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WHEEL & DEAL IN MODERN! (Competitive Rogue)

Modern BR (Rakdos) Budget Competitive Creatureless Discard Primer UBRG


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #52 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 9 Rares

19 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Discard (Modern)
Ignored suggestions
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Creature (1)

Enchantment (3)

Instant (4)

Welcome to Wheel & Deal! With most decks in the format looking for ways to kill or beatdown with creatures, we play a different strategy entirely.

How this deck works is that you play engines such as Waste Not and Liliana's Caress and play them after making sure cards like Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize ensure that you are ok to put them down. The next step is to play a card like Dark Deal, and effectively cast Wheel of Fortune on an opponent, typically inflicting a lot of pain in the process.. We then play out the rest of the game through cards like Burning Inquiry and Faith of the Devoted.

I have a whole section based on how to play this deck on a budget without changing much of the deck, as the core function of this is actually very cheap to play.

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Blackcleave Cliffs: The R/B fastland, cliffs make sure that we have untapped mana of whatever we need on turn 1.

Bloodstained Mire: Usually fetches for shocklands, as we usually don't care too much about our life total since we are so proactive.

Sulfurous Springs: Blood Crypts 5-6.

Blood Crypt: The shockland that makes our plays work.

Mountain & Swamp: We've got basics.

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Inquisition of Kozilek: An early game play, Inquisition hits the vast majority of cards that are currently played, and most importantly, it hits the cards like Mana Leak and Spell Snare, as counters are the only thing we really need to worry about (also helps to get rid of something like Geist of Saint Traft)

Collective Brutality: Good against decks like burn that are very aggressive, also allows us to pitch dead cards in our hand should we have them.

Thoughtseize: The best discard spell in modern, period.

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Faithless Looting: Draw 2 discard 2, all at 1 cmc. This card works well due to it's flashback, as well as it's synergy with cards like Faith of the Devoted.

Shadow of the Grave: Run as a 2-of, this car combos very well with Waste Not, as if drawn after you cast a dark deal, there is a high chance that you can play this card for free, and get everything you need back in your hand.

Burning Inquiry: A symmetrical draw 3 discard 3 spell that can do quite a lot of damage with cards like Waste Not and Liliana's Caress.

Reforge the Soul: A Modern Wheel of Fortune, Reforge is amazing if we draw it with untapped mana available, otherwise it's usually a dead card since we play so few lands.

Collective Defiance: Usually A Windfall for our opponent, but it has it's other uses should such a situation arise.

Dark Deal: A bad version of Windfall, but in our colors, Dark Deal can easily end games when it hits the board.

Simian Spirit Guide: An issue of discard and counterspells means we should probably be dropping a finisher turn 1 if we can, allowing us to dodge some usual ways to deal with the cards we play.

Noxious Revival: Why cast your spells once? This card works very well with Reforge the Soul as a way to get the sweet miracle cost.

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Liliana's Caress: With cards like Dark Deal we can deal upwards of 10 damage to an opponent with just this card alone, and in multiples, this card usually wins games.

Waste Not: A way we can win the long game, Waste not gives us mana, creatures, and card draw, which allow us to make unfair plays at a ridiculous rate depending on what deck we happen to be facing.

Faith of the Devoted: THE way to win in the long run, this card enables us to drain for high amounts of life, giving us the ability to stay in the game against aggressive decks like Affinity and Elves. Also, if you cast something like Dark Deal with both this card and Waste Not out, you can stck the triggers so that you get the waste not ones first, giving you all the mana you need to use this card to wipe out an opponent.

Liliana of the Veil: She's run as a one-of since she is very good in the long game as her +1 fuels all our finishers. Since she has no real way to protect herself besides her -2, we can't really afford to play too many copies of her.

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Anger of the Gods: Decks like Revolt Zoo, Affinity, and Elves are all very good at vomiting out their hand before we can play our finishers and win the game, so we need to be able to wipe away the board when we need to.

Extirpate: Since we run mass dicard, we have the ability to get rid of combo pieces in decks like Ad Nausseum, Abzan Chord, and Storm.

