Hey there everybody, first of all thanks for checking out the deck. Let's go ahead and give a quick description of the deck. Keep in mind this is a budget deck so that's why there's no bob, or lilis. This is a aggro/midrange deck that is pretty much jund minus the green. The lack of green gives you some extremely consistent mana, as well as letting you fit some really good spells that were forced out of jund because you've got to make room for good ol' goyf somehow. Now let's go ahead with the card choices for this brew.
Gurmag Angler: This guy is arguably better than Tasigur, the Golden Fang simply because it can often attack though goyf instead of just bouncing off of it, also it's just got the extraordinary potential of being a one mana 5/5. Solid all around, but not too good against Remand and Terminate decks, which is why it is often sided out against them.
Abbot of Keral Keep: This bad boy sees a lot of play in standard and has been making some recent waves in modern. He can be a nice two for one, but remains a two of simply because playing him on turn two is a really big tempo swing in your opponents' favor when Electrolyze and Kolaghan's Command decks can pull ahead when they get to cast those cards early. Still it remains in the deck as an incredible top deck on turn 9 or 10.
Pack Rat: One very easy way to win a game with this deck is beginning with a discard spell stripping your opponents removal then running away with the game because you had an unanswered Pack Rat backed up by removal. It can be a pretty huge mana sink, which is good and bad. Good if you've got mana to spare, but bad if you've just got this 1/1 dude that you can't activate because you're too busy answering your opponents' spells. It can be pretty fragile, but it's still a very dangerous card to play on turn two that will demand an answer each time you cast it.
Goblin Rabblemaster: You may be noticing a trend. All of the threats in this deck were or are popular creatures in standard, and they've all taken their shot in modern in some way or another. Rabblemaster is in here for the same reason as Pack Rat except it can be even more explosive at times.
Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Duress: You may notice that we're playing 8 discard spells, which is odd, but really helps out the plan of trying to win relatively quickly with explosive creatures and protection from the dangers of opponents' hands.
Chandra, Pyromaster: Helps a lot at picking apart boards of Lingering Souls tokens or just pesky 1/1s. The zero ability also helps a lot in the mid to late game. Good for grinding out long attritiony games.
Lightning Bolt: Duh.
Kolaghan's Command: This card has become a staple of any B/R deck in modern, standard, and sometimes legacy. Helps out a lot against affinity and can swing some un-winnable games into your favor. Overall is good against jund as well.
Terminate, Go for the Throat, Dismember, Dreadbore: A variety of different removal is essential in a format like modern with such diverse deck styles. Dreadbore is often unexpected and can pick off opposing Liliana of the Veils along with any troublesome creatures. Terminate is standard by now along with Dismember. Go for the Throat on paper seems like a strict downgrade from Terminate, but it's in here specifically because it can't be redirected to Spellskite.
Once again thanks for checking out the deck and reading the description. If you enjoy the deck design or have some comments, make sure to mention it in the comments. I'd love to get some input on this deck to see if it can potentially take down and FNM or two. Thanks, and keep in mind, DO NOT SUGGEST BOBS OR LIILIS.