Round One- Mono Blue Devotion/Mill
Game one was an easy win, as his only play was a third-turn Nightveil Specter which I hit with a Lightning Strike.
Game two was much the same with a Nightveil Specter coming down on turn three. Lightning Strike, however was absent. A Master of Waves
came down with five tokens, but I played a Mogis's Marauder giving my team intimidate and haste and swinging for the win.
Win 2-0
Round Two- Azorius Control
Game one was, again, an easy win as I brought him to 6 on turn 4 and hit with a turn 5 double Lightning Strike.
Game two was almost exactly the same, as a turn one Rakdos Cackler turn two Spike Jester brought him to 15 before he started countering spells. An easy win.
Win 2-0
Round Three- Boros Aggro
Game one was a grinder, with Assemble the Legion ultimately finishing me off.
Game two was nice and quick, as my opponent was stuck on two land.
Game three was another grinder. I swung my opponent to 1 as I made a miscalculation on his life total. He killed me on the back swing.
Lost 2-1
Round four- Selesnya aggro
Frustrated, after losing last round, I systematically tore him to shreds, despite his Voice of Resurgence on turn two.
Game two was the same, except he did not use his Selesnya Charm on my Rakdos Cackler enchanted with Madcap Skills and face-palmed after I dealt him the final points of damage.
Won 2-0
Went 3-1 Again, made top 4.