Rakdos Burst
Revisions —July 22, 2019
Added Unearth for the Vexing Devil, similar effect with Claim // Fame.
- Unearth comes with cycling if you don't need it
- Gives your other creatures another chance
Removed Fire Urchin and added Dreadhorde Butcher.
- Pump him first, then Fling. Repeat with Claim or Unearth
- If left unblocked he can grow on his own
Added more Red Pumps
- Brute Force makes everyone a real threat
- Full set of Titan's Strength lets you Scry as well as attack
- Temur Battle Rage is a good finisher
Infect option with 1 Tainted Strike on MB and SB
- The deck does not need a full set
- Your Kiln Fiend can win the game with 3 mana with this a. 2 red pumps + Tainted b. Temur Battle Rage + Tainted
Life gain options
- Pump creatures then Essence Harvest
- Board in Rush of Vitality for lifelink and indestructible
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #1
How about some Fatal Frenzy?
December 29, 2018 12:57 p.m.