Blood Moon A "free win" card that punishes decks with greedy manabases.

Rakdos Charm: Against a deck like Elves, we can actually net a free win by making them lose the rest of their life total.

Leyline of the Void: Graveyard interaction that can come down for free, Leyline is good for graveyard strategies like Dredge.

Flameblade Adept: Since after game 1 our opponent will likely board out all creature based removal, Flameblade allows us to use the cards we need to get in a lot of hits should we be enabled to.

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Since the vast majority of cards in this deck are very cheap, I have this deck marked as budget, you can easily change up the manabase with cards like Dragonskull Summit and Smoldering Marsh, and then play a bunch of basic lands to ensure mana fixing.

The sideboard is still being felt out, be sure to adapt your sideboard to your meta.

Liliana of the Veil: could be taken out for another Faith of the Devoted.

If Collective Brutality is out of your budget, you can play more copies of Collective Defiance and Reforge the Soul.

IOK is kinda needed to play, but you could probably get away with playing Duress over Thoughtseize for budget.

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If you like this deck, feel free to give it an upvote, or leave a comment! I always appreciate constructive feedback on my decks!

If you want more awesome brews and builds, make sure to check out my profile @ Sargeras for more of them!

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Game Record So Far: 9-7

Match Record So Far: 4-3

Affinity 1-2

Game 1: My opponent had a slower draw for Affinity. I dropped a caress on turn 2, and then with a dark deal and a burning inquiry, won the game on turn 3.

Game 2: I sided in Anger of the Gods, but proceeded to draw only 2 swamps with double anger in hand. I lose to board I could not control.

Game 3: This game was very close, I lost to a overpowered Inkmoth Nexus pumped to shit by an Arcbound Ravager.

Mardu Nahiri 1-2

Game 1: I surprised my opponent by gaining a ton of life and getting rid of their hand, after double Waste Not hit the board, the game was basically over.

Game 2: Boarded in moon over Lilli. This game went a bit longer since he had a lot of discard in hand, and with the help of his Lilli and Nahiri, got rid of my board.

Game 3: I drew poorly, and didn't hit any of my engines.

Grishoalbrand 2-0

Game 1: Going into this matchup, I thought it would be bad for this deck, since they actually want their hand in their graveyard. The problem they arose to find was that after I played my Lilianna's Carress, cards like Faithless Looting and Izzet Charm actullaly are quite painful for my opponent. Post Dark Deal, he was down at 2 life, and scopped when he realised he couldn't do enough to survive another wheel based effect.

Game 2: Turn 1 Leyline forced him into having to play Through the Breach, which I got out of his deck thanks to Extirpate. He scooped.

UW Control 2-0

Game 1: I used my discard spells to bait out his counters. Once I got Waste Not out, I played through my enablers and had enough mana to drain for a ton of life. My opponent tried to use Runed Halo, but sadly that card doesn't work against this deck very well.

Game 2: Went very similarly to game 1.

GB Elves 1-2

Game 1: What do you do in 8-rack when you play elves? You lose game 1 becuase their hand is in play.

Game 2: I drew a few Anger of the Gods and got rid of his early board, and won with Faith of the Devoted.

Game 3: Basically game 1 as he managed to get back in the gam and kill me with Shaman of the Pack. It was still a close game.

White-Black Midrange 2-1

Game 1: This was a friend playing my deck against me. I managed to get down a Waste Not after taking his discard spell. Around turn 4, He played an obliterator, and the following turn used lashwrithe on me. I had some dead draws, and he killed me.

Game 2: I pretty much just played out my deck, even through some disnenchants, but it turns out double waste not plus Dark Deal is very explosive. I swung for lethal turn 6.

Game 3: Very similar game to game 2, except I won with a ton of mana thanks to Faith of the Devoted, this game was very close.


Revision 5 See all

(4 years ago)

-1 Anger of the Gods side
-2 Extirpate side
+1 Sulfurous Springs main
+2 Surgical Extraction side