

Artifact (2)

Instant (4)

Sorcery (4)

The basic plan of the deck is simple: Enchant dudes with auras, then swing away. Dark Favor almost acts like a second copy of Spike Jester; both come down on turn 2 after an unleashed Rakdos Cackler or Tormented Hero for 5 damage and Tormented Hero's Heroic ability negates the life loss to boot! Madcap Skills on an Agent of the Fates is just plain mean and clears away blockers. Boon of Erebos is a cheap combat trick that takes out bad guys while keeping your dudes alive and triggering heroic. Xathrid Necromancer provides board advantage and is the main reason I did a 2/2 split for Rakdos Shred-Freak and Spike Jester. The jester may have more power coming out of the gate, but Shred-Freak is a human which gives out zombie tokens if he dies. There's also a singleton Thrill-Kill Assassin for extra removal. I pulled a Pain Seer the other day, so just threw him in for fun. Mogis, God of Slaughter is usually activated the turn he comes out, and Underworld Cerberus is there for crowd control and to get dead guys back into your hand. Still debating on whether or not to run Stormbreath Dragon over him. Maybe one in the sideboard and one in the main?

I always have trouble putting a sideboard together, so I don't really know how well this will work out. I would probably swap Tormented Hero for Lifebane Zombie against R/G monsters and Selesnya as well as put in some Dreadbore and Bile Blight. Bile Blight is also in here for Burning-Tree Emissary and Pack Rat. I actually thought about Viper's Kiss against Pack Rat, but I'm not too sure. Skullcrack is for Whip of Erebos decks and Sphinx's Revelation. One sideboard option I'd really like to fit in is a pair of Whip of Erebos against aggro and burn since the deck already does a lot of damage to itself, but I really wouldn't know what to cut.

I have another idea for this deck involving Purphoros, God of the Forge and Immortal Servitude to get all the dead 2-drop dudes back in the late game. It also helps that some of them have haste, but I only own one Immortal Servitude at the moment. I think it could be a game-winning combo that's pretty easy to pull off in the late game in most match-ups.

With most of my curve topping out at 3 mana aside from two 4-drops and a single 5-drop, would it be safe to cut a land or two?


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 13 Rares

9 - 2 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
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