Rakdos Aggro

Standard hellgineer


TheGamer says... #1

I really like the deck +1 is Exava worth it? You have about 3 creature including her to give haste. Magma Jet is really good and Chandra's Phoenix is also really good with Flames of the Firebrand and Magma Jet if you add it. But my best advice yet is to go to a FNM, get feedback from players, and take cards out that jus don't work after play testing.

October 10, 2013 8:50 p.m.

TheGamer says... #2

I just saw your updated list! Boros Reckoner and Magma Jet are the only cards I like from the maybeboard

October 10, 2013 8:51 p.m.

hellgineer says... #3


Thank you very much for the suggestion. Here is what I thought:

Finally, I think you are right. Going to an FNM will tell me if I am on the right track. Thank you very much for the help.

October 10, 2013 9:09 p.m.

hellgineer says... #4

@TheGamer Thanks for the insights. Greatly appreciated.

October 11, 2013 12:36 a.m.

inzane14 says... #5

You should up your Madcap Skills to 4x. T2 5/2 pseudo-unblockable Rakdos Cackler is nothing to laugh about. It gives the opponent a headache to deal with early game. I hate facing it without early removal.

Fanatic of Mogis is an amazing card for red devotion heavy decks. Just swarm your Burning-Tree Emissary and watch the sparks fly.

Doom Blade could also be mainboarded over Dreadbore or just replace Flames of the Firebrand for it. Most of the time, its going to be better than Dreadbore because its an instant. Also consider sideboarding Dark Betrayal against black decks if you do. As stated above, Magma Jet would also help greatly in improving the quality of your draws and for a red deck, that's very valuable.

November 2, 2013 10:38 a.m.

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