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Rakdos Burn | Gonti's Machinations

Modern Burn Competitive



Artifact (4)

Instant (3)

BUMP BURN - make sure to sort by custom categories!

OLD DESCRIPTION FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES2DROPS:Since Eidolon of the Great Revel came out I feel that burn has had too many 2-drops. Eidolon and Boros Charm is all you need people.

Sqeeky Clean 1-drop Burn. These cards are slightly riskier, but thats wot being a red mage is all about! more 1 for 3's mean t kohat it is easy to go t1- 3damage t2 - 6damage t3 -6damage t4 - 6damage WIN! That is 10-11 cards and they have to be, 3 lands 7 one-for-threes. Because we are getting risky here, Sequencing is key and different in every match up.

Sweeet new plays:

Simian Spirit Guide + 2 Lands + 2 Eidolon of the Great Revel is Turn1 Eidolon and Turn 2 Eidolon! INSANITY

First off, Collateral Damage can stop lifelink creatures such as Wurmcoil Engine, just like Skullcrack. Declare blocks and sac before damage.

Collateral Damage Gives Spark Elemental so much mindgame depth. Swing, 'no blocks', after damage sac to Collateral Damage... or sac in responce to blocks is the worst case. so much mindgames in testing that I am considering Vexing Devil for collateral damage fodder, wait for them to cast bolt, sac to Collateral Damage.


Deflecting Palm: Mirror, Tron, Affinity, Tarmogoyfs, and Big Stuff

Smash to Smithereens: Affinity and other Artifact based decks, sometimes Blue Tron.

Lightning Helix: Mirror probably should be Kor Firewalker.

Volcanic Fallout: Elves, Affinity, lil dudes everywhere I swear.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

27 - 4 Rares

20 - 8 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.50
Tokens Energy Reserve
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