Rakdos On Crack(took 1st at fnm)

Standard* king of the goblins


zandl says... #1

The site must've been bugged or something. When I posted that last comment, it was definitely still on the list.

October 26, 2012 11:52 a.m.

I had removed them at least a day before I recieved the comment so I was scratching my head there idk either way I did remove them it really wasn't that effective and slowed me down what do ya think of the deck now.

October 26, 2012 11:57 a.m.

blackbaki777 says... #3

Im not in love with the rakdos guilgates there a little slow for my taste it seems like the one turn delay isnt worth it u might wanna try play 1 swamp and one mountian in their place.I also had a couple problems with dead cryptborn horror top decks. Im not a fan of those but i love the underworld connections choice. the deck list is really solid. you might try Stromkirk Noble for a good antihuman card in the side deck. I probably am not as good as u at the game so u probably have good reasons for those cards but thats just my suggestion

October 26, 2012 11:59 a.m.

zandl says... #4

I think the Guildgates could/should be left out. Your deck wants to be tapping out every turn by casting spells right up your curve. A land that comes into play tapped will only slow you down. And you have plenty of mana-fixing in the deck already.

October 26, 2012 12:01 p.m.

I actually removed my playset of Stromkirk Noble He is effective however I found with a good chunck of my deck having haste gets pretty scary fast and @my local fnm that is one thing that isn't expected a haste beatface deck I agree he is awesome.

My guildgates do help me out for if I land myself mid-late game (control decks) I personally rarely draw them wich is a plus.

Crypt born horror is really one of my threating creatures I play turn 4 after getting in 6-8 damage which happens a lot so now target's switch to him unless a boardwipe happens. And that's WHY I SLAUGHTER GAMES!!!!! lol

Thanks for the comments and advice .

October 26, 2012 12:08 p.m.

wreckedd says... #6

Just wondering what the thought behind Rakdos Cackler over Vexing Devil was?

November 11, 2012 7:45 a.m.

Vexing Devil us good early game nobody lets ya keep him in the first 2-3 turns. Late game opponents have answers and get rid of him before he does damage.

Rakdos Cackler is a great card best unleash card imo. I have early game attackers and he seems to stay on the field longer than any Vexing Devil.

That's why I utilize Rakdos Cackler over Vexing Devil

November 11, 2012 8:55 a.m.

zandl says... #8

Vexing Devil doesn't give you a board-presence. It's bad.

When was the last time anybody used a Lightning Bolt at Sorcery-speed on turn-1 to an opponent's face? Why would that make a difference if it dealt 1 more damage?

It's not a good card and I'm really tired of people trying to tell others that it is.

November 11, 2012 12:31 p.m.

wreckedd says... #9

I wasn't trying to say one was better, it was genuine curiosity. Trying to understand the thought behind it is all :-/

November 11, 2012 11:33 p.m.

zandl says... #10

I wasn't directing my post at anyone specific. I was just stating it for the room, more than for a person.

November 11, 2012 11:35 p.m.

ChaosRain says... #11

+1 for an awesome deck. Check out mine and let me know what you think. It's pretty much done since I'm poor lol. Hellfire and Cookie Dough.

November 23, 2012 10:04 p.m.

Khaine1990 says... #12

For the Rakdos Charm I substituted it out for card:Tormod's Crypt since the cost for the crypt is nothing plus u can sacrifice it to exile gaveyard. I'm trying to make a deck built around Rakdos, Lord of Riots . Any advice as to what u think would go good with it? I'm kinda new to magic.

January 14, 2013 11:59 p.m.

I personally am not a fan of lord of riots. In edh he is fine. I ended up removing him in place of my desecration demon. I also would use him in a modern casual deck but more than likely I would never run him in a competitive format due to his restrictions.

As for myself I do like Rakdos as a guild leader and card If you wanted to use him in an aggro deck like this you could easily do that As long as you ca he is effective and easy to play. Aggro burn control would be were your best bet will lye.

