So this is my other variation of the Rakdos Pirate Deck. Unlike the Aggro version, this variant looks to play the ground game and slam high CMC creatures like Dire Fleet Neckbreaker and Dire Fleet Ravager as your main finishers. Heres how the list should play out:
Daring Buccaneer: A one mana 2/2 is an amazing deal at any point in the game, and being aggressive is very useful for early damage.
Rigging Runner: A solid one mana creature that comes down after dropping a Buccaneer the first turn, a 2/2 first strike for 1 mana is a solid investment and can wreak havoc on a clear board.
Fatal Push: Easy. The best removal spell in the whole format.
Fathom Fleet Captain: A two mana 2/1 menace creature is not terrible, but his second ability is incredible for value. With the evasion he and the tokens he makes has, it becomes a great utility creature and even a finisher in some cases.
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider: Shes in Ramunap Red for a reason. An amazing on board threat that creates another attacker every turn and is almost impossible to block effectively.
Lightning Strike: Our second best removal spell in the format and can push across extra damage to the face.
Abrade: Mardu Vehicles is back and God Pharoahs Gift is more powerful then ever, so we need a way of dealing with them. Abrade is the best way for dealing with early game creatures and artifacts.
Dire Fleet Poisoner: This is removal on a stick. Perhaps the most versatile creature in the whole deck, it can be used aggressively to attack in and force through extra damage or snipe a creature. He also can be flashed in on the opponents turn to trade up with creatures like Longtusk Cub and Bristling Hydra.
Kitesail Freebooter: Theres a reason this sees play in modern competitively. This guy can chip in damage in the air in board stalls while also effectively shutting down your opponents best noncreature spell in their hand. Amazing value in this guy.
Forerunner of the Coalition: A tutor lord who essentially can drain your opponent out of the game if the board stalls is monumental for the late game. This can be the finisher in a ton of matches where the opponent is close to death, but they recovered on board. Being able to tutor up an answer, while also being able to drain your opponents life total for every pirate that enters the battlefield after is amazing. This is the best card essentially in our deck, as it tutors for our finishers. A playset is necessary.
Ruin Raider: Card advantage is important, so having the Raider is a great value.
Dire Fleet Neckbreaker: Our finisher, as most of our pirates have menace and can slam for lethal within a one or two turns of this card hitting the battlefield.
Dire Fleet Ravager: Our secondary finisher, as Ravagers ETB trigger can be a huge life swing and almost game ending.
Vraska's Contempt: Solid removal for Hazoret, Scarab God, and other big dumb stuff.
Fiery Cannonade: A one sided sweeper at instant speed for three mana is solid against token strategies and early game against merfolk and even mardu vehicles.
Silent Gravestone: Turns off Refurbish and the ability of the Scarab God. Can also exile graveyards. Comes in against God Pharoahs Gift and virtually any deck that runs the Scarab God.
Lost Legacy: Great exile for anything that hasnt hit the board. Comes in against Approach or many times against control for Scarab God removal.
Fatal Push: Extra Copy to fight against small aggro decks.
Abrade: Extra Copy for artifact removal.
Kitesail Freebooter: Extra Copy for control matches.
Deadeye Tracker: Synergistic with the deck and helps exile cards in graveyards that opponents might want in God Pharoahs Gift decks and other eternalize or cycling decks.
Dire Fleet Daredevil: Solid sideboard caes against any Spell-based deck. Especially good against mono-Red.
Sorcerous Spyglass: All around great card. Shuts off Walking Ballista, Gideon of the Trials, Chandra, Torch of Defiance and so much more. Also lets you peak at your opponents hand to see the correct choice. All around amazing sideboard tech.