Rakdos Infection

Modern* Walrusyn

SCORE: 108 | 292 COMMENTS | 25471 VIEWS | IN 48 FOLDERS

I like this because of how different it is from the normal infect builds. Nice job. +1 :)

January 4, 2014 7 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #2

@PriestessKikyo1: thank you for your comment and +1 :) The goal was exactly that: build something different, that is both competitive and, above all, fun to play ;)

January 4, 2014 7:06 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #3

I definitely need to add 2 Liliana of the Veil :)

January 4, 2014 6:48 p.m.

acbooster says... #4

I did go through and made my own version, Purge the Humane. I like how it turned out.

January 5, 2014 12:20 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #5

@acbooster wow! I'm really glad that this deck inspired you. :)

January 5, 2014 10:11 a.m.

Louie says... #6

Two suggestions, first off is Haakon, Stromgald Scourge . When you run Liliana you can easily pitch him to you graveyard, reanimate him AND your Phyrexian Crusader . And when you run this many zombies, then Gravecrawler is a nice addition. I know that it doesn't bring you any infect damage, but it's a strong card that puts early preassure on your opponent.

January 6, 2014 9:38 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #9

Hi Louie, thanks for your comment and suggestions. I've already considered Haakon, Stromgald Scourge . Haven't tested yet, because I have no easy way of putting him in the graveyard, which I hope to have as soon as I have a couple of Liliana of the Veil on the main deck :)

January 6, 2014 10:21 a.m.

Louie says... #10

You can always cast a Raven's Crime on yourself. =P

January 6, 2014 11:15 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #11

@Louie indeed, but it's always better to cast it on the opponent :)

January 6, 2014 11:41 a.m.

mahecil says... #12

Shiver shiver nice putting Devour Flesh in there since you don't care what their life it! Infect scares me...

January 7, 2014 11:48 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #13

@mahecil thanks for your comment and upvote :) Indeed, Devour Flesh is better than Geth's Verdict in this deck. 1B against BB makes all the difference on turn two and sometimes on turn three :)

January 7, 2014 2:46 p.m.

Dutchmen says... #14

I have noticed I can seriously run out of gas with my MB Infect deck and I was wondering if you run into the same problem. I have been looking around and wonder to what extend cards like Dark Tutelage and /or Phyrexian Arena would help. With average mana cost around 2 in the deck, the DT will most likely deal a bit more damage than the PA over time. With the non-black producing lands however, the DT might be an easier drop. I know, it's not Dark Confidant level, but that one is also 10-100 times as expensive ;)

January 9, 2014 5:32 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #15

@Dutchmen do you have that problem against some decks or all? Night's Whisper has been enough for me so far, but I've considered Phyrexian Arena in the past. Haven't tested it, though. Underworld Connections is also an option, but it's the worst of the three IMO. Btw, I didn't know about Dark Tutelage (shame on me :)) and I also think that is better than Phyrexian Arena ...

And I agree with you: Dark Confidant is way too expensive :) OTOH, I don't think that he fits on an infect deck...

January 9, 2014 6:05 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #16

Thanks to all the folks who've recommended Skittles :) Every time Skittles resolves, it's game over. Period.

Perfect finisher :)

January 9, 2014 6:58 a.m.

Dutchmen says... #17

Phyrexian Arena is not strictly worse as you can choose to not use it if your life total is low. Like you can with Night's Whisper by not casting the card. The other two enchantments will kill you if you can't get rid of them. In that sense Dark Confidant is superior as you can easily remove it yourself, comes down early and can be a beat stick (which is indeed pretty lame in a infect deck).

Anyway, I think it's my karma at the moment, it's both in standard and modern that I am drawing nuts. Sad to say it's on the wrong side of the scale. It's not that a deck that went 4-0 / 3-1 at FNM or local event suddenly goes 1-3 while nothing really changed. If I only could get my hands on a set of Blackcleave Cliffs , I could try out the RB build, other cards I have. The moment I acquired them I would try it with 3 Wrench Mind and two Rise/Fall I think. I love to hit hard early, for which I think the WM is better than R/F. Though, mid-game I would rather play R/F Just my penny

January 9, 2014 7:20 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #18

I think you meant Underworld Connections . Indeed, Underworld Connections has that advantage :)

And yes, Dark Confidant is the best card and it's perfect on a Jund deck, for instance. I always try to remove it from the game with Surgical Extraction when I play against Jund...

I've been trying to test a mix between Wrench Mind and Rise/Fall . Let me know if you test it :) And you're right, you can't (or shouldn't) play R/F blindly, as you may get two lands. The best thing is only to cast it after you see your opponent's hand. In that sense, WM is better... But R/F randomness, when played correctly, is awesome :)

January 9, 2014 8:52 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #19

Still regarding Wrench Mind and Rise/Fall , the best thing would be Hymn to Tourach to be legal in Modern. That would be A W E S O M E :D

January 9, 2014 8:58 a.m.

Dutchmen says... #20

My bad, yes I indeed meant Underworld Connections and not Phyrexian Arena . I will let you know when I have acquired the Blackcleave Cliffs and been able to test the a mix between Wrench Mind and Rise/Fall . They are indeed not Hymn to Tourach level, but that card stands alone anyway.. :)

And Skittles is the bomb, I am glad to hear you like him too ;)

January 10, 2014 12:46 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #21

Theros brought the excellent Anger of the Gods for this deck's sideboard.

Kinda excited to see if BNG brings some goodies for the main deck :)

January 19, 2014 11:47 a.m.

Great deck, I dig it alot. : ) Thanks for the comment and telling me about this.

January 22, 2014 10:18 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #23

@cakrause86 thanks for your comment and upvote :)

January 22, 2014 10:39 a.m.

I have a somewhat similiar build. Any insights/comments(+1) you could offer would be great. Always looking at ways to improve my game : )

Liliana's Love Playtest

Legacy cakrause86


January 22, 2014 11:46 a.m.

Walrusyn says... #25

Just commented, thank you once gain :)

January 22, 2014 7:34 p.m.

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