste. I started searching and racking my brain and found some nasty 5 drops that could synergies well together in a deck.

After several revisions and brain storms i put together a deck that can't be blocked (easily) everything either has flying or unblock-able conditions (or its something you just don't want to block). One of my favorite card in this deck is Underworld Cerberus an amazing (underplayed card) that makes most opponents cry when they see it. the beast is a 6/6 RB3 that can only be blocked by 3 or more creatures and when it dies all creature cards return to their owners hand (somewhat double edged) this card allows you to recycle your servants or eat you opponents life and creatures very quickly.

Another good one that i used (though has been put on hold till rotation) is Indulgent Tormentor a nasty 5 drop 5/3 that eats you opponents life and creatures or gives you a sizable hand advantage. the problem with him is that he has 3 toughness and dies to pretty much anything that deals damage i.e Lightning Strike bile blight anything he blocks basically. however if your not playing against red (or black in the current meta) he is an amazing add on.

 finally we come to the decks major weakness what if they kill the Generator Servant , well your not boned yet; there are 8 heavy hitting three drop demons in this deck to compensate for dead batteries. if your generator dies don't fret they used a kill spell or a burn spell on it that could have been used on something far more important.

How do I keep my generator alive though?

turns 1-3?

yea yea!

turn 1 houghseize.

If you like this deck feel free to try it out ill post any ideas i have on it for rotation and any successes i have with it; leave comments and questions for me ill be glad to here anything you have to say.


maiden voyage top 8 FNM 7/11/2014

Top 88/8/14


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Just finished a Big update on this deck; as many of you know I haven't posted anything to this deck since the beginning of Khans but with the out break of fate reforged i have finally made some viable adjustments.

Firstly I've added 2 of the new legendary rakdos dragon to the field as well as he new dragon board wipe; land count is up to 24 and the side board has been thoroughly adjusted to meet the new standard.

Please leave your comments, toughs, rage, envy, etc ; as a note to those who do comment i have considered Archfiend of Depravity and Fearsome Awakening.


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Revision 10 See all

(9 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #7 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 1 Mythic Rares

30 - 5 Rares

6 - 2 Uncommons

5 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.06
Folders Standard, finished decks, Want, Rakdos , good deck ideas, Black/anything, Mazzi da testare, interesting, Rakdos ramp, saved
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