This deck was based around a single Legend that I built around in the standard that got me back head-deep into Magic. Something about Judith, the Scourge Diva just felt fun, and with Rakdos being full of creatures who liked to hurt anything after they died, and spectacle being a thing I decided to go wicked low to the ground and aggro out my opponent.
The secret of this deck's strength however comes from the wording of creatures that ping. "This creature deals x..." which means when you give that creature deathtouch, it could be absolutely devastating to your opponent's board. A small Footlight Fiend could destroy 2 huge creatures without skipping a beat. Given to Judith and multiple creatures dying can act as a faux boardwipe because Judith will also trigger when she herself dies.
This deck is based around my local meta, not competitive meta which means I may be missing some choice cards that would help me (such as graveyard hate) Suggestions are encouraged for adapting to current meta.
Weaknesses: Lifegain, and low to the ground burn decks. Tibalt is in the sideboard for life gain decks, otherwise once you run out of steam you're kind of just kicking dirt at your opponent. Other burn decks can easily take care of your creatures easily and leave you constantly trying to build your board state.
Some quick notes:
-Gingerbrute is used not only for a way to get easy damage, but also synergies with Gadrak and as a last ditch effort, can be used for lifegain.
-I understand COMPLETELY how weird my landbase is. In my testing however (50+ games), I can consistently get 2 lands out and can hold it's own for a few turns until I get a third land in the worst case scenario. I have won a game with 1 land out for most of the match. Not recommended, but Rakdos does Rakdos things, little chaos always adds fun (for at least one person)
-There are some odd choices in here like Kroxa. Still trying to figure out where he fits because he goes well to kick off specticle (sometimes) and reduces your opponents options. Also allows me to have a creature in standby in the graveyard.dre