Rakdos Unleashed

Standard* fidelacchius117


vonbittner says... #1

Looks sound to me. I'd cut 2 Dreadbore and add Hero's Downfall for speed. Good thing is neither Doomblade nor Ultimate Price is a threat. Other removals are "countered" with Tymaret, the Murder King . Really nice. I like Rakdos a lot and would try the deck. Ain't got the Dragon or Rakdos's Return , though.

October 14, 2013 3:09 p.m.

CharonSquared says... #2

Burn spells are essential in any red aggro deck to give you some reach that doubles as removal. I would cut 3x Armed/Dangerous and 1x Madcap Skills for 4x Lightning Strike (or maybe Magma Jet ). Instead of Anger of the Gods in the sb, I would run Shock to bring in against other aggro decks. I also recommend a few Peak Eruption s in the board, it's excellent against pretty much any red deck.

October 14, 2013 4:20 p.m.

vonbittner says... #3

Yeah, Armed / Dangerous is a sorcery. i hadn't noticed it. Doesn't really work as a combat trick here. I agree on the burn. The good thing about Magma Jet is its scry ability. Maybe 2 Anger of the Gods are enough. If you really have to cast it again, there's something reaaaaly bad going on.

October 15, 2013 9:59 a.m.

I play tested this and Armed / Dangerous isent as good as i thought it would be.

I have added more burn as well i will update the deck list soon.

Good tips

October 15, 2013 10:39 a.m.

Got a random tip to try Ordeal of Purphoros with the unleash.
That way i can put it out on a creature swing for my second counter then next turn swing destory a creature

I am now running Mizzium Mortars main deck and took out the 4 Thrill-Kill Assassin

I am also going to take out the Anger of the Gods and Tymaret, the Murder King in favor of more burn.

Rakdos's Return are amazing agianst control but they are in the sideboard atm.

Added Erebos, God of the Dead sideboard instead of skull cracks for anti-drain/LifeGain

The only cards in the deck i am missing are the Rakdos's Return . I am using proxy's.

But if i cant get them before Friday i might put Ordeal of Erebos in the sideboard for anti-control and switch them out with Ordeal of Purphoros against control.

Thanks for all the help so far!! Any more criticism would be nice ;)

October 15, 2013 12:33 p.m.

vonbittner says... #6

Do u really need 4 Madcap Skills ? I feel it just makes the crit a target for removals. Why did you cut the murder king? I'm curious for I like it so much but haven't got the chance to play it yet.

October 15, 2013 3:41 p.m.

I liked the murder king as well. Once i played with him he kinda sucked though >_<. Thought he would be better but never worked out in this deck. If i had Young Pyromancer or Act of Aggression he would be better.

The Madcap Skills come out against anything with heavy removal. But against another aggro deck (Main board is all aggro) I can do 5-6 damage (unblockable) on turn two.

October 15, 2013 3:57 p.m.

themindbullet says... #8

Looks pretty brutal. Good luck!!! +1

October 16, 2013 2:29 p.m.

vonbittner says... #9

Mizzium Mortars has Blood Baron of Vizkopa written on it, so I'd say add 1+. From what I've seen around, The Baron is a considerable threat and the mortars is the one thing to remove it. I added Chandra's Outrage instead as i don't have the second mortars. Maybe cut the Rakdos's Return from SB.

October 16, 2013 2:36 p.m.

vonbittner says... #10

Uh, sorry, did not see the main mortars.

October 16, 2013 2:41 p.m.

What do you guys think of Chandra, Pyromaster going in? :o not sure

October 16, 2013 2:43 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #12

Hi, Saw your post looking for feedback and decided to give it a quick playest against my esper control deck Heisenberg.

Game 1 you on the play dropped T1 Tormented Hero , T2: Spike Jester and bashed away. I elected not to use spot removal, instead waiting to cast the T4 Supreme Verdict , this cost me the game as at 5 life you still held Lightning Strike and rakdos return, which was just enough FTW.

Game 2 started similar for you T1 and T2, but with me on the play I was able to get off the Supreme Verdict at 10 life instead of 5. After some spot removal on both sides, you gassed out and control took over. Jace, Architect of Thought really helped me dig and eventually Jace, Memory Adept milled you out. The difference of being on the play really highlighted the difference in outcome.

Game 3 you got a slow start and my spot removal plus Jace, Architect of Thought again helped me dig for solutions. Two Madcap Skills in hand didn't help when the creatures they landed on were hit by my spot removal for the 2 of 1. Again, Jace, Memory Adept helped me dig and eventually, Jace, Memory Adept hit and the mill machine took over.

I didn't use sideboards, but I think if I had it would be a bit more brutal on me, since I would have sided in Fiendslayer Paladin and you would have brought in Burning Earth plus a lot of nasty stuff. Hope this helps, also +1 from me. Good luck! -Apop.

October 16, 2013 2:45 p.m.

Thanks Apoptosis. Love the deck name ;) very helpful.

October 16, 2013 3:06 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #14

Why Tormented Hero over other cards that'd fit? Just curious

October 16, 2013 4:27 p.m.

I agree with you. But i have no better turn 1 drop that i know of. Firedrinker Satyr would be better against control. But i would hate to have it against aggro. Legion Loyalist would be okay but it does not trade as well.

Though i could drop Legion Loyalist late/mid game for first strike / trample i guess :/

Not sure

October 16, 2013 4:43 p.m.

I took out one Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and one Madcap Skills for two Whip of Erebos Will help me recover mid game against aggro

October 17, 2013 12:09 a.m.

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