January 15, 2013 3:58 a.m.

knownasnieves says... #14

Vexing devil is amazing in a burn deck . this is a great deck and truly solid. I also found Thrill-Kill Assassin is pretty nice for a thought . Especially if you put deviant glee on it it's pretty damn amazing since it stops armada wurm etc. I think the guild gates will slow you down def . I still like the deck alot though just a couple IMO statements. Or really opinions . Other cards to consider would be falkenrath aristocrat, knight of infamy, deathrite shaman (sb) , sever the bloodline, ultimate price, hellrider. Just a couple of thoughts on cards that really help me in aggro situations especially if you traitorous blood then sack there creature with falkenrath it's gone for good . Good luck and +1 from me . Oh yeah searing spear is pretty good . Takes out other aggro decks pretty easily . Or Atleast slow them down so you can take the field.

January 16, 2013 3:35 a.m.

Roque14 says... #15

I would replace Exava with something like Vexing Devil or Brimstone Volley . The only creature with Unleash you have is the Rakdos Cackler , so her ability is near useless. If you choose to keep her, I would replace the Shred-Freaks with Gore-House Chainwalker or Thrill-Kill Assassin . (Even if you do remove Exava, you may want to replace the Shred-Freaks anyway. I've always considered the Chainwalker to be much better than them.)

May 18, 2013 10:31 a.m.

Honestly Exava is not in here for the Unleash ar all, but because of the Firststrike and Haste, as for Shed-Freak I will most likely replace him with Chandra's Phoenix as soon as M14 is legal, till then I see no point to change or remove them unless I aquire some Vexing Devils. I am not going to purchase him but will trade for him, I do not see him worth $7.50 at this moment or ever so I will not purchase him at thar price!

May 18, 2013 8 p.m.

mkoch17 says... #17

I don't know why I never thought of evolving wilds. They thin your deck out of the already little amount of land you have which is always good and ensures you draw spells most of the time. I think that is way more advantageous than any utility land. Great deck.

May 27, 2013 10:59 p.m.

Thanks! I agree in this deck Evolving Wilds has proven useful!

May 27, 2013 11:53 p.m.

KrzychuV25 says... #19

wow i don't really know how you got score +30 in your deck in 80% games you have got 0 or maybe 1 land

June 29, 2013 7:06 a.m.

When playing online oron paper everything looks better or worse, I post my decks I actually own and play at evets and this deck has gone through a variety of chamges since it's first initial posting, the deck itself playing with cards in hand I usually have 2-3 lands in my opening hand so thatis one difference, and the the updates and/or changes throughout time have caused the score to skyrocket!

June 29, 2013 12:04 p.m.

This deck has taken 1st at 3 FNM'S just as this version alone, and I do not pay it much because it sucked the fun out for me I mean my games Round1-3 were taking between 5-71/2 min and that made me upset because though I was winning I do not like winning in record time if that makes sense?

With all the varietions and changes the deck has seen I would say it has taken 1st every time I have played the deck so a total of 38 games within the last year!

June 29, 2013 12:09 p.m.

Thrandir says... #22

one question, why Havoc Festival sideboard? its too clunky for you to use with the speed you have i would say maybe 2 Desecration Demon since he'll work with your aggro, either they block a creature and take 6 to the face, or sac a creature and take the creatures damage

June 29, 2013 7:08 p.m.

I use Havoc Festival only because I win the life race fairly easy and against a control deck a Havoc Festival becomes theor worst Nightmare if they cannot Answer it and it shuts down Sphinx's Revelations life gain as well as Thragtusk which ends up upsetting most opponents. Believe it or not I killed a control deck with 2 in play, it was pretty silly!

June 30, 2013 2:43 a.m.

Thrandir says... #24

ok, jsut wondering your reasoning for it, i never though of using it like that

June 30, 2013 11:59 a.m.

It is the only way to use Havoc Festival, I have also used it against Modern Turbo Fog decks that have a Leyline in Play and Fog nonstop so I drain them out with the Festival, shockingly the card has won me several games!

June 30, 2013 6:29 p.m.

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