Hello everyone, and welcome to another of my decks.
This is actually a deck-plan, which I hope to use when I finally move after August.
So, yeah, anyway, the focus of the deck is to bring out Sire Of Insanity as soon as possible, and kill them with Shrieking Affliction.
Of course, being a 'control' deck, it contains the holy grail of Rakdos - Slaughter Games - and lots of burn and kill spells.
NOTE - No cards from M14 or any set thereafter shall be included in this deck. It is Ravnica block only.
Sire Of Insanity - The focus of the deck.
Drainpipe Vermin
- Early cannon-fodder, also works in tandem with Sire Of Insanity's effect, to make sure they can do nothing.
Crypt Ghast - A lot of stuff in this deck is expensive, so a mana boost is nothing to sniff at.
Splatter Thug
- Cheap for what they give. They can take a small beating, and they have first strike to stop weaker things. Used early to let the sire out.
Annihilating Fire
- A more powerful, albeit more expensive
Pillar of Flame
Ultimate Price - Standard Removal
- More draw power, also nice against Scavenge heavy decks.
Slaughter Games - One of the Holy Grails of Rakdos. No, sorry, I cannot let you have that Supreme Verdict you see? Or that Sphinx's Revelation for that matter...
Mizzium Mortars - A potential board wipe if you have enough mana.
Dreadbore - Very very useful. If only it was a instant...
Shrieking Affliction - The other focus of the deck.
Devour Flesh - Standard alternate removal.
Blood Scrivener - If you want more draw power over your opponents, this is the way to go.
Illness in the Ranks - Good against token decks.
Pithing Needle - Cheap and cheerful. Stops that bloody AEtherling in it's tracks.
Rakdos Charm - No, no. No graveyard for you...
Rakdos's Return - If you find you are having a hard time winning with Sire Of Insanity, consider opting this in for more offensive capabilities.
Act of Treason - Just in case they have that one creature that could win you the game.
Remember this is a Work In Progress, so constructive criticism and suggestions are always appreciated.